Reputation: 47
I am writing a flappy bird clone with c++ and DirectX. I am basically finished, except for the algorithm for the rotation. I have one now (rotation = ((90 * (yVelocity+10) / 25) - 90)/2;
), but it does not act the same way as the original flappy bird. I am trying to replicate the original flappy bird's rotation as closely as possible so any help would be appreciated.
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if ySpeed < smallPositiveValue:
angle = 15
helpAngle = 90 * sin((-ySpeed * (pi/2 * maxYSpeed)))
if helpAngle < angle: angle += 0.1 * (helpAngle - angle)
This makes it look pretty much like the original Flappy Bird.
What it does:
flappy looks up a bit if rising and falling slightly
flappy smoothly comes close to a 90 degree rotation with increasing ySpeed
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self.temporary is a copy of the current sprite.
""" Bird object """
class Bird(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, color):
# sounds
self.flap = pygame.mixer.Sound('wing.wav')
self.crash = pygame.mixer.Sound('crash.wav')
# flapping sprites
self.sprites = []
for i in [1, 2, 3]:
temp = pygame.image.load(color + str(i) + ".png").convert_alpha()
temp = pygame.transform.scale2x(temp)
# current sprite
self.image = self.sprites[0]
# temporary sprite
self.temporary = self.image
# current rectangle
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=(BIRD_X, HEIGHT/2))
# current frame
self.frame = 0
# movement amount
self.movement = 0
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def fall(self):
# bird falls with accelerated motion
self.movement += GRAVITY
self.rect.centery += self.movement
def rotate(self):
# factor is positive when falling, therefore rotation is clockwise
# factor is negative when raising, rotation is counter-clockwise
factor = -2
factor *= self.movement
self.image = pygame.transform.rotozoom(self.temporary, factor, 1)
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Reputation: 104
I would make it equal to the original yVelocity but cap it at 2 numbers. Something like
rotation = min(topClamp, max(bottomClamp, yVelocity));
You might want to play around with this for a bit but this will make the rotation rely on the yVelocity but if the player is constantly going up then the rotation will be clamped at some number and the bird will just be looking up like in the original game.
Upvotes: 1