
Reputation: 327

How to parse strings into hierarchy or tree in R

Is there a way to parse strings representing groups into a hierarchical structure in R?

Say I have groups structured as follows:

"1", "1.1", "1.1.1", "", "1.1.2", "1.1.3", "", "", "", "1.2",       
"1.2.1", "", "", "", "1.2.2", "", ""

We can naturally see that the 'highest' level is '1', followed by the two main splits '1.1' and '1.2', and so on.

Can this be parsed in R into a hierarchical structure, and the 'levels' easily retrieved (e.g. as above - if I want the second-highest level then R returns '1.1' and '1.2')

Upvotes: 2

Views: 613

Answers (2)

G. Grothendieck
G. Grothendieck

Reputation: 270010

1) igraph

We can convert x shown in the Note at the end to an igraph g and then igraph provides many operations on it.

DF <- data.frame(parent = sub("\\.\\d+$", "", x), name = x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
DF <- subset(DF, parent != name)  # remove loop in root to itself
g <-


node <- "1.1"
setdiff(names(subcomponent(g, node, mode = "in")), node)
## [1] "1"

Children of Node

node <- "1.2"
setdiff(names(neighborhood(g, nodes = node, mode = "out")[[1]]), node)
## [1] "1.2.1" "1.2.2"

All descendents of node

node <- "1.2"
setdiff(names(subcomponent(g, node, mode = "out")), node)
## [1] "1.2.1"     "1.2.2"     ""   ""   ""   ""  
## [7] ""

Depth of each node

dfs(g, root = "1", dist = TRUE)$dist
##         1       1.1     1.1.1     1.1.3       1.2     1.2.1     1.2.2 
##         0         1         2         2         1         2         3         2 
##     1.1.2 
##         3         2         3         3         3         3         4         3 
##         3 


names(which(degree(g, mode = "out") == 0))
## [1] ""   "1.1.2"     ""   ""   ""   ""  
## [7] "" ""   ""  


plot(g, layout = layout_as_tree(g))

(continued after plot)


We can also use package rviewgraph:


2) strings

Using x from the Note at the end, we can apply ordinary string operations to it directly so it might not be necessary to transform the data at all.

Immediate children of given node

parent <- "1"
pat <- sprintf("^%s\\.\\d+$", parent)
grep(pat, x, value = TRUE)
## [1] "1.1" "1.2"

All nodes of given depth

depth <- 2
pat2 <- sprintf("^\\d+(\\.\\d+){%d}$", depth-1)
grep(pat2, x, value = TRUE)
[1] "1.1" "1.2"


depth <- 2
pat2 <- sprintf("^%s$", paste(rep("\\d+", depth), collapse = "\\."))
grep(pat2, x, value = TRUE)
## [1] "1.1" "1.2"

List with one component per depth

Each component lists all the nodes in of that depth.

split(x, nchar(gsub("\\d", "", x)) + 1)
## $`1`
## [1] "1"
## $`2`
## [1] "1.1" "1.2"
## $`3`
## [1] "1.1.1" "1.1.2" "1.1.3" "1.2.1" "1.2.2"
## $`4`
## [1] "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
## [8] ""
## $`5`
## [1] ""

Parent of given node

We can omit the line marked ## if it is ok to have the root node be its own parent.

node <- "1.1"
parent <- sub("\\.\\d+$", "", node)
parent <- setdiff(parent, node) ##
## [1] "1"

Siblings of given node

Get children of parent and then remove input node from that result.

node <- "1.1"
parent <- sub("\\.\\d+$", "", node)
pat <- sprintf("^%s\\.\\d+$", parent)
setdiff(grep(pat, x, value = TRUE), node)
## [1] "1.2"

All descendants of a given node

node <- "1.2"
x[startsWith(x, paste0(node, "."))]
## [1] "1.2.1"     ""   ""   "" "1.2.2"     ""  
## [7] "" 

All ancestors of given node

node <- "1.2.1"
x[startsWith(node, paste0(x, "."))]
## [1] "1"   "1.2"

Leaf nodes

leaf <- x[sapply(x, function(st) sum(startsWith(x, st))) == 1]
## [1] ""   "1.1.2"     ""   ""   ""   ""  
## [7] "" ""   ""  

Internal nodes

setdiff(x, leaf)
## [1] "1"       "1.1"     "1.1.1"   "1.1.3"   "1.2"     "1.2.1"   ""
## [8] "1.2.2"  


x <- c("1", "1.1", "1.1.1", "", "1.1.2", "1.1.3", "", 
"", "", "1.2",       
"1.2.1", "", "", "", "1.2.2", "", "")

Upvotes: 2

Ian Campbell
Ian Campbell

Reputation: 24848

One option might be to use str_split to identify the depth level.

strings <- c("1", "1.1", "1.1.1", "", "1.1.2", "1.1.3", "", "", "", "1.2","1.2.1", "", "", "", "1.2.2", "", "")

strings %>%
  strsplit("\\.") %>%
  map(~set_names(.x,paste0("DepthLevel",seq_along(.x)))) %>%
## A tibble: 17 x 5
#   DepthLevel1 DepthLevel2 DepthLevel3 DepthLevel4 DepthLevel5
#   <chr>       <chr>       <chr>       <chr>       <chr>      
# 1 1           NA          NA          NA          NA         
# 2 1           1           NA          NA          NA         
# 3 1           1           1           NA          NA         
# 4 1           1           1           1           NA         
# 5 1           1           2           NA          NA         
# 6 1           1           3           NA          NA         
# 7 1           1           3           1           NA         
# 8 1           1           3           2           NA         
# 9 1           1           3           3           NA         
#10 1           2           NA          NA          NA         
#11 1           2           1           NA          NA         
#12 1           2           1           1           NA         
#13 1           2           1           2           NA         
#14 1           2           1           2           1          
#15 1           2           2           NA          NA         
#16 1           2           2           1           NA         
#17 1           2           2           2           NA   

Upvotes: 1

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