Reputation: 171
When trying to place a buy or sell order with the python-binance API I got the following error:
APIError(code=-1013): Filter failure: LOT_SIZE.
Now I've seen at iceberg_parts that this means there is probably something wrong with my buying or selling quantity. I've tried to increase the quantity by a factor 10 but this only gives me another related error:
APIError(code=-1013): Filter failure: MIN_NOTIONAL.
Here's some of my code:
diff = current_price - prev_price
if diff <= 0.0001:
order = client.order_market_buy(symbol = market , quantity = '0.0001')
print('buy order')
if diff >= 0.00040:
order = client.order_market_sell(symbol =market, quantity ='0.0001')
print('sell order')
Do you know how to fix this?
Upvotes: 17
Views: 56447
Reputation: 556
This is not about MARKET_LOT_SIZE
. Let's say ETHUSDT
's minQty
filter) is 0.001 but you can still not place an order as notional (under MIN_NOTIONAL
filter) is 20. Your order value must be above 20 (MIN_NOTIONAL
) and your qty must over 0.001 (minQty
). You want to grab these filters via exchangeInfo
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Reputation: 1129
This error appears because you are trying to create an order with a quantity lower than the minimun required.
You can access the minimun required of a specific pair with:
info = client.get_symbol_info('ETHUSDT')
Output a dictionary with information about that pair. Now you can access the minimun quantity required with:
# 0.00001
Upvotes: 20
Reputation: 192
Maybe this can explain why the server returns this error.
From the endpoint GET /api/v3/exchangeInfo
, you can find all details regarding the trading symbols. It includes many filters that clients need to follow to place an order. For example, the BTCUSDT
has the filters as of today(2022-08-31)
"filters": [
"filterType": "PRICE_FILTER",
"minPrice": "0.01000000",
"maxPrice": "1000000.00000000",
"tickSize": "0.01000000"
"filterType": "PERCENT_PRICE",
"multiplierUp": "5",
"multiplierDown": "0.2",
"avgPriceMins": 5
"filterType": "LOT_SIZE",
"minQty": "0.00001000",
"maxQty": "9000.00000000",
"stepSize": "0.00001000"
"filterType": "MIN_NOTIONAL",
"minNotional": "10.00000000",
"applyToMarket": true,
"avgPriceMins": 5
"filterType": "ICEBERG_PARTS",
"limit": 10
"filterType": "MARKET_LOT_SIZE",
"minQty": "0.00000000",
"maxQty": "282.39806510",
"stepSize": "0.00000000"
"filterType": "TRAILING_DELTA",
"minTrailingAboveDelta": 10,
"maxTrailingAboveDelta": 2000,
"minTrailingBelowDelta": 10,
"maxTrailingBelowDelta": 2000
"filterType": "MAX_NUM_ORDERS",
"maxNumOrders": 200
"filterType": "MAX_NUM_ALGO_ORDERS",
"maxNumAlgoOrders": 5
If you place an order on this BTCUSDT
with parameters:
that is a LIMIT
order with price
of $19,000, but the quantity
is less than minQty
in the LOT_SIZE
0.000005 < 0.00001000
then the server will reject the order, because the request can't pass this filter validation.
Can I place an order with the same parameters but only change the quantity
to 0.000015? That is:
You will still receive this error, because the quantity is not able to pass the stepSize size validation: (quantity
- minQty
) % stepSize
== 0
(0.000015 - 0.00001) % 0.00001 != 0
Alright, let us change the quantity
to 0.00002
, with same parameters:
The order will still be rejected with a different error because it can't pass the filter MIN_NOTIONAL
19000 x 0.00002 = 0.38 < 10 (MIN_NOTIONAL
defines the minimum notional value that required for each order.MARKET
order, the average price is used over the last avgPriceMins
minutes.✓ LOT_SIZE
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 1384
Hi adding a bit further to @stack if I've 20 dollars to buy then my quantity would be as below
I've done like below
print("DECIMAL PLACES {0}".format(decimal_places))
buy_qauntity= round((20/order_input["askPrice"].values[0]),decimal_places)
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Reputation: 9
I have read through all of these forum questions and no one has mentioned the fact that Binance charges a 0.1% fee on all transactions. Meaning you do not have your original buying quantity available to sell back when the sell is triggered.
