Reputation: 166
I have a pair of models, Preset and Plot
class Preset < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
has_many :plots, :dependent => :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :plots, allow_destroy: true
class Plot < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :preset
belongs_to :theme, optional: true
And a nested form for editing presets and their respective plots
= form_with(model: @preset, local: true, method: "patch") do |f|
= label_tag(:name, "Preset name:")
= text_field_tag(:name,
= f.fields_for :plots do |builder|
= render 'editplot', f: builder
And an _editplot partial (this is working correctly, but included for completeness)
= f.label(:name, "Change plot:")
=, options_for_select([['Existing Plot 1', 'Existing Plot 1'], ['Existing Plot 2', 'Existing Plot 2']]))
= f.label(:_destroy, "Remove plot")
= f.check_box(:_destroy)
I have permitted the parameters I need in the presets controller as follows:
def preset_params
params.require(:preset).permit(:name, plots_attributes: [:id, :name, :parameter_path, :theme_id, :_destroy])
I would therefore expect the :name parameter to be included in preset_params.
The update method in the controller is as follows:
def update
@preset = Preset.find(params[:id])
puts "name"
puts params[:name]
puts "preset params"
puts preset_params
if @preset.update(preset_params)
redirect_to presets_path, notice: 'Preset was successfully updated.'
render :edit
When I submit the form, checked plots are deleted as expected. However, the name of the preset itself is not updated. The console shows the parameters include the :name parameter, and its value is correct, but it does not show up in the console when I output preset_params. Where has it gone?
Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"15RgDM+SCwfScbQXcHmVGfzo2w8qe972QPdkf/OB9AFeyvtUXdxJpaVGKgCMoLaISYljclmOuIowqrfGyy/Dug==", "name"=>"Edited name", "preset"=>{"plots_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"name"=>"Existing Plot 1", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"3"}, "1"=>{"name"=>"Existing Plot 1", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"4"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Preset", "id"=>"1"}
{"plots_attributes"=><ActionController::Parameters {"0"=><ActionController::Parameters {"id"=>"3", "name"=>"Existing Plot 1", "_destroy"=>"0"} permitted: true>, "1"=><ActionController::Parameters {"id"=>"4", "name"=>"Existing Plot 1", "_destroy"=>"0"} permitted: true>} permitted: true>}
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1267
Reputation: 20253
is not inside the "preset"
hash in your parameters, see:
Parameters: {
"name"=>"Edited name",
"name"=>"Existing Plot 1",
"name"=>"Existing Plot 1",
"commit"=>"Update Preset",
So, preset_params
is not going to include "name"
You can try:
= text_field_tag('preset[name]', get the name nested in the preset
Upvotes: 1