Reputation: 449
I am using the Caret package to do some regression analysis. I have looked online but have now been able to find a solution. My code is below. Is there a way to compute the confidence intervals for this model?
# Set up repeated k-fold cross-validation
train.control <- trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10,
predictionBounds = c(0, NA), verboseIter = TRUE)
# Train the model
step.model <- train(`likes` ~., data = reduced_Data,
method = "leapSeq",
tuneGrid = data.frame(nvmax = 1:13),
trControl = train.control)
coef(step.model$finalModel, 2)
I have tried using the predict function from the base package, but had no luck
predict(step.model$finalModel, my_data, interval = "confidence")
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Views: 1354
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What you have is a regsubset class, there are results from different subsets of terms, and you need a criteria to choose which is the best model, refit the model and do your predictions, for example:
train.control <- trainControl(method = "cv",number=3)
step.model <- train(mpg ~., data = mtcars,
method = "leapSeq",trControl = train.control)
Let's say we use model with max r-squared:
res = summary(step.model$finalModel)
bestm = which.max(res$adjr2)
terms_to_use = names(which(res$which[bestm,]))[-1]
1] "cyl" "hp" "wt"
Fit the final model:
final_form = as.formula(paste("mpg ~",paste(terms_to_use,collapse="+")))
fit = lm(final_form,data=mtcars)
To get the se of the fit:
To get 95 ci of the coefficients:
2.5 % 97.5 %
(Intercept) 35.0915623 42.412012412
cyl -2.0701179 0.186884238
hp -0.0423655 0.006289293
wt -4.6839740 -1.649972191
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