Kees de Jager
Kees de Jager

Reputation: 590

dc.js Dynamic Waterfall Chart

Vistas has a good example on github with a setup on how to make a waterfall in dc.js. It uses a second dataset to actually create the bottom of the stacked bar chart. However, if you filter in the first dataset it will work incorrectly since the bottom value of the stacked chart are fixed.

My question is therefore is it possible to calculate the d.value based on this formula, so no second dataset (dummy_data) is needed:

Dummy value of current column = previous dummy value + previous real data value

whereby the value of the first and last column is set to 0



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en'>
  <meta charset='utf-8'>
  <meta content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0' name='viewport'>

  <title>Waterfall Chart with DC.js</title>

  <script src='js/d3.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
  <script src='js/crossfilter.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
  <script src='js/reductio.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
  <script src='js/dc.js' type='text/javascript'></script>
  <link href='css/dc.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
  <div class='pie-graph span6' id='dc-waterfall-chart'></div>
  var waterfallChart = dc.barChart("#dc-waterfall-chart");
  var original_data = [];
  var dummy_data = [];

  //creating example data - could easily be any data reading process from sources like CSV or JSON
  original_data.push({item: "x0", value: 10});
  original_data.push({item: "x1", value: 2});
  original_data.push({item: "x2", value: -1});
  original_data.push({item: "x3", value: -3});
  original_data.push({item: "x4", value: 8});

  //creating the dummy data, the invisible columns supporting the waterfall chart. 
  //This is going to be the first stack whereas the real data (original_data) is the 
  //second stack
  dummy_data.push({item: "x0", value: 0});
  dummy_data.push({item: "x1", value: 10});
  dummy_data.push({item: "x2", value: 12});
  dummy_data.push({item: "x3", value: 11});
  dummy_data.push({item: "x4", value: 0});

  //creating crossfilter based off of the real data. Again, you can have your own crossfilter creation process here.
  var ndx = crossfilter(original_data);
  var itemDimension = ndx.dimension(function (d) { return d.item; });
  var reducerValue = reductio().count(true).sum(function(d) { return d.value; }).avg(true); 
  var itemGroup =;
  var grp = reducerValue(itemGroup);

  // we should also have a similar cross filter on the dummy data
  var ndx_dummy = crossfilter(dummy_data);
  var itemDimension_dummy = ndx_dummy.dimension(function (d) { return d.item; });
  var reducerValue_dummy = reductio().count(true).sum(function(d) { return d.value; }).avg(true); 
  var itemGroup_dummy =;
  var dummy_grp = reducerValue_dummy(itemGroup_dummy);

  .margins({top: 5, right: 40, bottom: 80, left: 40})
  .valueAccessor(function (d) { // specific to reductio
    return d.value.sum; 
    return (d.key + "  (" + d.value.sum+ ")" );
    .addFilterHandler(function(filters, filter) {return [filter];})
  .xAxis().tickFormat(function(v) {return v;});


  waterfallChart.on("pretransition",function (chart) {
    //coloring the bars
    chart.selectAll("").style("fill", function(d){return "white";});
    chart.selectAll("").style("stroke", "#ccc");//change the color to white if you want a clean waterfall without dashed boundaries
    chart.selectAll("").style("stroke-dasharray", "1,0,2,0,1");

    // stack._1 is your real data, whereas stack._0 is the dummy data. You want to treat the styling of these stacks differently
    chart.selectAll("svg g g.chart-body g.stack._1").style("fill", function(d){console.log(;if ( >0) return '#ff7c19'; else return '#7c7c7c';});
    chart.selectAll("svg g g.chart-body g.stack._1").style("stroke", "white");
    chart.selectAll("svg g g.chart-body g.stack._1").style("stroke-dasharray", "1");
    // chose the color of deselected bars, but only for the real data.
    chart.selectAll("svg g g.chart-body g.stack._1 rect.deselected").style("fill", function (d) {return '#ccc';});
    chart.selectAll('g.x text').style('fill', '#8e8e8e');
    chart.selectAll('g.y text').style('fill', '#777777');
    chart.selectAll('g.x text').style('font-size', '10.5px');
    chart.selectAll('g.y.axis g.tick line').style("stroke", "#f46542");

Upvotes: 2

Views: 674

Answers (1)


Reputation: 20150

We can use a fake group to accumulate values the way that is needed for the baseline and final value:

  function waterfall_group(group, endkey, acc) {
    acc = acc || (x => x);
    return {
      all: () => {
        let cumulate = 0;
        let all = group.all().map(({key,value}) => {
          value = acc(value)
            const kv = {
            value: {
                baseline: cumulate,
              data: value
          cumulate += value;
          return kv;
        return all.concat([{key: endkey, value: {baseline: 0, data: cumulate}}]);

This function takes the key for the final "sum total" bar and an accessor function, needed here because reductio wraps the values in an extra object.

It returns a group with values {baseline,data}, where baseline is the dummy value needed for the invisible stack, and data is the value for the bar.

Construct the fake group like

var waterfall_group = waterfall_group(grp, 'x5', x => x.sum);

and pass it to .group() and .stack() with accessors to fetch the sub-values:

  .group(waterfall_group, 'baseline', kv => kv.value.baseline)
  .stack(waterfall_group, 'data', kv =>

I also changed the coloring code to fetch the new data format:

chart.selectAll("svg g g.chart-body g.stack._1")
  .style("fill", function(d){if ( >0) return '#ff7c19'; else return '#7c7c7c';});

To test it, I added another "category" field and a pie chart. Note that a waterfall chart can get into some weird states with negative & zero values (e.g. click "C") but they look correct.

waterfall shot

Fork of your fiddle.

Note that since the last item (x5 here) is purely synthetic and not associated with any underlying data, filtering by clicking on that item will cause other charts to blank out. I'm not sure how to disable clicks on one particular item.

Upvotes: 2

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