Reputation: 2334
Is there way to determine Last Access Time of the Azure storage files apart from log analytics . So, does anyone ever come across this situation, what would be the best way to achieve this? Or am I too concerned about this?
Thank you in advanced.
Upvotes: 6
Views: 2314
Reputation: 1067
To elaborate on what Deeppak put, another "solution" with a C# that you can do is modify the tags of a blob. Blobs support up to 12 unique tags; adding one with a key like "LastAccessedTimeStamp" and adding/updating it when the file is accessed is a simple way of achieving the goal since Azure still doesn't natively support the last access auditing. I broke it up into two different functions since I would need to update the timestamp in various places of my code.
public async Task UpdateBlobLastAccessedTimeStamp(string blobName,
string fileName)
var client = new BlobServiceClient(new Uri(_shareSettings.SecretUrl));
var containerClient = client.GetBlobContainerClient(_shareSettings.ContainerName.ToString());
var blobClient = containerClient.GetBlobClient(blobName);
await UpdateBlobLastAccessTimeStamp(blobClient);
private async Task UpdateBlobLastAccessTimeStamp(BlobClient client)
var tagsResponse = await client.GetTagsAsync();
var tags = tagsResponse.Value?.Tags ??
new Dictionary<string, string>();
var containsKeys = tags.ContainsKey(_azureAccessedTagName);
if (containsKeys)
tags[_azureAccessedTagName] = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime()
await client.SetTagsAsync(tags);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2742
In Azure file storage, there is no option till date to know the last opened/viewed/accessed time, but there is a possibility to get to know about the last modified file. In case you are looking for that, here's a C# way:
CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse("<Your Connection string>");
CloudFileClient cloudFileClient = cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudFileClient();
CloudFileShare cloudFileShare = cloudFileClient.GetShareReference("<Your File Share Name>");
IEnumerable<IListFileItem> fileShareItemsList = cloudFileShare.GetRootDirectoryReference().ListFilesAndDirectories();
foreach (IListFileItem listItem in fileShareItemsList)
if (listItem is CloudFile) // Checking direct files under the root directory for now
CloudFile file = (CloudFile)listItem;
file.FetchAttributes(); // this is mandatory to fetch modified time
DateTime lastModifiedTime = file.Properties.LastModified; // Here's the time!
// Use it in your logic..
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