Reputation: 73
I want to write a shinydashboard app to reflect bed capacity in a hospital. In some of the valueBoxes, I would like the colour of the box to change depending on the number of empty beds (from green-orange-red).
I tried writing a reactive object but can't seem to get the colour to reflect the value the way I wanted to.
ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title = "Situation Report"),
menuItem("Night Capacity Report", tabName = "night_report", icon = icon("file-alt"))
), #/dashboardSidebar
tabItem(tabName = "night_report", h3("Night Capacity Report"),
box(title = "MEDICINE", width = 12,
valueBoxOutput("au1_night", width = 3),
valueBoxOutput("w13_night", width = 3),
valueBoxOutput("w9_night", width = 3)
) #/tabItems
) #/dashboardBody
) #/dashboardPage
server <- function(input, output){
colour_empty_med_ward <- reactive({
for (i in seq_along(night_medicine)) {
if(night_medicine[[i, 3]] >= 10){
colour_med <- "green"
}else if(night_medicine[[i, 3]] >= 5 & night_medicine[[i, 3]] < 10){
colour_med <- "orange"
}else if(night_medicine[[i, 3]] < 5){
colour_med <- "red"
output$au1_night <- renderValueBox({
"AU 1", paste0(night_medicine[[1,3]], "/", night_medicine[[1,2]]), icon = icon("bed"),
color = colour_empty_med_ward()
output$w13_night <- renderValueBox({
"Ward 13", paste0(night_medicine[[2,3]], "/", night_medicine[[2,2]]), icon = icon("bed"),
color = colour_empty_med_ward()
output$w9_night <- renderValueBox({
"Ward 9", paste0(night_medicine[[3,3]], "/", night_medicine[[3,2]]), icon = icon("bed"),
color = colour_empty_med_ward()
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
The object to look up for the bed numbers is imported from an Excel file that is uploaded each time, but I have attached a dput
sample here:
> dput(night_medicine)
structure(list(Ward = c("AU1", "13", "9", "22", "23", "32", "33",
"34", "41", "42", "43", "44", "51", "54", "Total"), Compliment = c("37",
"12", "7", "20", "26", "23", "10", "16", "22", "24", "30", "30",
"10", "7", "274"), Empty = c("0", "10", "5", "1", "2", "2", "0",
"6", "0", "6", "0", "0", "0", "1", "33")), row.names = c(NA,
-15L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
I am still fairly new to this and I am struggling to find a way to get around this. I can write separate reactive object for each ward, however there are so many in the actual file, I wonder if I can get around it somehow like using a successful version of colour_empty_med_ward()
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1504
Reputation: 30504
Could you make colour_empty_med_ward
a plain function that takes an argument with the value to use for color? (In this case, you could simplify and use cut
shown here).
colour_empty_med_ward <- function(night_medicine) {
cut(as.numeric(night_medicine), breaks=c(-Inf, 5, 10, Inf), labels=c("red","orange","green"), right = FALSE)
Then in server
your output
can call the function and send it the appropriate night_medicine
server <- function(input, output){
output$au1_night <- renderValueBox({
"AU 1", paste0(night_medicine[[1,3]], "/", night_medicine[[1,2]]), icon = icon("bed"),
color = colour_empty_med_ward(night_medicine[[1,3]])
output$w13_night <- renderValueBox({
"Ward 13", paste0(night_medicine[[2,3]], "/", night_medicine[[2,2]]), icon = icon("bed"),
color = colour_empty_med_ward(night_medicine[[2,3]])
output$w9_night <- renderValueBox({
"Ward 9", paste0(night_medicine[[3,3]], "/", night_medicine[[3,2]]), icon = icon("bed"),
color = colour_empty_med_ward(night_medicine[[3,3]])
Upvotes: 1