Reputation: 63
I found this great library on Github which contains links to use a MPU-6050 gyro/accelerometer with arduino and he has an example in there where he uses it for an esp module and just a normal arduino. The esp library does not work for me but in the tutorial where I found the github they show the library called "MPU6050_DMP6_using_DMP_V6.12" working. Since i cannot fix the library for the esp and I cannot find another library online which uses this module and implements the Interrupt key, which I need for my janky-VR controller project, I was wondering if there was a way to edit the code in the previsoudly mentioned sketch to work with the esp. The problem I have with the old esp sketch is that nothing shows up to serial moniter even though I have the baud rate correct on everything. Maybe if you guys could figure out a way to implement it to work with the esp then that would be amazing as I cannot figure out his code. Here is a project I managed to get displaying to serial yet does not utilize the Interrupt key, if this might be helpfull.
#include <Wire.h>
// MPU6050 Slave Device Address
const uint8_t MPU6050SlaveAddress = 0x68;
// Select SDA and SCL pins for I2C communication
const uint8_t scl = D6;
const uint8_t sda = D7;
// sensitivity scale factor respective to full scale setting provided in datasheet
const uint16_t AccelScaleFactor = 16384;
const uint16_t GyroScaleFactor = 131;
// MPU6050 few configuration register addresses
const uint8_t MPU6050_REGISTER_SMPLRT_DIV = 0x19;
const uint8_t MPU6050_REGISTER_USER_CTRL = 0x6A;
const uint8_t MPU6050_REGISTER_PWR_MGMT_1 = 0x6B;
const uint8_t MPU6050_REGISTER_PWR_MGMT_2 = 0x6C;
const uint8_t MPU6050_REGISTER_CONFIG = 0x1A;
const uint8_t MPU6050_REGISTER_GYRO_CONFIG = 0x1B;
const uint8_t MPU6050_REGISTER_ACCEL_CONFIG = 0x1C;
const uint8_t MPU6050_REGISTER_FIFO_EN = 0x23;
const uint8_t MPU6050_REGISTER_INT_ENABLE = 0x38;
const uint8_t MPU6050_REGISTER_ACCEL_XOUT_H = 0x3B;
const uint8_t MPU6050_REGISTER_SIGNAL_PATH_RESET = 0x68;
int16_t AccelX, AccelY, AccelZ, Temperature, GyroX, GyroY, GyroZ;
void setup() {
Wire.begin(sda, scl);
void loop() {
double Ax, Ay, Az, T, Gx, Gy, Gz;
Read_RawValue(MPU6050SlaveAddress, MPU6050_REGISTER_ACCEL_XOUT_H);
//divide each with their sensitivity scale factor
Ax = (double)AccelX/AccelScaleFactor;
Ay = (double)AccelY/AccelScaleFactor;
Az = (double)AccelZ/AccelScaleFactor;
T = (double)Temperature/340+36.53; //temperature formula
Gx = (double)GyroX/GyroScaleFactor;
Gy = (double)GyroY/GyroScaleFactor;
Gz = (double)GyroZ/GyroScaleFactor;
Serial.print("Ax: "); Serial.print(Ax);
Serial.print(" Ay: "); Serial.print(Ay);
Serial.print(" Az: "); Serial.print(Az);
Serial.print(" T: "); Serial.print(T);
Serial.print(" Gx: "); Serial.print(Gx);
Serial.print(" Gy: "); Serial.print(Gy);
Serial.print(" Gz: "); Serial.println(Gz);
void I2C_Write(uint8_t deviceAddress, uint8_t regAddress, uint8_t data){
// read all 14 register
void Read_RawValue(uint8_t deviceAddress, uint8_t regAddress){
Wire.requestFrom(deviceAddress, (uint8_t)14);
AccelX = (((int16_t)<<8) |;
AccelY = (((int16_t)<<8) |;
AccelZ = (((int16_t)<<8) |;
Temperature = (((int16_t)<<8) |;
GyroX = (((int16_t)<<8) |;
GyroY = (((int16_t)<<8) |;
GyroZ = (((int16_t)<<8) |;
//configure MPU6050
void MPU6050_Init(){
I2C_Write(MPU6050SlaveAddress, MPU6050_REGISTER_SMPLRT_DIV, 0x07);
I2C_Write(MPU6050SlaveAddress, MPU6050_REGISTER_PWR_MGMT_1, 0x01);
I2C_Write(MPU6050SlaveAddress, MPU6050_REGISTER_PWR_MGMT_2, 0x00);
I2C_Write(MPU6050SlaveAddress, MPU6050_REGISTER_CONFIG, 0x00);
I2C_Write(MPU6050SlaveAddress, MPU6050_REGISTER_GYRO_CONFIG, 0x00);//set +/-250 degree/second full scale
I2C_Write(MPU6050SlaveAddress, MPU6050_REGISTER_ACCEL_CONFIG, 0x00);// set +/- 2g full scale
I2C_Write(MPU6050SlaveAddress, MPU6050_REGISTER_FIFO_EN, 0x00);
I2C_Write(MPU6050SlaveAddress, MPU6050_REGISTER_INT_ENABLE, 0x01);
I2C_Write(MPU6050SlaveAddress, MPU6050_REGISTER_SIGNAL_PATH_RESET, 0x00);
I2C_Write(MPU6050SlaveAddress, MPU6050_REGISTER_USER_CTRL, 0x00);
Edit: here is the board setup im using along with the "MPU6050_DMP6_ESPWiFi" example
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Reputation: 126
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