Reputation: 27
I'm using SWI-prolog and I'm trying to create a helper-function that will map over a list and multiply each element with a given integer. My intention is to create a predicate that corresponds to the Haskell function multByN x n = x * n
and use it in this sense:
map (multByN 3) [1,2,3]
which would multiply all elements by 3 and yield [3,6,9]
I searched for the corresponding predicate in Prolog and found maplist/2
however I've only been able to use it to check whether boolean conditions hold for each element in a list rather than actually returning a new, processed list. I understand how this works:
isEven(X) :- 0 is X mod 2
maplist(isEven, [2,4,6])
gives true
However, I don't understand how one would do something like maplist(multByN(3), [1,2,3])
to actually unify some variable with [3,6,9]
. Since I could not figure this out I tried implementing my own mapping function that maps my predicate multByN
to a list and I'm getting something that sort of looks right, but that really isn't. I've got this:
multByN(X, N, Y) :- Y is N*X.
mapFunc(_, [], L) :-
write(L), nl.
mapFunc(N, [H|T], L) :-
multByN(H, N, Z),
mapFunc(N, T, [Z|L]).
Using this predicate I get:
?- mapFunc(3, [1,2,3], X).
true ;
Here I'm actually printing the final list to see what it looks like, but we can see that the query doesn't actually say X = [9,6,3|_1746]
so I haven't actually unified anything, as far as I'm aware, I've only just printed it - and that's not what I what.
Another problem here is the uninstantiated variable _1746
that I want to get rid of, especially since when I try reversing the list I get endless answers and uninstantiated variables.
Ideally, I would like find out both how to solve the problem using maplist/2
and my own predicate, however I would assume others would be more interested in learning how to use maplist/2
and that would be more than enough for me.
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Views: 2022
Reputation: 10102
In order to make maplist(multByN(3), [1,2,3])
work, you need an extra variable. Thus maplist(multByN(3), [1,2,3], Ys)
maplist(P_2, Xs, Ys)
adds two further arguments one X
and one Y
to P_2
. So multByN(3)
needs two extra arguments, like
multByN(N, X, Y) :-
Y is N*X.
?- maplist(multByN(3), [1,2,3], Ys).
Ys = [3,6,9].
There are some more maplists which roughly correspond to their functional cousins.
Upvotes: 5