Reputation: 890
Hello i have slider with divisions. What is the theme property for changing divisions color so they are not visible?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 4373
Reputation: 10101
Although this might be a bit late, I wanted to share a helpful tip for hiding division tick marks on your Flutter slider.
To achieve this, simply add the following property within your SliderTheme
tickMarkShape: SliderTickMarkShape.noTickMark,
This code snippet ensures that no tick marks are displayed on the slider track.
data: SliderThemeData(
thumbShape: CustomRoundSliderThumbShape(enabledThumbRadius: 14),
tickMarkShape: SliderTickMarkShape.noTickMark,
trackHeight: 8,
trackShape: RoundedRectSliderTrackShape(),
child: Slider(
value: 1,
min: 1,
max: 24,
divisions: 23,
onChanged: (value) {
setState(() {});
activeColor: AppColorsV2.paleBlue,
inactiveColor: AppColorsV2.textFormFieldBorder,
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 458
Please see this example and let me know if you need any further help :
data: SliderTheme.of(context).copyWith(
trackHeight: 10.0,
minThumbSeparation: 2,
thumbColor: Colors.white,
thumbShape: RoundSliderThumbShape(enabledThumbRadius: 12.0),
inactiveTickMarkColor: Colors.amber,
child: Slider(
min: 1,
max: 100,
value: 45,
divisions: 2,
onChanged: (newValue) {
// set the new value here
setState(() {
progress= newValue;
Let's demonstrate some params:
The Main Param for changing the color of the divisions is inactiveTickMarkColor param in SliderTheme object which is amber in our case. Feel free to change it as you want.
The inactiveTrackColor param is the color of the slider when the area is not in the active rang.
The overlayColor param is the color of the widget that appears when you press or focus on the selector widget.
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 392
you can wrap you slider with SliderTheme widget and then adding SliderThemeData to it, inside SliderThemeData , where TickMark defines division, you would find properties for changing TickMark color, here is an example
data: SliderThemeData(
activeTickMarkColor: Colors.transparent,
inactiveTickMarkColor: Colors.transparent,
thumbColor: ColorAssets.themeColorMagenta,
activeTrackColor: ColorAssets.themeColorMagenta,
inactiveTrackColor: Colors.white,
child: Slider(
value: textSliderValue,
min: 0,
max: 20,
divisions: 20,
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 27147
You can change ColorScheme's primary color to change slider's color, but it requires to assign value of all colors.
colorScheme: ColorScheme(
primary: Colors.amber,
primaryVariant: Colors.amber,
secondary: Colors.amber,
secondaryVariant: Colors.amber,
surface: Colors.amber,
background: Colors.amber,
error: Colors.amber,
onPrimary: Colors.amber,
onSecondary: Colors.amber,
onSurface: Colors.amber,
onBackground: Colors.amber,
onError: Colors.amber,
brightness: Brightness.light),
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