Reputation: 1718
I'm trying to get a list of all the files that I have in the root folder of my Google Drive, excluding those shared with me... and yet Google Drive keeps giving me both the files in my root folder and the shared ones.
I am using this search query (Python code):
results = service.files().list(
q="(name contains 'zip' or name contains 'gz') and 'root' in parents and 'me' in owners", fields="files(id, name, parents, owners)").execute()
items = results.get('files', [])
for item in items:
print(u'{0} {1} {2}'.format(item['name'], item['owners'], item['parents']))
Looking at the docs, it seems that I'm doing everything right:
'root' in parents
, to include only the files on the root folder.'me' in owners
, to include only my files and not those shared with me. (I got this parameter from, which seems to explain it as "intended behaviour" and suggests that workaround).And yet, in the list of files I get back, I have stuff like this: [{'kind': 'drive#user', 'displayName': 'OTHER USER'S NAME', 'me': False, 'permissionId': 'XXXXXXXXXX', 'emailAddress': '[email protected]'}] ['{FOLDER ID OBSCURED']
This is one of the shared files; notice the 'me': False
there. Also, although I obscured the parent folder, it's different than the ID of my root folder. In other words: this file should have not been returned?
Is this a Google Drive bug? How can I search only for my files then?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 704
Reputation: 3833
ziganotschka's comment to use the "in owners" query filter worked for me too. Posting example:
def get_google_service(service, version, permissions = ['read'], credentials = None):
return build(serviceName=service, version=version, credentials=credentials)
class GoogleService(object):
connection = None
def __init__(
service = 'drive',
version = 'v3',
permissions = ['read'],
autoconnect = True,
super(GoogleService, self).__init__()
self.service = service
self.version = version
self.permissions = permissions
self.owner = '[email protected]' # use your account here
# Connect automatically
if autoconnect:
def connect(self):
self.connection = get_google_service(
service = self.service,
version = self.version,
permissions = self.permissions
class GoogleDrive(GoogleService):
def __init__(self, service='drive', version='v3', *args, **kwargs):
super(GoogleDrive, self).__init__(service, version, *args, **kwargs)
def get_files(
scope = "user",
driveid = None,
fields = 'files({0})'.format(GD_FILE_FIELDS),
spaces = "drive",
paginateflag = False,
ownerfilesonlyflag = True,
searchquery = '',
if ownerfilesonlyflag:
searchquery += (' and ' if searchquery else '') \
+ "'" + self.owner + "'" + ' in owners'
# Include nextPageToken
fields = "nextPageToken" + ("," + fields if fields else '')
# Map parameters to Google API
params = {
'driveId' : driveid,
'corpora' : scope,
'fields' : fields,
'spaces' : spaces,
'q' : searchquery,
# Return all results at once
if not paginateflag:
result = []
pagetoken = None
while True:
# Use pagetoken from previous iteration
if pagetoken:
params['pageToken'] = pagetoken
# Retrieve / store next file batch
files = self.connection.files().list(**params).execute()
pagetoken = files.get('nextPageToken')
if not pagetoken:
return result
# Paginate
return self.connection.files().list(**params)
Upvotes: 0