OpenCL Memory Buffer not passing the right values to kernel

I am trying to learn OpenCL by writing a simple program to add the absolute value of a subtraction of a point's dimensions. When I finished writing the code, the output seemed wrong and so I decided to integrate some printf's in the code and kernel to verify that all the variables are passed correctly to the kernel. By doing this, I learned that the input variables were NOT correctly sent to the kernel, because printing them would return incorrect data (all zeros, to be precise). I have tried changing the data type from uint8 to int, but that did not seem to have any effect. How can I correctly send uint8 variables to the memory buffer in OpenCL? I really cannot seem to identify what I am doing wrong in writing and sending the memory buffers so that they show up incorrectly and would appreciate any opinion, advice or help.

Thank you in advance.

EDIT: Question is now solved. I have updated the code below according to the kind feedback provided in the comment and answer sections. Many thanks!

Code below:

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <CL/cl.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;
#define USE_PLATFORM_NR  0

#define SIZE 100*1024*1024UL

#define NUM_DIM_SAD         5
#define NUM_POINTS_SAD      10
//#define NUM_LOOPS_SAD       20 
#define SAD_SEED            2014
//NUM_LOOPS * NUM_POINTS should be 75M

#define NUM_DIM_SSD         128
#define NUM_POINTS_SSD      150000
//#define NUM_LOOPS_SSD       1000
#define SSD_SEED            2048
//NUM_LOOPS * NUM_POINTS should be 150M

// Threadblock sizes (e.g. for kernels )
#define TS 5

// =================================================================================================

// Set the kernel as a string
const char* kernelstring =
"__kernel void SAD(const int num_points_sad, const int num_dim_sad,"
"                      const global unsigned char* m1_set,"
"                      const global unsigned char* m2_set,"
"                      global unsigned char* sad_gpu) {"
"    const int Point = get_global_id(0);"
"    unsigned char acc = 0;"
"    printf(\" POINT: %d \\n \", Point); "
"    for (int s=0; s<num_dim_sad ; s++) {"
"        printf(\"GPU: i = %d | m1_set = %d| m2_set = %d \\n \",Point*num_dim_sad + s,m1_set[Point*num_dim_sad+s],m2_set[Point*num_dim_sad+s]);}"
"    for (int k=0; k<num_dim_sad; k++) {"
"        acc += abs( m1_set[Point*num_dim_sad + k] - m2_set[Point*num_dim_sad + k] );"
"    }"
"    printf(\"ACC: %d \\n \",acc);"
"    sad_gpu[Point] = acc;"

// =================================================================================================

// Matrix-multiplication using a custom OpenCL SGEMM kernel.
int main() {

    cout << "Computing naive SAD & SSD for result checking" << endl;
    //naive implementation on CPU for result checking
    uint8_t* m1_set;// [NUM_POINTS][NUM_DIM];
    uint8_t* m2_set;// [NUM_POINTS][NUM_DIM];

    m1_set = (uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t*) * NUM_POINTS_SAD * NUM_DIM_SAD);
    m2_set = (uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t*) * NUM_POINTS_SAD * NUM_DIM_SAD);

    uint8_t* sad;    //   [NUM_POINTS];
    uint8_t* sad_gpu;//   [NUM_POINTS];
    sad =     (uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * NUM_POINTS_SAD);
    sad_gpu = (uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * NUM_POINTS_SAD);

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_POINTS_SAD * NUM_DIM_SAD; i++)
        sad[i/NUM_DIM_SAD] = 0;
        m1_set[i] = rand() / (uint8_t)RAND_MAX;
        m2_set[i] = rand() / (uint8_t)RAND_MAX;
        cout << "CPU: i = " << i << "| m1_set = " << (unsigned int)m1_set[i] << "| m2_set = " << (unsigned int)m2_set[i] << endl;

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_POINTS_SAD * NUM_DIM_SAD; i++)
         sad[i/NUM_DIM_SAD] += abs(m1_set[i] - m2_set[i]);

    cl_int err;

    // Configure the OpenCL environment
    printf(">>> Initializing OpenCL...\n");
    cl_platform_id platform = USE_PLATFORM_NR;
    err = clGetPlatformIDs(1, &platform, NULL);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clGetPlatformId"; return -1;}
    cl_device_id device = 0;
    err = clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, 1, &device, NULL);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clGetDeviceIDs"; return -1; }
    cl_context context = clCreateContext(NULL, 1, &device, NULL, NULL, &err);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clCreateContext"; return -1; }
    cl_command_queue queue = clCreateCommandQueue(context, device, 0, &err);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clCreateCommandQueue"; return -1; }
    char deviceName[1024];
    err = clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL_DEVICE_NAME, 1024, deviceName, NULL);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clGetDeviceInfo"; return -1; }
    cl_event event = NULL;

