Reputation: 29
I try to access Exif data with this sample code :
let fileextension = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: mDir + "/" + f).pathExtension
if fileextension == "PSD" || fileextension == "NEF" || fileextension == "3FR" || fileextension == "CR2" || fileextension == "DNG" || fileextension == "JPEG" || fileextension == "JPG" || fileextension == "PSB" || fileextension == "RAF" || fileextension == "TIF" {
let fileattr = try fileManager.attributesOfItem(atPath: mDir + "/" + f)
let filesize = fileattr[FileAttributeKey.size] as! Int64
let UrlPath = URL(fileURLWithPath: mDir + "/" + f)
let imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(UrlPath as CFURL, nil)
let result = CGImageSourceCopyMetadataAtIndex(imageSource!, 0, nil)
let d = result as! [AnyHashable:Any]
let tiffDict = d["{TIFF}"] as! [AnyHashable:Any]
let filedate = tiffDict["DateTime"] as! Date
and I have this error :
Could not cast value of type '__NSCFType' (0x7fff89750188) to 'NSDictionary' (0x7fff89750fe8).
But this sample code work in a playground.
Any explanation ?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 561
Reputation: 52108
To answer the actual question ;), it looks you are calling the wrong function to get it directly as a dictionary, instead of copying metadata using CGImageSourceCopyMetadataAtIndex
use CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex
if let props = CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(imageSource!, 0, nil) as? [String: Any],
let tiffData = props["{TIFF}"] {
Original answer
I used CGImageMetadataCopyTags
to extract metadata as an array and then used CGImageMetadataTagCopyName
and CGImageMetadataTagCopyValue
to map the data into a swift dictionary
let extensions = ["PSD", "NEF", "3FR", "CR2", "DNG", "JPEG", "JPG", "PSB", "RAF", "TIF"]
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: mDir + "/" + f)
var metaData = [String: Any]()
if extensions.contains(url.pathExtension) {
let imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithURL(url as CFURL, nil)
if let result = CGImageSourceCopyMetadataAtIndex(imageSource!, 0, nil) {
if let array = CGImageMetadataCopyTags(result) as? [CGImageMetadataTag] {
metaData = array.reduce(into: [String: Any]()) {
guard let name = CGImageMetadataTagCopyName($1),
let value = CGImageMetadataTagCopyValue($1)
else {
$0[String(name)] = value
Note that this only gives the tag names like "ShutterSpeedValue", to include the type of tag like "exif", "tiff", "xmp" we can also get the prefix:
guard let prefix = CGImageMetadataTagCopyPrefix($1),
let name = CGImageMetadataTagCopyName($1),
let value = CGImageMetadataTagCopyValue($1)
else { return }
$0["\(prefix):\(name)"] = value
Upvotes: 2