Alex Stanovsky
Alex Stanovsky

Reputation: 1366

Reading huge CSV file with Spark

I have 27 GB gz csv file, that I am trying to read with Spark. Our biggest node has 30 GB of memory.

When I am trying to read the file only one executors is loading the data (I am monitoring the memory and the network), the other 4 are stale.

After a while it crashes due to memory.
Is there a way to read this file in parallel?

Dataset<Row> result =
                .option("escape", "\"")


 spark.executor.memoryOverhead: "512"
 spark.executor.cores: "5"

  memory: 10G

  instances: 5
  memory: 30G

Upvotes: 2

Views: 10735

Answers (1)

Ram Ghadiyaram
Ram Ghadiyaram

Reputation: 29145

You have to repartition the data when it comes to huge data

In spark unit of parallelism is partition

Dataset<Row> result =
                .option("escape", "\"")

result.repartition(5 * 5 *3) ( number of executors i.e.5 * cores i.e. 5 * replicationfactor i.e. 2-3)  i.e. 25 might be working for you to ensure uniform disribution data.

Cross check how many number of records are there per partition import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.spark_partition_id yourcsvdataframe.groupBy(spark_partition_id)

Example :

  val mycsvdata =
      |rank,freq,Infinitiv,Unreg,Trans,"Präsens_ich","Präsens_du","Präsens_er, sie, es","Präteritum_ich","Partizip II","Konjunktiv II_ich","Imperativ Singular","Imperativ Plural",Hilfsverb
  val csvdf: DataFrame ="header", true)
    .option("header", true)
  println("all the 4 records are in single partition 0 ")

  import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.spark_partition_id

  println( "now divide data... 4 records to 2 per partition")

Result :

|rank|freq   |Infinitiv|Unreg|Trans|Präsens_ich|Präsens_du|Präsens_er, sie, es|Präteritum_ich|Partizip II|Konjunktiv II_ich|Imperativ Singular|Imperativ Plural|Hilfsverb|
|3   |3796784|sein     |null |null |bin        |bist      |ist                |war           |gewesen    |wäre             |sei               |seid            |sein     |
|8   |1618550|haben    |null |null |habe       |hast      |hat                |hatte         |gehabt     |hätte            |habe              |habt            |haben    |
|10  |1379496|einen    |null |null |eine       |einst     |eint               |einte         |geeint     |einte            |eine              |eint            |haben    |
|12  |948246 |werden   |null |null |werde      |wirst     |wird               |wurde         |geworden   |würde            |werde             |werdet          |sein     |

all the 4 records are in single partition 0 
|                   0|    4|

now divide data... 4 records to 2 per partition
|                   1|    2|
|                   0|    2|

Upvotes: 4

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