Reputation: 1484
I’m trying Vim for the first couple of hours with Ruby on Rails, and I’m loving it so far.
Specifically, the gf
command is great, but I miss something:
If the file under the cursor does not exist yet, gf
returns an error.
Is there a command to actually create and open the file if it does not exist? Or, what is the most straightforward way to create it?
Upvotes: 25
Views: 6433
Reputation: 564
nnoremap <silent> gf :call JumpOrCreateFile()<CR>
function! JumpOrCreateFile()
" Get the filename under the cursor
let filename = expand("<cfile>")
" Expand the tilde in the file path
let expanded_filename = expand(filename)
" Check if the file path starts with "./"
if expanded_filename =~# '^\.\/'
" Get the current directory of the editing file
let current_directory = expand('%:p:h')
" Create the full path by appending the relative file path
let expanded_filename = current_directory . '/' . expanded_filename
" Check if the file exists
if !filereadable(expanded_filename)
" Prompt the user for file creation with the full path
let choice = confirm('File does not exist. Create "' . expanded_filename . '"?', "&Yes\n&No", 1)
" Handle the user's choice
if choice == 1
" Create the file and open it
execute 'edit ' . expanded_filename
" File exists, perform normal gf behavior
execute 'normal! gf'
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 21
gf -> opens the file in a new tab
cf -> creates the file (if it doesn't exist) and opens it in new tab
nnoremap gf <C-W>gf
noremap <leader>cf :call CreateFile(expand("<cfile>"))<CR>
function! CreateFile(tfilename)
" complete filepath from the file where this is called
let newfilepath=expand('%:p:h') .'/'. expand(a:tfilename)
if filereadable(newfilepath)
echo "File already exists"
:norm gf
:execute "!touch ". expand(newfilepath)
echom "File created: ". expand(newfilepath)
:norm gf
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 29014
One can define a custom variant of the gf
command that opens
a new buffer if the file under the cursor does not exist:
:noremap <leader>gf :e <cfile><cr>
where the :e
command could be replaced with :tabe
(to open
the buffer for the new file in a separate tab) or another
file-opening command.
It is also possible to just create a file with the name under the cursor without opening it; see my answer to a similar question “Create a file under the cursor in Vim”.
Upvotes: 25