Reputation: 103
I'm writing code to implement extension by definitions in mathematical logic.
It takes in a description of languages and their extensions, and it outputs a new haskell file which will parse a high-level language into a lower-level one. Of course, if I can turn language C into language B, and language B into language A, then by composing I can turn C to A.... and yet...
Here is a minimal example of the problem I'm facing:
data A = EmptyA | NodeA A A
data B = EmptyB | NodeB B B | UnaryB B
data C = EmptyC | NodeC C C | UnaryC C | TernaryC C C C
class ToA a where
convertToA :: a -> A
class ToB a where
convertToB :: a -> B
instance ToA B where
convertToA EmptyB = EmptyA
convertToA (NodeB l r) = NodeA (convertToA l) (convertToA r)
convertToA (UnaryB l) = NodeA (convertToA l) EmptyA
instance ToB C where
convertToB EmptyC = EmptyB
convertToB (NodeC l r) = NodeB (convertToB l) (convertToB r)
convertToB (UnaryC l) = UnaryB (convertToB l)
convertToB (TernaryC l m r) = NodeB (convertToB l) (NodeB (convertToB m) (convertToB r))
-- instance (ToB a) => ToA a where
-- convertToA = convertToA . convertToB
-- I shouldn't have to write this
instance ToA C where
convertToA = convertToA . convertToB
Intuitively, there's nothing wrong with instance (ToB a) => ToA a
, but the compiler doesn't like it. The code as is, compiles properly, but upon replacing the explicit ToA C
instance with the commented version, I receive the following error:
minimal.hs:25:21: error:
• Illegal instance declaration for ‘ToA a’
(All instance types must be of the form (T a1 ... an)
where a1 ... an are *distinct type variables*,
and each type variable appears at most once in the instance head.
Use FlexibleInstances if you want to disable this.)
• In the instance declaration for ‘ToA a’
25 | instance (ToB a) => ToA a where
| ^^^^^
Of course, I'm not afraid of language extensions, so I do as I'm told and add FlexibleInstances, even though I don't think it should help here. After doing this, I'm told to try UndecidableInstances... And that's where the trail stops. I'm still getting a type error, but I'm not sure what to do about it.
minimal.hs:29:16: error:
• Overlapping instances for ToA B
arising from a use of ‘convertToA’
Matching instances:
instance ToB a => ToA a -- Defined at minimal.hs:28:10
instance ToA B -- Defined at minimal.hs:16:10
• In the first argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘convertToA’
In the expression: convertToA . convertToB
In an equation for ‘convertToA’:
convertToA = convertToA . convertToB
29 | convertToA = convertToA . convertToB
| ^^^^^^^^^^
This error message is especially confusing to me, since I only have one definition for ToA B
. This error would make more sense if B
was itself an instance of ToB
, say by setting convertToB = id
. Of course, that's not the case here...
How am I supposed to properly handle this issue? Thanks in advance! ^_^
Upvotes: 0
Views: 178
Reputation: 2806
You're doing the right things. And you're right to be cautious about Overlapping instances
warnings. In this case it is coherent. And you're not afraid of language extensions, so you want:
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (ToB a) => ToA a where
convertToA = convertToA . convertToB
That thing in {-# #-}
is a pragma, which is a closely-tailored way to invoke a language extension, for just this instance. OVERLAPPABLE
means allow there to be a more specific instance (ToA B
), and choose that by preference.
Your constraint (ToB a) =>
is indeed Undecidable
because it is no smaller than the instance head. UndecidableInstances
is a relatively 'safe' extension compared to overlaps.
With overlaps the unsafe uses are INCOHERENT
(just as bad as it sounds) or 'Orphan instances' -- which give you a compiler warning sometimes; doesn't apply here because all your instances are in the same module as the class declaration.
Upvotes: 3