Reputation: 839
I'm trying to write some unit tests of code that uses typeorm without hitting the DB. And I'm using sinon for spy/stub/mock. This is my function.
async updateDoingToFailedWithLock(queryRunner: QueryRunner): Promise<void> {
await queryRunner.manager
.set({ status: ReportStatus.FAILED })
.where(`(status = "doing")`)
I already wrote a fake test to make sure execute()
is called by using spy function.
But I want to test the params of these functions createQueryBuilder
..., the sure the params are correct.
I took a look at sinon document and it seems like sinon support test params by this API: spy().withArgs(arg1, arg2...)
But I'm not sure how to spy my function correctly.
describe("updateDoingToFailedWithLock()", (): void => {
let sandbox: Sinon.SinonSandbox;
beforeEach(() => (sandbox = Sinon.createSandbox()));
afterEach(() => sandbox.restore);
it("should be success", async (): Promise<void> => {
const fakeManager = {
getRepository: () => {
return fakeManager;
createQueryBuilder: () => {
return fakeManager;
useTransaction: () => {
return fakeManager;
setLock: () => {
return fakeManager;
update: () => {
return fakeManager;
set: () => {
return fakeManager;
where: () => {
return fakeManager;
execute: () => {},
const fakeQueryRunner = {
manager: fakeManager,
const connection = new typeorm.Connection({ type: "mysql" });
const reportService = new ReportService();
sandbox.stub(connection, "createQueryRunner").callsFake((): any => {
return fakeQueryRunner;
const queryRunner = connection.createQueryRunner();
const spy = sandbox.spy(fakeManager, "execute");
Any help is welcome. Thanks in advance!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 466
Reputation: 8443
I saw your code and there's something can be improved:
to replace return fakeManager
when calling updateDoingToFailedWithLock
describe("updateDoingToFailedWithLock()", (): void => {
let sandbox: sinon.SinonSandbox;
beforeEach(() => (sandbox = sinon.createSandbox()));
afterEach(() => sandbox.restore);
it("should be success", async (): Promise<void> => {
// using returnsThis()
const fakeManager = {
getRepository: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
createQueryBuilder: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
useTransaction: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
setLock: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
update: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
set: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
where: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
execute: sandbox.stub().returnsThis(),
const fakeQueryRunner = {
manager: fakeManager,
const reportService = new ReportService();
// having await here is important
await reportService.updateDoingToFailedWithLock(fakeQueryRunner);
Hope it helps
Upvotes: 1