Reputation: 933
I have Window Server 2016/2019 Virtual Machine(Openstack). On that Hyper-V install successfully. But not able to start MobyLinuxVM.
ExposeVirtualizationExtensions are already enabled on the Virtual Machine box through PowerShell.
Unable to start Hyper-V VM: 'DockerDesktopVM' failed to start.
Failed to start the virtual machine 'DockerDesktopVM' because one of the Hyper-V components is not running.
'DockerDesktopVM' failed to start. (Virtual machine ID 96BDA1DB-4163-4FA5-BEF2-62F1BEC1697E)
The Virtual Machine Management Service failed to start the virtual machine 'DockerDesktopVM' because one of the Hyper-V components is not running (Virtual machine ID 96BDA1DB-4163-4FA5-BEF2-62F1BEC1697E).
at Start-MobyLinuxVM, <No file>: line 688
at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 811
at Docker.Backend.ContainerEngine.Linux.Start(Settings settings, String daemonOptions, Credential credential)
at Docker.Backend.BackendNamedPipeServer.<Run>b__8_2(Object[] args)
at Docker.Core.Pipe.NamedPipeServer.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.<Register>b__0(Object[] parameters)
at Docker.Core.Pipe.NamedPipeServer.RunAction(String action, Object[] parameters)
Unable to start Hyper-V VM: 'DockerDesktopVM' failed to start.
Failed to start the virtual machine 'DockerDesktopVM' because one of the Hyper-V components is not running.
'DockerDesktopVM' failed to start. (Virtual machine ID 96BDA1DB-4163-4FA5-BEF2-62F1BEC1697E)
The Virtual Machine Management Service failed to start the virtual machine 'DockerDesktopVM' because one of the Hyper-V components is not running (Virtual machine ID 96BDA1DB-4163-4FA5-BEF2-62F1BEC1697E).
at Start-MobyLinuxVM, <No file>: line 688
at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 811
at Docker.Backend.ContainerEngine.Linux.DoStart(Settings settings, String daemonOptions, Credential credential)
at Docker.Backend.ContainerEngine.Linux.Start(Settings settings, String daemonOptions, Credential credential)
'DockerDesktopVM' failed to start.
Failed to start the virtual machine 'DockerDesktopVM' because one of the Hyper-V components is not running.
'DockerDesktopVM' failed to start. (Virtual machine ID 96BDA1DB-4163-4FA5-BEF2-62F1BEC1697E)
The Virtual Machine Management Service failed to start the virtual machine 'DockerDesktopVM' because one of the Hyper-V components is not running (Virtual machine ID 96BDA1DB-4163-4FA5-BEF2-62F1BEC1697E).
'DockerDesktopVM' failed to start.
Failed to start the virtual machine 'DockerDesktopVM' because one of the Hyper-V components is not running.
at Microsoft.Virtualization.Client.Management.View.EndMethodReturnInternal(IVMTask task, VirtualizationOperation operation, Boolean affectedElementExpected)
at Microsoft.Virtualization.Client.Management.VMComputerSystemBaseView.EndSetState(IVMTask setStateTask)
at Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.ExtensionMethods.OperationWatcherExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass4_0`1.<ConvertActionToFunction>b__0(T x)
at Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.ExtensionMethods.OperationWatcherExtensions.PerformOperationWithReturn[T](IOperationWatcher watcher, Func`1 startTaskMethod, Func`2 endTaskMethod, String taskDescription, VirtualizationObject targetObject)
at Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VirtualMachine.ChangeState(VirtualMachineAction action, IOperationWatcher operationWatcher)
at Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.Commands.StartVM.ProcessOneOperand(VirtualMachine vm, IOperationWatcher operationWatcher)
at Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.Commands.VirtualizationCmdlet`1.ProcessOperands(IList`1 operands, IOperationWatcher operationWatcher)
at Docker.Core.Pipe.NamedPipeClient.<TrySendAsync>d__5.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at Docker.Core.Pipe.NamedPipeClient.Send(String action, Object[] parameters)
at Docker.Actions.DoStart(SynchronizationContext syncCtx, Boolean showWelcomeWindow, Boolean withNotifications)
at Docker.Actions.<>c__DisplayClass26_0.<StartAsync>b__0()
at Docker.ApiServices.TaskQueuing.TaskQueue.<>c__DisplayClass18_0.<.ctor>b__1()
Upvotes: 20
Views: 49065
Reputation: 519
I was facing the same issue I resolved this issue following below steps. If you are able to run Windows container that means issue is with Hyper-V
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 138
Its worked for me
Upvotes: 13