Salma Abdel-Raheem
Salma Abdel-Raheem

Reputation: 91

How to set CRS for a .shp polygon file in R

I'm very new to working with geospatial data in R. I have a shapefile of several quadrants in my study area that I categorized based on a "quadID". I'm able to display my data just fine using ggplot and sf packages, however, my data do not seem to be displaying correctly. When checking the shape file for any spatial data information there seems to be none:

> proj4string(quads)
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable)  : 
  unable to find an inherited method for function ‘proj4string’ for signature ‘"sf"’

I would like for the x & y labs to be in decimal degrees. I've tried to assign a crs to my file however, I get this error.

> proj4string(quads) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable)  : 
  unable to find an inherited method for function ‘proj4string<-’ for signature ‘"sf", "CRS"’

I've also tried to use the EPSG codes, but still get an error:

> proj4string(quads) <- CRS("+init=epsg:4979")
Error in CRS("+init=epsg:4979") : no options found in 'init' file

I've searched around for the meaning to the errors online, but seem confused as to the overall process to dealing with spatial data, and none of the solutions I happen across seem to be working for me. If anyone has any insight as to how I can make this work I would really appreciate it! Here is my full code below and I've also included a screen shot of what my plot currently looks like, it's fine, but the x and y axes correspond to the geometry of the observations, and I would like for them instead to be the x and y extent of the file:

enter image description here

quads <- quads %>%  #assigning quadID values to my .shp file
  mutate(quadID = case_when(IDR_ID == 424 ~ "ZOI",
                            IDR_ID == 423 |between(IDR_ID, 425, 433) ~ "Adjacent",
                            between (IDR_ID, 365, 422) ~ "Transit",

                            TRUE ~ ""))
proj4string(quads) #attempting to look for a crs (I know there are none, but this is to check)
proj4string(quads) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84") #attempting to assign a crs to my .shp

Fig1 <- ggplot(data = quads) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = quadID)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#eefbfb",
                                "#d65a31")) +

