Reputation: 265
Hi Im trying to add a bearer token to a retrofit call in java, but i cant seem to pass it.
Currently Im logging in with one method and this creates a bearer token and im trying to add the token to the Get Call, but its just returning a 401 error, have I added the token to the call correctly?
Call<ResponseBody> getFavourites (@Query("favourite") Boolean fave,@Header("Bearer Token") String authHeader);
Call<LoginResponse> postLogin (@Body LoginCredentialsBody body);
public class LoginApiStepDefinition extends TestBaseFix {
Retrofit retrofit = super.buildRetrofit(super.buildOkHttpClient());
RetrofitCallsLogin call = retrofit.create(RetrofitCallsLogin.class);
RetrofitCallsGetFavourites favecall = retrofit.create(RetrofitCallsGetFavourites.class);
private Response<LoginResponse> responseBody;
private String favouritesResponseBody;
String usernameValue;
String passwordValue;
@And("I login with {string} and {string} to return login token")
public void iLoginWithAndToReturnLoginToken(String username, String password) throws Exception {
LoginApi(username, password);
public String LoginApi(String username, String password) throws Exception {
usernameValue = username;
passwordValue = password;
//gets fixture ids for the dates
LoginCredentialsBody login = new LoginCredentialsBody();
String responseBody = call.postLogin(login).execute().body().toString();
String requiredString = responseBody.substring(responseBody.indexOf("=") + 1, responseBody.indexOf(","));
return token;
@Then("I get the list of favourites with {string} and {string}")
public void iGetTheListOfFavouritesWithAnd(String username, String password) throws Exception {
String favouritesResponseBody = favecall.getFavourites(true, LoginApi(username, password)).execute().body().toString();
Upvotes: 9
Views: 17425
Reputation: 381
To add bearer token in retrofit, you have to create a class that implements Interceptor
public class TokenInterceptor implements Interceptor{
public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException {
//rewrite the request to add bearer token
Request newRequest=chain.request().newBuilder()
.header("Authorization","Bearer "+ yourtokenvalue)
return chain.proceed(newRequest);
Now add your Interceptor class in OKHttpClient object and add that obejct in Retrofit object:
TokenInterceptor interceptor=new TokenInterceptor();
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
.baseUrl("add your url here")
Upvotes: 16
Reputation: 116
these three class will be your final setup for all types of call
for first call(Login) you do not need to pass token and after login pass jwt as bearer token to authenticate after authentication do not need to pass
public class ApiUtils {
private static final String BASE_URL="";
public ApiUtils() {
public static API getApiService(String token){
return RetrofitClient.getClient(BASE_URL,token).create(API.class);
2.Using ApiUtils.getapiService you can get the client ,pass jwt or bearer token
public class RetrofitClient {
public static Retrofit retrofit=null;
public static Retrofit getClient(String baseUrl, String token){
HttpLoggingInterceptor interceptor = new HttpLoggingInterceptor();
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.addInterceptor(new Interceptor() {
public Response intercept(@NotNull Chain chain) throws IOException {
Request request=chain.request().newBuilder()
.addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token)
return chain.proceed(request);
retrofit= new Retrofit.Builder()
return retrofit;
3 In this Interface you can create methods for get or post requests
public interface API {
Call<JsonObject> login(@Body Model userdata);
Call<JsonObject> validateSession(@Body MyToken myToken);
Call<JsonObject> phoneDir(@Body JsonObject jsonObject);
Call<JsonObject> uploadProfile(@Part MultipartBody.Part part);
Call<JsonObject> rulesAndProcess(@Field("ct") int city);
Call<JsonObject> rulesAndProcess(
@Field("city") int city,
@Field("department") String department,
@Field("ctype") String ctype
Upvotes: 1