I am trying to convert my json data from OpenWeatherMap but it keeps giving me error. when i tried other json file on other tutorial site, it was working perfectly fine.
Json format:
"cod": "200",
"message": 0,
"cnt": 40,
"list": [
"dt": 1586250000,
"main": {
"temp": 303.36,
"feels_like": 306.76,
"temp_min": 303.36,
"temp_max": 303.95,
"pressure": 1006,
"sea_level": 1006,
"grnd_level": 1004,
"humidity": 61,
"temp_kf": -0.59
"weather": [{
"id": 500,
"main": "Rain",
"description": "light rain",
"icon": "10d"
"clouds": {
"all": 97
"wind": {
"speed": 1.74,
"deg": 38
"rain": {
"3h": 0.29
"sys": {
"pod": "d"
"dt_txt": "2020-04-07 09:00:00"
}, {
"dt": 1586260800,
"main": {
"temp": 300.42,
"feels_like": 303.73,
"temp_min": 300.42,
"temp_max": 300.86,
"pressure": 1008,
"sea_level": 1008,
"grnd_level": 1006,
"humidity": 76,
"temp_kf": -0.44
"weather": [{
"id": 500,
"main": "Rain",
"description": "light rain",
"icon": "10n"
"clouds": {
"all": 83
"wind": {
"speed": 2.5,
"deg": 52
"rain": {
"3h": 0.53
"sys": {
"pod": "n"
"dt_txt": "2020-04-07 12:00:00"
}, {
"dt": 1586271600,
"main": {
"temp": 299.85,
"feels_like": 303.12,
"temp_min": 299.85,
"temp_max": 300.15,
"pressure": 1010,
"sea_level": 1010,
"grnd_level": 1008,
"humidity": 80,
"temp_kf": -0.3
"weather": [{
"id": 500,
"main": "Rain",
"description": "light rain",
"icon": "10n"
"clouds": {
"all": 62
"wind": {
"speed": 2.78,
"deg": 32
"rain": {
"3h": 0.16
"sys": {
"pod": "n"
"dt_txt": "2020-04-07 15:00:00"
"city": {
"id": 1880252,
"name": "Singapore",
"coord": {
"lat": 1.2897,
"lon": 103.8501
"country": "SG",
"population": 3547809,
"timezone": 28800,
"sunrise": 1586214152,
"sunset": 1586257828
I have created a function with python to read the JSON with api call and convert it to a dataframe using pandas
def _weather():
url = ',{API}'
res = requests.get(url)
data = res.json()
return data
after reading it as json , i tried to convert it to a dataframe but am receiving error
#df = pd.dataFrame(_weather)
df = pd.read_json(_weather)
Any steps did i miss out ?
The expected dataframe is as shown in the picture, I am trying to display 16 row data as i am extracting data for 16day/daily forecast.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1049
Reputation: 28644
just another variant on the question, I prefer glom or jmespath when dealing with nested data, especially json :
the path to the weather section is : list key -> 'list container' -> weather key -> 'list container'
the lists are identified with [] symbol, while the dictionary keys are prefixed with a dot(.)
import jmespath
expression = jmespath.compile('list[].weather[]')
res =
id main description icon
0 500 Rain light rain 10d
1 500 Rain light rain 10n
2 500 Rain light rain 10n
Upvotes: 0
Try this and understand more on json_normalize,
def _weather_pd(url):
df1 = json_normalize(url['list'], 'weather')
df2 = json_normalize(url['list'])
df = df2.drop('weather', axis=1).join(df1)
return df
Upvotes: 1