Reputation: 19048
I was exploring Clojure java.jmx API Reference and trying the examples mentioned there e.g.
;; Can I serve my own beans? Sure, just drop a Clojure ref
;; into an instance of, and the bean
;; will expose read-only attributes for every key/value pair
;; in the ref:
(ref {:string-attribute "a-string"}))
It works great, the bean's attribute value is visible in the console but it is read-only.
Is there a way to create a writeable bean(so that it is listed in "Operations" folder and manageable from console)?
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Views: 95
Reputation: 4122
It looks like the code supports setAttribute
(see (deftype Bean ...)
The easiest way seems to be just using an atom
instead of a ref
You could then have atom watchers to run some code if JMX changes it. Maybe give that a try. I've forgotten most of JMX ;)
EDIT: Quickly tried it. It looks like the attribute is still read-only :( I gotta look deeper. Nevertheless, the source code is pretty nice and hopefully easy to understand.
The issue is with build-attribute-info
which passes false
to the writeable?
flag in the `MBeanAttributeInfo.
You can monkey patch that:
(import 'java.jmx.MBeanAttributeInfo)
(require '[ :as jmx])
(defn build-my-attribute-info
"Construct an MBeanAttributeInfo. Normally called with a key/value pair from a Clojure map."
([attr-name attr-value]
(name attr-name)
(.getName (class attr-value)) ;; you might have to map primitive types here
(name attr-name) true true false)) ;; false -> true compared to orig code
([name type desc readable? writable? is?] (println "Build info:" name type readable? writable?) (MBeanAttributeInfo. name type desc readable? writable? is? )))
;; the evil trick one should only use in tests, maybe
;; overwrite the original definition of build-attribute-info with yours
(with-redefs [jmx/build-attribute-info build-my-attribute-info]
(jmx/register-mbean (jmx/create-bean (atom {:foo "bar"})) "my.bean:name=Foo"))
;; write to it
(jmx/write! "my.bean:name=Foo" "foo" "hello world")
;; read it
(jmx/read "my.bean:name=Foo" "foo")
=> "hello world"
Now, unfortunately, Java Mission Control still can't change the value, but I'm not sure why. The MBean info is correct. Must be a permission thing.
Upvotes: 2