This is a sample of my .shp df

> head(SampleData)
Simple feature collection with 6 features and 3 fields
geometry type:  MULTIPOLYGON
dimension:      XY
bbox:           xmin: 480283.2 ymin: 5206810 xmax: 514635.2 ymax: 5450114
CRS:            NA
    IDR_ID ORIGFQ                       geometry   quadID
144    144     52 MULTIPOLYGON (((509774.1 54...         
430    430    285 MULTIPOLYGON (((507829.6 52... Adjacent
183    183    152 MULTIPOLYGON (((482551.7 53...         
45      45    391 MULTIPOLYGON (((481579.4 54...         
139    139     80 MULTIPOLYGON (((480283.2 54...         
195    195     21 MULTIPOLYGON (((501996.2 53...    
> dput(SampleData)
structure(list(IDR_ID = c(144, 430, 183, 45, 139, 195, 227, 5, 
162, 174), ORIGFQ = c(52, 285, 152, 391, 80, 21, 159, 383, 138, 
145), geometry = structure(list(structure(list(list(structure(c(509774.0625, 
510098.15625, 510422.21875, 510746.28125, 511070.375, 511394.4375, 
511718.53125, 512042.59375, 512366.6875, 512690.75, 513014.8125, 
513338.90625, 513662.96875, 513987.0625, 514311.125, 514635.21875, 
514635.21875, 514635.21875, 514635.21875, 514635.21875, 514635.21875, 
514635.21875, 514311.125, 513987.0625, 513662.96875, 513338.90625, 
513014.8125, 512690.75, 512366.6875, 512042.59375, 511718.53125, 
511394.4375, 511070.375, 510746.28125, 510422.21875, 510098.15625, 
509774.0625, 509774.0625, 509774.0625, 509774.0625, 509774.0625, 
509774.0625, 509774.0625, 5407728, 5407728, 5407728, 5407728, 
5407728, 5407728, 5407728, 5407728, 5407728, 5407728, 5407728, 
5407728, 5407728, 5407728, 5407728, 5407728, 5407177.5, 5406627, 
5406076.5, 5405526, 5404975.5, 5404425.5, 5404425.5, 5404425.5, 
5404425.5, 5404425.5, 5404425.5, 5404425.5, 5404425.5, 5404425.5, 
5404425.5, 5404425.5, 5404425.5, 5404425.5, 5404425.5, 5404425.5, 
5404425.5, 5404975.5, 5405526, 5406076.5, 5406627, 5407177.5, 
5407728), .Dim = c(43L, 2L)))), class = c("XY", "MULTIPOLYGON", 
"sfg")), structure(list(list(structure(c(507829.625, 508153.6875, 
508153.6875, 507829.625, 507829.625, 5211214, 5211214, 5210663.5, 
5210663.5, 5211214), .Dim = c(5L, 2L))), list(structure(c(511718.53125, 
512042.59375, 512042.59375, 512042.59375, 512042.59375, 512042.59375, 
512042.59375, 512042.59375, 512042.59375, 512042.59375, 511718.53125, 
511718.53125, 511394.4375, 511394.4375, 511070.375, 510746.28125, 
510746.28125, 510422.21875, 510098.15625, 510098.15625, 509774.0625, 
509450, 509125.90625, 508801.84375, 508801.84375, 508801.84375, 
508477.75, 508153.6875, 507829.625, 507505.53125, 507505.53125, 
507181.46875, 506857.375, 506857.375, 506857.375, 507181.46875, 
507181.46875, 507505.53125, 507505.53125, 507829.625, 507829.625, 
508153.6875, 508153.6875, 508153.6875, 507829.625, 507829.625, 
507829.625, 507829.625, 507505.53125, 507505.53125, 507505.53125, 
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507181.46875, 507181.46875, 507181.46875, 507181.46875, 507181.46875, 
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505237, 505237, 505237, 505237, 505237, 505237, 505561.09375, 
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502320.3125, 501996.25, 501996.25, 501672.15625, 501348.09375, 
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5220572, 5220572, 5220572, 5220021.5, 5219471, 5219471, 5218920.5, 
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5207361, 5206810.5, 5206810.5, 5206810.5, 5207361, 5207361, 5207911.5, 
5208462, 5209012.5, 5209563, 5210113.5, 5210663.5, 5211214, 5211764.5, 
5211764.5, 5212315, 5212865.5, 5212865.5, 5212865.5, 5213416, 
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5225526, 5225526, 5226076.5, 5226076.5, 5226627, 5227177.5, 5227728
), .Dim = c(265L, 2L)))), class = c("XY", "MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg"
)), structure(list(list(structure(c(482551.6875, 482875.75, 483199.84375, 
483523.90625, 483847.96875, 484172.0625, 484496.125, 484820.21875, 
485144.28125, 485468.375, 485792.4375, 486116.53125, 486440.59375, 
486764.65625, 487088.75, 487412.8125, 487736.90625, 488060.96875, 
488385.0625, 488709.125, 489033.1875, 489033.1875, 489033.1875, 
489033.1875, 489033.1875, 489033.1875, 489033.1875, 489033.1875, 
