Reputation: 1
I developed my CNN model based on the repository []. When I run the program(using cmd: train --dataset=/DATASET/COCO/2017 --model=None, I commended the loading statement to skip model weights loading), the process went through model building, coco dataset loading and then started to invoke model.train().
# Create model
if args.command == "train":
model = modellib.MeshMask_RCNN(mode="training", config=config,
model = modellib.MeshMask_RCNN(mode="inference", config=config,
# Select weights file to load
if args.model.lower() == "coco":
model_path = COCO_MODEL_PATH
elif args.model.lower() == "last":
# Find last trained weights
model_path = model.find_last()
elif args.model.lower() == "imagenet":
# Start from ImageNet trained weights
model_path = IMAGENET_MODEL_PATH()
model_path = args.model
# Load weights
print("Loading weights ", model_path)
# model.load_weights(model_path, by_name=True)
# Train or evaluate
if args.command == "train":
# Training dataset. Use the training set and 35K from the
# validation set, as as in the Mask RCNN paper.
dataset_train = CocoDataset()
dataset_train.load_coco(args.dataset, "train", year=args.year,
if args.year in '2014':
dataset_train.load_coco(args.dataset, "valminusminival", year=args.year,
# Validation dataset
dataset_val = CocoDataset()
val_type = "val" if args.year in '2017' else "minival"
dataset_val.load_coco(args.dataset, val_type, year=args.year,
# Image Augmentation
# Right/Left flip 50% of the time
augmentation = imgaug.augmenters.Fliplr(0.5)
# *** This training schedule is an example. Update to your needs ***
# Training - Stage 0
print("Fine tune all layers")
# get stuck when invoking this function #
> model.train(dataset_train, dataset_val,
> learning_rate=config.LEARNING_RATE,
> epochs=160,
> layers='all',
> augmentation=augmentation)
In model.train() , it started to load images from disk, and the memory usage started to increase to about 80GB, and then all the progress got stuck(no training messages and the Cpu/Gpu usage rate are very low). I paused and found the program loops between line 404~406 in multiprocessing/
def _handle_workers(pool):
thread = threading.current_thread()
# Keep maintaining workers until the cache gets drained, unless the pool
# is terminated.
404 while thread._state == RUN or (pool._cache and thread._state != TERMINATE):
405 pool._maintain_pool()
406 time.sleep(0.1)
# send sentinel to stop workers
util.debug('worker handler exiting')
Does this means there are some resources that had not met the demand, so it got stucked? I'm a newer to keras and tensorflow. Can any one help? Thanks.
amend: When I traced down, I found the exact statement where the program stuck in.
# tensorflow_core/python/client/
class _Callable(object):
def __init__(self, session, callable_options):
self._session = session
self._handle = None
options_ptr = tf_session.TF_NewBufferFromString(
> slef._handle = tf_session.TF_SessionMakeCallable(
> session._session, options_ptr)
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Views: 1735
Reputation: 1
Actually, it's not stuck, it's just consumed too much time. I didn't realize how huge the model I was building was. I thought it got stuck because it cost almost a hour for tf to get ready to proceed after printing "epoch 1/160"(I realized that after leaving it running for a whole night).
The model itself is absolutely not able to train and will throw a OOM error after, so I need to redesign my model. Sorry for my mistake.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2068
Make sure you are using tenorflow gpu:
import tensorflow-gpu
Also, add a device for tensorflow session
with tf.device('/gpu:0'):
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