Reputation: 65
Finding difficulty in extracting the IEC code from this website:
Sample Numbers to search for :
I have series of numbers which will go to Search bar and then click on Submit.
Option Explicit
Public Sub EODCsite()
Dim bot As WebDriver
Dim count As Long
Set bot = New WebDriver
bot.Start "chrome"
count = 1
While (Len(Range("A" & count)) > 0)
bot.Get ""
bot.FindElementById("authorise_no").SendKeys Range("A" & count)
Range("B" & count) = bot.FindElementByXPath("//span[@id='IEC_code']").Text
count = count + 1
End Sub
' "command": "doubleClick",
' "target": "id=IEC_code",
' "targets": [
' ["id=IEC_code", "id"],
' ["css=#IEC_code", "css:finder"],
' ["xpath=//span[@id='IEC_code']", "xpath:attributes"],
' ["xpath=//div[@id='showLicense']/div/span[6]", "xpath:idRelative"],
' ["xpath=//span[6]", "xpath:position"],
' ["xpath=//span[contains(.,'0591045869')]", "xpath:innerText"]
The comments in the end is the Java Code I got from Selenium IDE Chrome extension after running on one example.
I can only fill the first cell.
I have less experience in Span Id and Css Selectors (if required).
Upvotes: 0
Views: 174
Reputation: 84475
This is pseudo code steps. Essentially, you need 1) to loop over codes 2) submit a code into a cleared input box 3) Wait for results to render. (Code is not intended to be copy pasted and is not tested but is an approximation to what I would write)
for code in codes: ' this is your loop over the cells
bot.FindElementById("authorise_no").sendKeys code 'enter
bot.FindElementById("auth_details").click 'submit
Loop While document.querySelector("#showLicense").getAttribute("style") = "display: none;" 'loop until style attribute becomes empty for showLicence node
If document.querySelector("#showLicense").getAttribute("style") = vbNullString Then
Application.Wait Now + Timeserial(0,0,1) ' small pause for results to render
Debug.Print bot.FindElementById("IEC_code").text 'do something with result
End If
bot.execute_script("document.querySelector('#authorise_no').value= '';") 'clear value ready for next value
Upvotes: 1