Reputation: 311
I am trying to execute Geosparql Queries using RDFLIB Python...But I am getting empty results....Is RDFLIB Python supports Geosparql queries ? Please suggest me regarding this. Below is my code to store tripples and query for execution.
from rdflib import Graph, Literal, URIRef, Namespace, RDFS
from rdflib.plugins.stores import sparqlstore
g1 = Graph()
g1.bind("geo", GEO)
x = URIRef("x:")
example = Namespace("")
g1.add((x, GEO["asWKT"], Literal("LINESTRING (0 0, 0 10)", datatype=GEO.wktLiteral)))
qres = g1.query(
?s ?p ?o FILTER (geo:sfEquals(?o, "LINESTRING (0 0, 0 5, 0 10)"^^geo:wktLiteral)) .
for row in qres:
Above code always returns me empty results.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 315
Reputation: 516
How about
From the docs:
An implementation of GeoSPARQL's Simple Features SPARQL functions for AusPIX Discreet Global Grid System (DGGS) geometries, as per GeoSPARQL
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1251
Sorry no, RDFLlib does not have an in-built GeoSPARQL extension, just SPARQL1.1.
We - RDFlib developers - would love to have someone contribute GeoSPARQL handling!
Upvotes: 3