Reputation: 1069
I am searching for a minimal full executable qt or c++ code example to parse and write this Json code:
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"MiddleName": null,
"Age": 43,
"Address": {
"Street": "Downing Street 10",
"City": "London",
"Country": "Great Britain"
"Phone numbers": [
"+44 1234567",
"+44 2345678"
And yes, I have seen a "Save Game Example" and tried to figure it out.
But after nearly a week I gave up to transfer a minimal Example without enums, QVectors and 3 different header Files over to my project to handle the code snippet. Doesn't matter if its for a widget or core code.
I already did a xml read and write program successfully but it seems I miss some Important point and get errors with json that may or may not have to do with the parsing. I am not able to rule it out without a minimal fully working code example.
So my question is: Could you please provide a minimal Example to write, read and print the Json file? Thanks upfront.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 15274
Reputation: 1069
I guess it might help someone else too, I figured it all out,
thanks to @Botje for his example, really helped.
In general it is easy for me to remember to represent data as QByteArray
in the memory.
A minimal example to access and also use every single value stored in a json file, you are welcome:
(Yes, I could have written it even more compact but I guess this makes it easier to understand, so I spared functions/classes/structs for the sake of readability.)
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QString>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QFile>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QDebug>
//json specific
#include <QJsonParseError>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonParseError>
#include <QJsonValue>
void writeJsonFile();
void readJsonFile();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
return a.exec();
void writeJsonFile()
qDebug() << "Write Json File: ";
//1. Create a QJsonObject and add values to it
QJsonObject jsonObj;
jsonObj["FirstName"] = "John";
//no value will be written as null in the json file
jsonObj["LastName"] = "Doe";
jsonObj["Age"] = 43;
//2. Create Item of Json Object content (object of object)
QJsonObject jsonItemObj;
jsonItemObj["Street"] = "Downing Street 10";
jsonItemObj["City"] = "London";
jsonItemObj["Country"] = "Great Britain";
//3. Add jsonItemObj to jsonObj and give it an object Name
jsonObj["Address"] = jsonItemObj;
//4. Create jsonArray and fill it with values - similar to filling a vector
QJsonArray jsonArray;
jsonArray.append("+44 1234567");
jsonArray.append("+44 2345678");
//Add a bool to the Object
jsonObj["Valid"] = true;
//5. Add jsonArray to jsonObj and give it an object Name
jsonObj["Phone numbers"] = jsonArray;
//(It can also be added to the jsonItemObj to be inline with the Address section)
//with jsonItemObj["Phone numbers"] = jsonArray or as much objects of objects
//you need
/* As I understood it, most Qt classes use a QByteArray to handle data internally
* because it is really fast/efficient,
* also QFile QIODevice, it is a good idea to hold the read/write
* QIODevice data as QByteArray in the Memory
//6. Create a QByteArray and fill it with QJsonDocument (json formatted)
QByteArray byteArray;
byteArray = QJsonDocument(jsonObj).toJson();
//7. Open a QFile and write the byteArray filled with json formatted data
//thanks to the QJsonDocument() Class to the file
QFile file;
qDebug() << "No write access for json file";
//8. finally write the file and close it
//9. Print out the byteArray to the terminal
QTextStream textStream(stdout);
textStream << "Rendered json byteArray text: " << endl;
textStream << byteArray << endl;
void readJsonFile()
qDebug() << "Read Json File:";
//1. Open the QFile and write it to a byteArray and close the file
QFile file;
qDebug() << "Json filef couldn't be opened/found";
QByteArray byteArray;
byteArray = file.readAll();
//2. Format the content of the byteArray as QJsonDocument
//and check on parse Errors
QJsonParseError parseError;
QJsonDocument jsonDoc;
jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(byteArray, &parseError);
if(parseError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError){
qWarning() << "Parse error at " << parseError.offset << ":" << parseError.errorString();
//3. Create a jsonObject and fill it with the byteArray content, formatted
//and holding by the jsonDocument Class
QJsonObject jsonObj;
jsonObj = jsonDoc.object();
//4. Now picking the jsonValues and printing them out or do what ever you need
QJsonValue jsonVal;
QTextStream textStream(stdout);
jsonVal = jsonObj.value("FirstName");
textStream << jsonVal.toString() << endl;
jsonVal = jsonObj.value("MiddleName");
//null gets back to an empty fild - added the sting "null/empty" to make it visible
textStream << jsonVal.toVariant().toString() << "null/empty" << endl;
jsonVal = jsonObj.value("LastName");
textStream << jsonVal.toString() << endl;
//The number has to be converted to an int and than to a string to print it
jsonVal = jsonObj.value("Age");
textStream << QString::number(jsonVal.toInt()) << endl;
//5. Now we need to fill the object of the object. To do that, we need
//the Item Object and a jsonSubVal object for json without a loop
QJsonObject jsonItemObj;
QJsonValue jsonSubVal;
jsonVal = jsonObj.value(QString("Address"));
jsonItemObj = jsonVal.toObject();
jsonSubVal = jsonItemObj["Street"];
textStream << jsonSubVal.toString() << endl;
jsonSubVal = jsonItemObj["City"];
textStream << jsonSubVal.toString() << endl;
jsonSubVal = jsonItemObj["Country"];
textStream << jsonSubVal.toString() << endl;
//6. now the Phone Numbers array with a loop
QJsonArray jsonArray;
jsonArray = jsonObj["Phone numbers"].toArray();
for(int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++)
textStream << jsonArray[i].toString() << endl;
textStream << "or with foreach" << endl;
foreach(QJsonValue v, jsonArray)
textStream << v.toString() << endl;
//7. And finally the bool value:
jsonVal = jsonObj.value(QString("Valid"));
textStream << jsonVal.toVariant().toString() << endl;
textStream << "or as number, not a string: ";
textStream << (QString::number(jsonVal.toInt())) << endl;
textStream << "\nThe whole file as printed in the file \n" <<
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 30830
Since there does not seem to be a clear example on SO I wrote one.
It uses simple mutation to create the objects, but if you have access to C++11 you should take a look at the std::initializer_list
constructors, they make construction of objects much more compact.
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QJsonArray>
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QtGlobal>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QDebug>
int main() {
// 1. Create the document
QJsonObject root;
root["FirstName"] = "John";
root["LastName"] = "Doe";
root["Age"] = 43;
// Construct nested object first, then store it in `root`
QJsonObject Address;
Address["Street"] = "Downing Street 10";
Address["City"] = "London";
Address["Country"] = "Great Britain";
root["Address"] = Address;
QJsonArray PhoneNumbers;
PhoneNumbers.push_back("+44 1234567");
PhoneNumbers.push_back("+44 2345678");
root["Phone Numbers"] = PhoneNumbers;
// `ba` contains JSON
QByteArray ba = QJsonDocument(root).toJson();
QTextStream ts(stdout);
ts << "rendered JSON" << endl;
ts << ba;
QFile fout("test.json");;
// 2. Now read it back in
QJsonParseError parseError;
QJsonDocument doc2;
QFile fin("test.json");;
QByteArray ba2 = fin.readAll();
doc2 = QJsonDocument::fromJson(ba2, &parseError);
if (parseError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
qWarning() << "Parse error at" << parseError.offset << ":" << parseError.errorString();
} else {
ts << "parsed JSON" << endl;
ts << doc2.toJson(QJsonDocument::Compact);
//or QJsonDocument::Indented for a JsonFormat
Upvotes: 14