Reputation: 579
How can I prove two things are not equal in Cubical Agda? (v2.6.1, Cubical repo version acabbd9
Concretely, here are the integers as a higher inductive type:
{-# OPTIONS --safe --warning=error --cubical --without-K #-}
open import Cubical.Core.Everything
open import Cubical.Foundations.Prelude
module Integers where
data False : Set where
data ℕ : Set where
zero : ℕ
succ : ℕ → ℕ
data ℤ : Set where
pos : ℕ → ℤ
neg : ℕ → ℤ
congZero : pos 0 ≡ neg 0
It's easy to show some rather odd equalities, because "equality" here actually means something which isn't quite what we're used to in the non-cubical world:
oddThing2 : pos 0 ≡ congZero i1
oddThing2 = congZero
I found a rather nasty-looking proof that successors are nonzero at :
succNonzero : {a : ℕ} → succ a ≡ 0 → False
succNonzero {a} s = subst t s 0
t : ℕ → Set
t zero = False
t (succ i) = ℕ
Is there a nicer proof? I can't pattern-match on the proof of succ a ≡ 0
any more; in non-cubical Agda the proof would simply be oneNotZero ()
, identifying the impossible pattern.
Then how can I prove the following (is it even true?)
posInjective : {a b : ℤ} → pos a ≡ pos b → a ≡ b
It's probably clear that I'm a complete novice with Cubical; but I've used Agda a nontrivial amount in the past.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 833
Reputation: 1401
For posInjective
you can actually do a much simpler proof,
fromPos : ℤ → ℕ
fromPos (pos n) = n
fromPos (neg _) = 0
fromPos (congZero i) = refl
then posInjective = cong fromPos
More generally one should do a so-called encode/decode proof (also called a NoConfusion proof), where one explicitly defines a relation on the datatype by recursion, and then proves it equivalent to path equality.
e.g. there's one such proof here about List
Injectivity and distinctness follow easily from the definition of Cover
The possibility of this kind of proofs are actually the justification for the soundness of Agda's powerful pattern matching on inductive families. However HITs constructors in general are neither distinct nor injective, so Agda is conservative and doesn't use those properties for HITs at all.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 579
Well, I have a very odd answer which I don't understand at all.
decr : ℤ → ℤ
decr (pos zero) = neg 1
decr (pos (succ x)) = pos x
decr (neg x) = neg (succ x)
decr (congZero i) = neg 1
-- "Given a proof that `pos (succ a) = pos (succ b)`, transport it back along `decr`."
posDecr : {a b : ℕ} → pos (succ a) ≡ pos (succ b) → pos a ≡ pos b
posDecr {a} {b} pr = cong decr pr
posInjective : {a b : ℕ} → pos a ≡ pos b → a ≡ b
posInjective {zero} {zero} x = refl
posInjective {zero} {succ b} x = subst t x (succ b)
t : ℤ → Set
t (pos zero) = ℕ
t (pos (succ x)) = zero ≡ succ b
t (neg x) = ℕ
t (congZero i) = ℕ
posInjective {succ a} {zero} x = subst t x (succ a)
t : ℤ → Set
t (pos zero) = succ a ≡ zero
t (pos (succ x)) = ℕ
t (neg x) = succ a ≡ zero
t (congZero i) = succ a ≡ zero
posInjective {succ a} {succ b} x = cong succ (posInjective (posDecr x))
Upvotes: 1