Reputation: 557
I have 2 input files that I want to modify and create new files if log file doesnt exist.
All_files_with_path = ['/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/Name_xxx.yyy.ddd_Foo.input1', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/Randomletters.Name_xxx.yyy.ddd_Foo.input2.ext', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/', '/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory2/Name2_xxx.yyy.ddd_Foo.input1', 'path/to/some/file/Test/Directory2/Randomletters.Name2_xxx.yyy.ddd_Foo.input2.ext']
[All_file_with_path] contains all the files in a root here: /path/to/some/file/Test/. If the log file exists for some but not all the input1 files, then I want to execute the creation of new files only for those that dont have corresponding logfile.
Format of File 1: Name_xxx.yyy.ddd_Foo.input1 Format of File 2: Randomletters.Name_xxx.yyy.ddd_Foo.input2.ext
Format of logfile: Name_xxx.yyy.ddd_Foo.log
Error: I dont get any compilation errors but my commands[] list is empty. After some digging around, I found it is not generating the new input2.ext files... I know my "exists" condition check is wrong but don't know where or how to change it.
My second half is pretty much this logic : Safely create a file if and only if it does not exist with python
def modify_files(All_files_with_path):
commands = []
logfile = ''
for file in All_files_with_path:
commandsfilepath = file.rsplit('/Test',1)[0]
if not 'NEW' in file: #I am checking for this because I dont want to create _NEW_NEW and so on
if file.endswith('.input1'):
prefix = file.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
suffix = file.rsplit('.', 1)[1]
newfilewithpath = prefix + '_NEW.' + suffix
logfile = prefix+ '.log'
exists = os.path.isfile(logfile)
elif file.endswith('.input2.ext'):
prefix = file.rsplit('.input2', 1)[0]
newfilewithpath = prefix + '_NEW.' + 'input2.ext'
if exists:
print('log file exists. exiting the loop...... ')
print('log file did not exist in the current directory. create NEW files and execute the rest')
flags = os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_WRONLY
print('trying to create modifed input1 and input2 files')
file_handle =, flags)
print('done ')
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: # Failed as the file already exists.
else: # Something unexpected went wrong so reraise the exception.
else: # No exception, so the file must have been created successfully.
if file.endswith(".input1"):
""" do something""""
elif file.endswith(".input2.txt"):
"""do something with input2.txt"""
return commands
output I want:
commands = ['/path/to/some/file/Test/Directory1/Randomletters.Name_xxx.yyy.ddd_Foo_NEW.input2.ext','path/to/some/file/Test/Directory2/Randomletters.Name_xxx.yyy.ddd_Foo_NEW.input2.ext']
Upvotes: 1
Views: 352