489033.1875, 489033.1875, 488709.125, 488385.0625, 488060.96875, 
487736.90625, 487412.8125, 487088.75, 486764.65625, 486440.59375, 
486116.53125, 485792.4375, 485468.375, 485144.28125, 484820.21875, 
484496.125, 484172.0625, 483847.96875, 483523.90625, 483199.84375, 
482875.75, 482551.6875, 482551.6875, 482551.6875, 482551.6875, 
482551.6875, 482551.6875, 482551.6875, 482551.6875, 482551.6875, 
482551.6875, 5370297, 5370297, 5370297, 5370297, 5370297, 5370297, 
5370297, 5370297, 5370297, 5370297, 5370297, 5370297, 5370297, 
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5366443.5, 5365893, 5365342.5, 5365342.5, 5365342.5, 5365342.5, 
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5366443.5, 5366994, 5367544.5, 5368095, 5368645.5, 5369196, 5369746.5, 
5370297), .Dim = c(59L, 2L)))), class = c("XY", "MULTIPOLYGON", 
"sfg")), structure(list(list(structure(c(481579.4375, 481903.53125, 
482227.59375, 482551.6875, 482875.75, 483199.84375, 483523.90625, 
483847.96875, 484172.0625, 484496.125, 484820.21875, 485144.28125, 
485468.375, 485468.375, 485144.28125, 485144.28125, 484820.21875, 
484820.21875, 484820.21875, 485144.28125, 485468.375, 485792.4375, 
485792.4375, 486116.53125, 486440.59375, 486440.59375, 486116.53125, 
486116.53125, 485792.4375, 485468.375, 485468.375, 485144.28125, 
484820.21875, 484496.125, 484172.0625, 483847.96875, 483523.90625, 
483199.84375, 482875.75, 482551.6875, 482227.59375, 481903.53125, 
481579.4375, 481579.4375, 481579.4375, 481579.4375, 481579.4375, 
481579.4375, 481579.4375, 481579.4375, 481579.4375, 5450113.5, 
5450113.5, 5450113.5, 5450113.5, 5450113.5, 5450113.5, 5450113.5, 
5450113.5, 5450113.5, 5450113.5, 5450113.5, 5450113.5, 5450113.5, 
5449563, 5449563, 5449012.5, 5449012.5, 5448462, 5447911.5, 5447911.5, 
5447911.5, 5447911.5, 5447361, 5447361, 5447361, 5446810.5, 5446810.5, 
5446260, 5446260, 5446260, 5445709.5, 5445709.5, 5445709.5, 5445709.5, 
5445709.5, 5445709.5, 5445709.5, 5445709.5, 5445709.5, 5445709.5, 
5445709.5, 5445709.5, 5445709.5, 5446260, 5446810.5, 5447361, 
5447911.5, 5448462, 5449012.5, 5449563, 5450113.5), .Dim = c(51L, 
2L)))), class = c("XY", "MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg")), structure(list(
    list(structure(c(480283.15625, 480607.21875, 480607.21875, 
    480283.15625, 480283.15625, 5412131.5, 5412131.5, 5411581, 
    5411581, 5412131.5), .Dim = c(5L, 2L))), list(structure(c(481579.4375, 
    481903.53125, 482227.59375, 482551.6875, 482875.75, 483199.84375, 
    483523.90625, 483847.96875, 484172.0625, 484496.125, 484820.21875, 
    485144.28125, 485468.375, 485792.4375, 486116.53125, 486116.53125, 
    486116.53125, 486116.53125, 486116.53125, 486116.53125, 486116.53125, 
    486116.53125, 486116.53125, 486116.53125, 485792.4375, 485792.4375, 
    485468.375, 485144.28125, 484820.21875, 484820.21875, 484496.125, 
    484172.0625, 484172.0625, 483847.96875, 483523.90625, 483199.84375, 
    483199.84375, 483523.90625, 483523.90625, 483199.84375, 482875.75, 
    482551.6875, 482227.59375, 482227.59375, 481903.53125, 481579.4375, 
    481579.4375, 481903.53125, 481903.53125, 481903.53125, 481903.53125, 
    481579.4375, 481579.4375, 481255.375, 480931.3125, 480607.21875, 
    480607.21875, 480931.3125, 481255.375, 481579.4375, 481579.4375, 
    5412131.5, 5412131.5, 5412131.5, 5412131.5, 5412131.5, 5412131.5, 
    5412131.5, 5412131.5, 5412131.5, 5412131.5, 5412131.5, 5412131.5, 
    5412131.5, 5412131.5, 5412131.5, 5411581, 5411031, 5410480.5, 
    5409930, 5409379.5, 5408829, 5408278.5, 5407728, 5407177.5, 
    5407177.5, 5407728, 5407728, 5407728, 5407728, 5408278.5, 
    5408278.5, 5408278.5, 5408829, 5408829, 5408829, 5408829, 
    5408278.5, 5408278.5, 5407728, 5407728, 5407728, 5407728, 
    5407728, 5408278.5, 5408278.5, 5408278.5, 5408829, 5408829, 
    5409379.5, 5409930, 5410480.5, 5410480.5, 5411031, 5411031, 
    5411031, 5411031, 5411581, 5411581, 5411581, 5411581, 5412131.5
    ), .Dim = c(61L, 2L)))), class = c("XY", "MULTIPOLYGON", 
"sfg")), structure(list(list(structure(c(501996.25, 502320.3125, 
502644.40625, 502968.46875, 503292.53125, 503616.625, 503940.6875, 
504264.78125, 504588.84375, 504912.9375, 505237, 505561.09375, 