    // Compile the kernel
    cl_program program = clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, &kernelstring_sad, NULL, &err);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clCreateProgramWithSource"; return -1; }
    err = clBuildProgram(program, 0, NULL, "", NULL, NULL);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clBuildProgram"; return -1; }

    // Check for compilation errors
    size_t logSize;
    clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, NULL, &logSize);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clGetProgramBuildInfo"; return -1; }
    char* messages = (char*)malloc((1 + logSize) * sizeof(char));
    clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, logSize, messages, NULL);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clGetProgramBuildInfo2"; return -1; }
    messages[logSize] = '\0';
    if (logSize > 10) { printf(">>> Compiler message: %s\n", messages); }

    // Prepare OpenCL memory objects
    cl_mem buf_m1 = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, NUM_DIM_SAD * NUM_POINTS_SAD * sizeof(uint8_t), NULL, &err);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clCreateBuffer_m1"; return -1; }
    cl_mem buf_m2 = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, NUM_DIM_SAD * NUM_POINTS_SAD * sizeof(uint8_t), NULL, &err);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clCreateBuffer_m2"; return -1; }
    cl_mem buf_sad = clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, NUM_POINTS_SAD * sizeof(uint8_t), NULL, NULL);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clCreateBuffer_sad"; return -1; }

    // Copy matrices to the GPU
    err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue, buf_m1, CL_TRUE, 0, NUM_DIM_SAD * NUM_POINTS_SAD * sizeof(uint8_t), m1_set, 0, NULL, NULL);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clEnqueueWriteBuffer_m1"; return -1; }
    err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue, buf_m2, CL_TRUE, 0, NUM_DIM_SAD * NUM_POINTS_SAD * sizeof(uint8_t), m2_set, 0, NULL, NULL);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clEnqueueWriteBuffer_m2"; return -1; }
    err = clEnqueueWriteBuffer(queue, buf_sad, CL_TRUE, 0, NUM_POINTS_SAD * sizeof(uint8_t), sad_gpu, 0, NULL, NULL);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clEnqueueWriteBuffer_sad"; return -1; }

    // Configure the kernel and set its arguments
    int num_points_sad = NUM_POINTS_SAD;
    int num_dim_sad =    NUM_DIM_SAD;
    cl_kernel kernel = clCreateKernel(program, "SAD", &err);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clCreateKernel"; return -1; }
    err = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, sizeof(int), (void*)&num_points_sad);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clCreateKernel_arg0"; return -1; }
    err = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, sizeof(int), (void*)&num_dim_sad);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clCreateKernel_arg1"; return -1; }
    err = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)&buf_m1);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clCreateKernel_arg2"; return -1; }
    err = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)&buf_m2);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clCreateKernel_arg3"; return -1; }
    err = clSetKernelArg(kernel, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)&buf_sad);
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clCreateKernel4"; return -1; }

    // Start the timed loop
    printf(">>> Starting SAD GPU run...\n");
    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point begin = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

 //   const size_t local[1] = { TS };
    const size_t global[1] = { NUM_POINTS_SAD };
    err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, kernel, 1, NULL, global, NULL, 0, NULL, &event); //local
    if (err != CL_SUCCESS) { cout << err << "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel"; return -1; }
    // Wait for calculations to be finished
    clWaitForEvents(1, &event);

    // End the timed loop
    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point end = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();

    // Copy the output matrix C back to the CPU memory
    clEnqueueReadBuffer(queue, buf_sad, CL_TRUE, 0, NUM_POINTS_SAD * sizeof(uint8_t), sad_gpu, 0, NULL, NULL);
    auto us = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end - begin).count();
    std::cout << "Time difference = " << us << " us " << std::endl;
    // Free the OpenCL memory objects

    // Clean-up OpenCL 

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_POINTS_SAD; i++)
        cout << "i: " << i;
        cout << " | CPU: " << (unsigned int)sad[i];
        cout << " | GPU: " << (unsigned int)sad_gpu[i];
        cout << endl;
    // Free the host memory objects

    // Exit
    return 0;

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Views: 550

Answers (1)


Reputation: 8494

There is an error in function where the context is being created - one of the parameters is being passed at wrong position.


cl_context context = clCreateContext(NULL, 1, &device, NULL, &err, NULL);

Should be:

cl_context context = clCreateContext(NULL, 1, &device, NULL, NULL, &err);

Also the way the error are output is still not much helpful. Should be something like this:

cl_context context = clCreateContext(NULL, 1, &device, NULL, NULL, &err);
if (err != CL_SUCCESS)
    cout << err << "clCreateContext";
    return -1;

This way we stop the code execution when the error occurred and we know for which function it happened.

======= UPDATE ========================================================

There is wrong type being used in kernel: uint8 type in OpenCL is a vector type meaning array of 8 values of type int.

To fix the problem use uchar/unsigned char type in the OpenCL kernel which is an equivalent of uint8_t/unsigned char from c++.

See OpenCL data types and Scalar data types.

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