Reputation: 25
I'm trying to make the transitLayer layer appear on a map with a style but it doesn't work. The transitLayer is visible on the normal map and on the satellite view but not on the map which has a style. Any ideas ?
Bonus question: I would also like to indicate a legend above each of the 2 circles as on this site: + Edouard + Vaillant% 7C93140% 7CBondy% 7C611561.9084090972% 7C2432902.394653598 & e = 0 & filters = 111
function initMap() {
var styledMapType = new google.maps.StyledMapType(
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#f5f5f5"
"elementType": "labels.icon",
"stylers": [
"visibility": "off"
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#616161"
"elementType": "labels.text.stroke",
"stylers": [
"color": "#f5f5f5"
"featureType": "administrative.land_parcel",
"stylers": [
"visibility": "simplified"
"featureType": "administrative.land_parcel",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#bdbdbd"
"featureType": "landscape",
"stylers": [
"visibility": "on"
"featureType": "poi",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#eeeeee"
"featureType": "poi",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#757575"
"featureType": "poi.park",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#e5e5e5"
"featureType": "poi.park",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#9e9e9e"
"featureType": "road",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#ffffff"
"featureType": "road.arterial",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#757575"
"featureType": "road.highway",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#dadada"
"featureType": "road.highway",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#616161"
"featureType": "road.local",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#9e9e9e"
"featureType": "transit.line",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#e5e5e5"
"featureType": "transit.station",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#eeeeee"
"featureType": "water",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#c9c9c9"
"featureType": "water",
"elementType": "labels.text.fill",
"stylers": [
"color": "#9e9e9e"
], {
name: 'Styled Map'
var bondy = {lat: 48.894362, lng: 2.494127};
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
center: bondy,
zoom: 15,
mapTypeControlOptions: {
mapTypeIds: ['roadmap', 'satellite', 'hybrid', 'terrain',
map.mapTypes.set('styled_map', styledMapType);
var transitLayer = new google.maps.TransitLayer();
var circle = new google.maps.Circle({
center: bondy,
map: map,
radius: 1000, // IN METERS.
fillColor: '#fcd18d',
fillOpacity: 0.1,
strokeColor: "#fcd18d",
strokeWeight: 3, // DON'T SHOW CIRCLE BORDER.
var circle = new google.maps.Circle({
center: bondy,
map: map,
radius: 500, // IN METERS.
fillColor: '#fcd18d',
fillOpacity: 0.4,
strokeColor: "#fcd18d",
strokeWeight: 3 // DON'T SHOW CIRCLE BORDER.
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
position: bondy,
map: map,
title: "Bondy - 213-215 rue Édouard Vaillant"
Upvotes: 0
Views: 500
Reputation: 2977
It will work when you remove the following style values since these style values are overriding the transitLayers on your map:
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#f5f5f5"
"featureType": "transit.line",
"elementType": "geometry",
"stylers": [
"color": "#e5e5e5"
As for the labels of your circle, there's no direct label parameter that you can use for circle objects. There are multiple ways that you can achieve this such as using a marker with transparent icon and a label, using infowindow and using custom Overlays. I used a marker with transparent icon and this is the code snippet and explanation on how I get it:
var Circle1 = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeOffset(center, 1000, 0);
var invisibleMarker1 = new google.maps.Marker({
position: Circle1,
map: map,
icon: "",
label: "1000"
First, I need to get the coordinates of the topmost of the circle in the map. I got this by using the 'computeOffset' of the Geometry library. You also need to add this value( libraries=geometry) in the script where you are calling the APIs:
<script src="" async defer></script>
Once you get the coordinates, you can then use this as the coordinates of your marker where you use a transparent image as your 'icon' and your circle label as the 'label' of the marker. You can see the working fiddle here.
Hope this helps!
Upvotes: 1