505885.15625, 506209.21875, 506533.3125, 506857.375, 507181.46875, 
507505.53125, 507829.625, 508153.6875, 508477.75, 508801.84375, 
509125.90625, 509450, 509774.0625, 509774.0625, 509774.0625, 
509774.0625, 509774.0625, 509774.0625, 509450, 509450, 509125.90625, 
508801.84375, 508801.84375, 508477.75, 508477.75, 508153.6875, 
507829.625, 507829.625, 507505.53125, 507181.46875, 506857.375, 
506533.3125, 506533.3125, 506209.21875, 505885.15625, 505561.09375, 
505237, 504912.9375, 504588.84375, 504264.78125, 503940.6875, 
503940.6875, 504264.78125, 504264.78125, 503940.6875, 503940.6875, 
503616.625, 503616.625, 503292.53125, 503292.53125, 502968.46875, 
502644.40625, 502320.3125, 501996.25, 501996.25, 501996.25, 501996.25, 
501996.25, 501996.25, 501996.25, 501996.25, 501996.25, 501996.25, 
5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 
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5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397269.5, 5396719, 5396168.5, 
5395618, 5395067.5, 5395067.5, 5395618, 5395618, 5395618, 5395067.5, 
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5394517, 5393966.5, 5393966.5, 5393416, 5393416, 5392865.5, 5392865.5, 
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5395067.5, 5395618, 5396168.5, 5396719, 5397269.5, 5397820), .Dim = c(75L, 
2L)))), class = c("XY", "MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg")), structure(list(
    list(structure(c(499403.625, 499727.71875, 500051.78125, 
    500375.875, 500375.875, 500375.875, 500375.875, 500375.875, 
    500375.875, 500375.875, 500375.875, 500375.875, 500375.875, 
    500051.78125, 499727.71875, 499403.625, 499079.5625, 498755.46875, 
    498431.40625, 498107.34375, 497783.25, 497459.1875, 497135.09375, 
    496811.03125, 496486.9375, 496162.875, 495838.8125, 495514.71875, 
    495190.65625, 495190.65625, 495190.65625, 495190.65625, 495190.65625, 
    495190.65625, 495190.65625, 495190.65625, 495190.65625, 495514.71875, 
    495838.8125, 496162.875, 496486.9375, 496811.03125, 497135.09375, 
    497459.1875, 497783.25, 498107.34375, 498431.40625, 498755.46875, 
    499079.5625, 499403.625, 499403.625, 5364242, 5364242, 5364242, 
    5364242, 5363691.5, 5363141, 5362590.5, 5362040, 5361489.5, 
    5360939, 5360388.5, 5359838, 5359287.5, 5359287.5, 5359287.5, 
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    5359287.5, 5359287.5, 5359287.5, 5359287.5, 5359287.5, 5359287.5, 
    5359287.5, 5359287.5, 5359838, 5360388.5, 5360939, 5361489.5, 
    5362040, 5362590.5, 5363141, 5363691.5, 5363691.5, 5363691.5, 
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    ), .Dim = c(51L, 2L)))), class = c("XY", "MULTIPOLYGON", 
"sfg")), structure(list(list(structure(c(429079.125, 429403.21875, 
429727.28125, 430051.34375, 430375.4375, 430699.5, 431023.59375, 
431347.65625, 431671.75, 431995.8125, 432319.90625, 432643.96875, 
432968.03125, 433292.125, 433616.1875, 433940.28125, 433940.28125, 
433940.28125, 433940.28125, 433940.28125, 433940.28125, 433940.28125, 
433940.28125, 433940.28125, 433616.1875, 433292.125, 432968.03125, 
432643.96875, 432319.90625, 431995.8125, 431671.75, 431347.65625, 
431023.59375, 430699.5, 430375.4375, 430051.34375, 429727.28125, 
429403.21875, 429079.125, 429079.125, 429079.125, 429079.125, 
429079.125, 429079.125, 429079.125, 429079.125, 429079.125, 5464976, 
5464976, 5464976, 5464976, 5464976, 5464976, 5464976, 5464976, 
5464976, 5464976, 5464976, 5464976, 5464976, 5464976, 5464976, 
5464976, 5464425.5, 5463875, 5463324.5, 5462774, 5462223.5, 5461673, 
5461122.5, 5460572, 5460572, 5460572, 5460572, 5460572, 5460572, 
5460572, 5460572, 5460572, 5460572, 5460572, 5460572, 5460572, 
5460572, 5460572, 5460572, 5461122.5, 5461673, 5462223.5, 5462774, 
5463324.5, 5463875, 5464425.5, 5464976), .Dim = c(47L, 2L)))), class = c("XY", 
"MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg")), structure(list(list(structure(c(475097.9375, 
475422, 475746.09375, 476070.15625, 476394.21875, 476718.3125, 
477042.375, 477366.46875, 477690.53125, 478014.625, 478338.6875, 
478338.6875, 478662.78125, 478662.78125, 478986.84375, 479310.90625, 
479635, 479635, 479959.0625, 480283.15625, 480607.21875, 480607.21875, 
