What's the most efficient way to calculate the last day of the CURRENT quarter?
Example: given the date 3/5/09, I want to return 3/31/09.
Platform is ColdFusion and SQL Server
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declare @date date = '20230110';
dateadd(DD, 1, eomonth(@date,-(month(@date)-1)%3-1)) datestart,
DATEADD(QQ, 1, eomonth(@date,-(month(@date)-1)%3-1)) datefinish
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To get the quarter from a specific date:
SELECT dateadd(dd,-1,dateadd(qq,1,DATEADD(qq, DATEDIFF(qq,0,<date here>), 0)))
Or if you mean the current quarter:
SELECT dateadd(dd,-1,dateadd(qq,1,DATEADD(qq, DATEDIFF(qq,0,getdate()), 0)))
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This answer uses the built in Quarter and DaysInMonth functions:
#createDate(year(now()), (quarter(now())*3), daysInMonth(createDate(year(now()), quarter(now())*3,1)) )#
It might be easier to read if its broken out a bit.
EDIT (@Sam Farmer: I took the liberty to transform your suggestion into a CF function)
<cffunction name="LastOfQuarter" returntype="date" output="no" access="public">
<cfargument name="d" type="date" required="no" default="#Now()#">
<cfset d = CreateDate(Year(d), Quarter(d) * 3, 1)>
<cfreturn DateAdd("d", d, DaysInMonth(d) - 1)>
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This could use some refactoring, but should get the basic idea across.
<cffunction name="lastDayOfQuarter">
<cfargument name="d" default="#now()#">
<cfif month(d) lte 3>
<cfreturn createDate(year(d),03,31)>
<cfif month(d) lte 6>
<cfreturn createDate(year(d),06,30)>
<cfif month(d) lte 9>
<cfreturn createDate(year(d),9,30)>
<cfreturn createDate(year(d),12,31)>
Upvotes: 3