Reputation: 1
I have a folder path:
C:\form\Regression\Measurments\scene1\a\file.txt C:\form\Regression\Measurments\scene2\a\file.txt
I want the output to be:
C:\form\Regression\Measurments\scene1\a\scene1.txt C:\form\Regression\Measurments\scene2\a\scene2.txt
I tried with below code, wasn't able to complete it:
@echo OFF
SET Dir=C:\form\Regression\Measurments
for /D /r %Dir% %%a in (*) do (
ECHO Processing folder: %%a
for %%b in (%%a\*.txt) do (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem create here your new name of file
set FileName=%%~nxb
echo File: %%b - !FileName!
ren %%b !FileName!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 70
Reputation: 34909
You have got your sub-directories and files in a specific hierarchy depth, so I recomment not to use for /R
: Instead use for /Dto first get the sub-directories
scene*, then build the complete path to the file
file.txt` and rename it, given that it exists.
Here is an example of what I mean:
@echo off
rem // Enumerate the desired directory hierarchy depth:
for /D %%I in ("C:\Form\Regression\Measurements\scene*") do (
rem // Built the full path to the file and rename when found:
if exist "%%~I\a\file.txt" ren "%%~I\a\file.txt" "%%~nI.*"
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 38613
Base solely upon the information you have provided, the following example should do as you require.
Please ensure that you modify the base directory on line 2
as necessary, (paying special attention to your spelling, as the correct spelling is 'Measurements')
@Echo Off
Set "baseDir=C:\form\Regression\Measurments"
For /D %%G In ("%baseDir%\*") Do For /D %%H In ("%%G\*"
) Do For /F "Skip=6 Tokens=3" %%I In (
'%__AppDir__%robocopy.exe /L /NFL /NDL /NJH "%%H" Null *.txt 2^> NUL'
) Do If "%%I"=="1" (Echo Processing %%H & Ren "%%H\*.txt" "%%~nxG.txt")
To find out how it works, please read the usage information for each of the commands used.
Upvotes: 1