480931.3125, 481255.375, 481255.375, 481579.4375, 481903.53125, 
481903.53125, 482227.59375, 482551.6875, 482875.75, 482875.75, 
482551.6875, 482227.59375, 481903.53125, 481579.4375, 481255.375, 
480931.3125, 480607.21875, 480283.15625, 479959.0625, 479635, 
479310.90625, 478986.84375, 478662.78125, 478662.78125, 478662.78125, 
478662.78125, 478338.6875, 478014.625, 478014.625, 477690.53125, 
477690.53125, 477366.46875, 477042.375, 477042.375, 476718.3125, 
476394.21875, 476070.15625, 475746.09375, 475746.09375, 476070.15625, 
476070.15625, 475746.09375, 475746.09375, 475422, 475097.9375, 
474773.84375, 474773.84375, 474773.84375, 474773.84375, 474773.84375, 
474773.84375, 474773.84375, 474773.84375, 475097.9375, 475097.9375, 
475097.9375, 475097.9375, 5401673, 5401673, 5401673, 5401673, 
5401673, 5401673, 5401673, 5401673, 5401673, 5401673, 5401673, 
5401122.5, 5401122.5, 5400572, 5400572, 5400572, 5400572, 5400021.5, 
5400021.5, 5400021.5, 5400021.5, 5399471, 5399471, 5399471, 5398920.5, 
5398920.5, 5398920.5, 5398370, 5398370, 5398370, 5398370, 5397820, 
5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 
5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397269.5, 
5396719, 5396168.5, 5396168.5, 5396168.5, 5396719, 5396719, 5397269.5, 
5397269.5, 5397269.5, 5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 5397820, 
5397269.5, 5397269.5, 5396719, 5396719, 5396168.5, 5396168.5, 
5396168.5, 5396168.5, 5396719, 5397269.5, 5397820, 5398370, 5398920.5, 
5399471, 5400021.5, 5400021.5, 5400572, 5401122.5, 5401673), .Dim = c(79L, 
2L)))), class = c("XY", "MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg")), structure(list(
    list(structure(c(475097.9375, 475422, 475746.09375, 476070.15625, 
    476394.21875, 476718.3125, 477042.375, 477366.46875, 477690.53125, 
    478014.625, 478338.6875, 478662.78125, 478986.84375, 479310.90625, 
    479635, 479959.0625, 479959.0625, 479959.0625, 479959.0625, 
    479959.0625, 479959.0625, 479959.0625, 480283.15625, 480283.15625, 
    480283.15625, 480283.15625, 480283.15625, 479959.0625, 479959.0625, 
    479635, 479310.90625, 479310.90625, 478986.84375, 478662.78125, 
    478662.78125, 478338.6875, 478338.6875, 478014.625, 477690.53125, 
    477690.53125, 477366.46875, 477366.46875, 477042.375, 477042.375, 
    476718.3125, 476718.3125, 476394.21875, 476394.21875, 476070.15625, 
    475746.09375, 475746.09375, 475422, 475422, 475097.9375, 
    475097.9375, 5389012.5, 5389012.5, 5389012.5, 5389012.5, 
    5389012.5, 5389012.5, 5389012.5, 5389012.5, 5389012.5, 5389012.5, 
    5389012.5, 5389012.5, 5389012.5, 5389012.5, 5389012.5, 5389012.5, 
    5388462, 5387911.5, 5387361, 5386810.5, 5386260, 5385709.5, 
    5385709.5, 5385159, 5384609, 5384058.5, 5383508, 5383508, 
    5384058.5, 5384058.5, 5384058.5, 5384609, 5384609, 5384609, 
    5385159, 5385159, 5384609, 5384609, 5384609, 5385159, 5385159, 
    5385709.5, 5385709.5, 5386260, 5386260, 5386810.5, 5386810.5, 
    5387361, 5387361, 5387361, 5387911.5, 5387911.5, 5388462, 
    5388462, 5389012.5), .Dim = c(55L, 2L)))), class = c("XY", 
"MULTIPOLYGON", "sfg"))), class = c("sfc_MULTIPOLYGON", "sfc"
), precision = 0, bbox = structure(c(xmin = 429079.125, ymin = 5206810.5, 
xmax = 514635.21875, ymax = 5464976), class = "bbox"), crs = structure(list(
    input = NA_character_, wkt = NA_character_), class = "crs"), n_empty = 0L), 
    quadID = c("", "Adjacent", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""
    )), sf_column = "geometry", agr = structure(c(IDR_ID = NA_integer_, 
ORIGFQ = NA_integer_, quadID = NA_integer_), .Label = c("constant", 
"aggregate", "identity"), class = "factor"), row.names = c(144L, 
430L, 183L, 45L, 139L, 195L, 227L, 5L, 162L, 174L), class = c("sf", 

Thank you for your help!

Upvotes: 0

Views: 9010

Answers (1)


Reputation: 6226

Since you use sf, you can directly use EPSG code to define CRS.

To define a CRS:

myshapefile  <- myshapefile %>% st_set_crs(4979)

You can also set it when reading the shapefile with st_read (if not detected):

st_read("myshapefile.shp", crs = 4979)

To reproject data, use st_transform, e.g. st_transform(4326)

Upvotes: 3

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