Reputation: 8849
Say android mediaserver has below API:
$ nm --demangle --dynamic |grep setDataSourceAsync
0005c6f0 T android::NuPlayer::setDataSourceAsync(android::sp<android::DataSource> const&)
0005c008 T android::NuPlayer::setDataSourceAsync(android::sp<android::IStreamSource> const&)
0005c18c T android::NuPlayer::setDataSourceAsync(android::sp<android::IMediaHTTPService> const&, char const*, android::KeyedVector<android::String8, android::String8> const*)
0005c49c T android::NuPlayer::setDataSourceAsync(int, long long, long long)
$ nm -D |grep setDataSourceAsync
0005c6f0 T _ZN7android8NuPlayer18setDataSourceAsyncERKNS_2spINS_10DataSourceEEE
0005c008 T _ZN7android8NuPlayer18setDataSourceAsyncERKNS_2spINS_13IStreamSourceEEE
0005c18c T _ZN7android8NuPlayer18setDataSourceAsyncERKNS_2spINS_17IMediaHTTPServiceEEEPKcPKNS_11KeyedVectorINS_7String8ES9_EE
0005c49c T _ZN7android8NuPlayer18setDataSourceAsyncEixx
Now I wish to hook the last one:
0005c49c T android::NuPlayer::setDataSourceAsync(int, long long, long long)
Below code will work but the API name is mangled:
var libname = "";
var funame = "_ZN7android8NuPlayer18setDataSourceAsyncEixx";
Interceptor.attach(Module.getExportByName(libname, funame), {
onEnter: function(args) {
console.log("onEnter: call fun enter");
onLeave: function(retval) {
console.log("onLeave: call fun leave");
Two questions:
Is it possible to use demangled name just like below in javascript code:
android::NuPlayer::setDataSourceAsync(int, long long, long long)
is a file descriptor just like open returned value. how can I use this fd to dump the file to disk in javascript?Upvotes: 1
Views: 3666
Reputation: 3055
1. Is it possible to use demangled name just like below in javascript code:
You will need to bind with Python, use send('mangle:' + func_name)
In python's side - on_message
extract the func_name
and mangle using subprocess
to execute g++
def on_message(msg, _data):
if msg['type'] == 'send':
if msg['payload'].startswith('mangle:'):
# mangle
echo "class android{ void setDataSourceAsync(int, long long, long long) {}};void setDataSourceAsync(int,long long, long long){} " |\
g++ -x c++ -S - -o- |\
grep "^_.*:$" | sed -e 's/:$//'
It's tedious work ><
2. The first argument int is a file descriptor just like open returned value. how can I use this fd to dump the file to disk in javascript?
You want to save every byte that goes into the fd
To not interfere the app execution,
I suggest to use dup2
, read from it and send
to python's side or write to sdcard
var fopen = new NativeFunction(Module.findExportByName('', 'fopen'), 'pointer', ['pointer', 'pointer']);
var our_fd = fopen('/sdcard/tmpfile');
var dup2 = new NativeFunction(Module.findExportByName('', 'dup2'), 'pointer', ['pointer', 'pointer']);
dup2(fd, our_fd);
// use same technique to read from our_fd
Upvotes: 1