Reputation: 616
I have searched in stackoverflow but haven't found any answer.
I have written a script in python to get data from this website.
The page have two-three sentence structure and 4-5 example. For ex:-
Structure 1
- Example 1
- Example 2Structure 2
- Example 1
- Example 2Structure 3
- Example 1
- Example 2
- Example 3
I managed to get all sentence structure and example sentence but how can I get example sentence for structure 1 , structure 2 , structure 3 separately. Also how not to get wrong sentences.
from selenium import webdriver
import time
driver = webdriver.Chrome(r"C:\Users\<user>\Documents\chromedriver\chromedriver.exe") # change it
save_file = open("export.txt", "w", encoding="utf8")
wrong_link_file = open("link_with_wrong.txt", "w", encoding="utf8")
url = ""
#jiegou = driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/section/div[3]/div[4]/div[2]/div/div/div[2]/h1")
jiegou = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("jiegou")
usedfor = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[@id='ibox']/ul/li[6]/div[2]")
heading = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[@id='innerbodycontent']/div/div[2]/h1")
sen = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("spaced")
wrong = driver.find_elements_by_class_name("x")
# if page contain wrong sentence
found = False
if len(wrong) > 0:
found = True
print("..............Found..............." + url)
for j in jiegou:
jiegou_str = ":: " + j.text + " ::"
for s in sen:
st_sen = str(s.text)
if len(wrong) > 0 and wrong[0].text in st_sen:
if "。" in st_sen :
sep = "。"
st_sen = st_sen.split(sep,1)[0].strip()
st_sen += " " + sep
if "?" in st_sen:
sep = "?"
st_sen = st_sen.split(sep,1)[0].strip()
st_sen += " " + sep
all_set = st_sen +"\t"+ jiegou_str +"\t"+ usedfor.text +"\t"+ heading.text + "\t" + url
Upvotes: 1
Views: 230
Reputation: 33384
To Get the structure and example in a sequence.
Induce WebDriverWait
() and wait for visibility_of_all_elements_located
() and following xpath
from import WebDriverWait
from import By
from import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium import webdriver
url = ""
driver = webdriver.Chrome(r"C:\Users\<user>\Documents\chromedriver\chromedriver.exe")
for structure in structureelements:
for example in structure.find_elements_by_xpath(".//following::h3[1]/following::div[1]//li[@class='spaced']"):
Adj. + Adj. + 的 (+ Noun)
你 的 脸 红 红 的 。
Nǐ de liǎn hóng hóng de.
Your face is red.
宝宝 的 眼睛 大 大 的 。
Bǎobao de yǎnjīng dà dà de.
The baby's eyes are big.
今晚 的 月亮 圆 圆 的 。
Jīnwǎn de yuèliàng yuán yuán de.
The moon is round tonight.
她 爸爸 高 高 胖 胖 的 。
Tā bàba gāo gāo pàng pàng de.
Her father is tall and fat.
我 妹妹 瘦 瘦 小 小 的 。
Wǒ mèimei shòu shòu xiǎo xiǎo de.
My little sister is thin and small.
A A B B + 的 (+ Noun)
高兴 → 高高兴兴
gāoxìng → gāogāo-xìngxìng
热闹 → 热热闹闹
rènao → rèrè-nāonāo
noisy, boisterous
漂亮 → 漂漂亮亮
piàoliang → piàopiào-liāngliāng
舒服 → 舒舒服服
shūfu → shūshū-fūfū
安静 → 安安静静
ānjìng → ānān-jìngjìng
quiet and still
AABB + 地 + Verb
我们 清清楚楚 地 看到 他 跟 一 个 胖 胖 的 男人 上 车 了 。
Wǒmen qīngqīng-chǔchǔ de kàndào tā gēn yīgè pàng pàng de nánrén shàngchē le.
We clearly saw him get in the car with a fat man.
我 真 想 舒舒服服 地 躺 在 沙发 上 看 电视 。
Wǒ zhēn xiǎng shūshū-fūfū de tǎng zài shāfā shàng kàn diànshì.
I'd really like to comfortably lie on the couch and watch TV.
你 妈妈 辛辛苦苦 地 做 了 两 个 小时 的 饭,你 怎么 不 吃 ?
Nǐ māma xīnxīn-kǔkǔ de zuò le liǎng gè xiǎoshí de fàn, nǐ zěnme bù chī?
Your mother labored over this meal for two hours, and you aren't going to eat it?
Subj. + ABAB
妹妹 快 过 生日 了 ,我 打算 给 她 办 一 个 生日 派对 ,热闹 热闹 。
Mèimei kuài guò shēngrì le, wǒ dǎsuàn gěi tā bàn yī gè shēngrì pàiduì, rènao rènao.
My little sister's birthday is coming and I plan to throw her a birthday party and have a blast.
来 ,喝 点 酒 ,高兴 高兴 。
Lái, hē diǎn jiǔ, gāoxìng gāoxìng.
Come on, have a little wine and enjoy yourself.
到 这里 来 凉快 凉快 。
Dào zhèlǐ lái liángkuai liángkuai.
Come over here and cool off.
我 想 去 外面 走走 ,安静 一下 。
Wǒ xiǎng qù wàimiàn zǒuzou, ānjìng yīxià.
I'd like to take a walk outside, get some quiet time.
想 不 想 去 做 个 按摩 ,放松 一下 。
Xiǎng bu xiǎng qù zuò gè ànmó, fàngsōng yīxià.
Would you like to go get a massage and unwind?
Upvotes: 2