I have attempted to solve this with:
buy_quantity = round(buy_amount * 0.999, len(str(lotsize).split('.')[1]))
Multiplying my original purchase quantity by 0.999 should reduce it by the amount needed to be able to sell it back.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 11
Here's a very helpful code using binance-python package
// Full code:
def get_round_step_quantity(self, qty):
info = self.client.get_symbol_info(Config.TRADESYMBOL)
for x in info["filters"]:
if x["filterType"] == "LOT_SIZE":
self.minQty = float(x["minQty"])
self.maxQty = float(x["maxQty"])
self.stepSize= float(x["stepSize"])
if qty < self.minQty:
qty = self.minQty
return round_step_size(quantity=qty, step_size=self.stepSize)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 41
So I was struggling with the LOT_SIZE error myself.
Previously I was using the round_step_size function from the python-binance library, however, I had to edit this function to deal with this API error.
Here is a function that I use:
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_DOWN
import math
from typing import Union
def round_step_size(quantity: Union[float, Decimal], step_size: Union[float, Decimal]) -> float:
if step_size == 1.0:
return math.floor(quantity)
elif step_size < 1.0:
return Decimal(f'{quantity}').quantize(Decimal(f'{step_size}'), rounding=ROUND_DOWN)
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 19
from binance.helpers import round_step_size
# to get a lot size
def getLotSize(self):
info = self.apiCall(lambda: self.client.get_symbol_info(self.pair))
lotSize = float(info['filters'][2]['minQty'])
return lotSize
# get ceiling value and correct format for a lot size
def getCeilingVal(self):
pairData = self.apiCall(lambda:
pairPrice = pairData["price"]
ceilingVal = float(self.dInv) / float(pairPrice)
aLotSize = self.getLotSize()
rounded_amount = round_step_size(ceilingVal, aLotSize)
return rounded_amount
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 123
We can use the Log10 function to get rounding precision from the Binance /api/v3/exchangeinfo endpoint data.
CurrencyRoundNum = int(math.Abs(math.Log10(stepSize)))
PriceRoundNum = int(math.Abs(math.Log10(tickSize)))
The full version on golang is here, or at go playground. I'm sorry that code is not on python.
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 185
I've just gone through this same problem. As a noob, some of the code in these answers seem quite complicated so I came up with a solution.
def check_decimals(symbol):
info = client.get_symbol_info(symbol)
val = info['filters'][2]['stepSize']
decimal = 0
is_dec = False
for c in val:
if is_dec is True:
decimal += 1
if c == '1':
if c == '.':
is_dec = True
return decimal
then when you place the order, just do for ex: (make sure qty is a float or decimal)
B_order = round(qty / symbol_price, decimal)
order = client.order_market_buy(
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 602
I write a function like that. It's working for me.
def getPriceLotFormat(self, priceOrg, quantityOrg):
price = float(priceOrg)
quantity = float(quantityOrg)
response = self.get_symbol_info(car.pair) #self is client btw
priceFilterFloat = format(float(response["filters"][0]["tickSize"]), '.20f')
lotSizeFloat = format(float(response["filters"][2]["stepSize"]), '.20f')
# PriceFilter
numberAfterDot = str(priceFilterFloat.split(".")[1])
indexOfOne = numberAfterDot.find("1")
if indexOfOne == -1:
price = int(price)
price = round(float(price), int(indexOfOne - 1))
# LotSize
numberAfterDotLot = str(lotSizeFloat.split(".")[1])
indexOfOneLot = numberAfterDotLot.find("1")
if indexOfOneLot == -1:
quantity = int(quantity)
quantity = round(float(quantity), int(indexOfOneLot))
##### SELL #####
Pair : {str(car.pair)}
Cash : {str(car.price)}
Quantity : {str(car.quantity)}
Price : {str(car.price)}
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 609
Here is some code.
def round_down(self, coin, number):
info = self.client.get_symbol_info('%sUSDT' % coin)
step_size = [float(_['stepSize']) for _ in info['filters'] if _['filterType'] == 'LOT_SIZE'][0]
step_size = '%.8f' % step_size
step_size = step_size.rstrip('0')
decimals = len(step_size.split('.')[1])
return math.floor(number * 10 ** decimals) / 10 ** decimals
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 149
The buying or selling quantity has to be >= 10.3 USD or 10.3/price, pass the quantity and price to these decimal settings/filters with the amounts set with decimal
from decimal import Decimal as D, ROUND_DOWN, ROUND_UP
import decimal
info = client.get_symbol_info(symbol=pair)
price_filter = float(info['filters'][0]['tickSize'])
ticker = client.get_symbol_ticker(symbol=pair)
price = float(ticker['price'])
price = D.from_float(price).quantize(D(str(price_filter)))
minimum = float(info['filters'][2]['minQty']) # 'minQty'
quant = D.from_float(quantity).quantize(D(str(minimum))) # if quantity >= 10.3/price
Upvotes: 4