Reputation: 124
I'm trying to find a single method to give me AUC for a random forest model for both the training and testing sets without using MLeval.
Here's a good example for ROC on training data, and here's a good example for ROC on testing data. The first example for AUC for training data gives AUC=0.944.
rfFit$pred$M[selectedIndices], print.auc=TRUE)
ctrl <- trainControl(method="cv",
savePredictions = T)
rfFit <- train(Class ~ ., data=Sonar,
method="rf", preProc=c("center", "scale"),
trControl=ctrl, metric="ROC")
mtry ROC Sens Spec
2 0.9459428 0.9280303 0.8044444
result.predicted.prob <- predict(rfFit, Sonar, type="prob") # Prediction
result.roc <- roc(Sonar$Class, result.predicted.prob$M)
plot(result.roc, print.thres="best","closest.topleft", print.auc=TRUE)
But that AUC for the entire training data (i.e. Sonar) is 1.0, while rfFit shows 0.946 which is also different! So why am I getting different results and what's the correct way to calculate AUC for both training and testing?
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Views: 1433
Reputation: 47008
It's AUC from different models.
The first AUC you see, is an average AUC from your training through cross-validation. You can see it under:
ROC Sens Spec Resample
1 1.0000000 0.9090909 1.0000000 Fold02
2 0.9949495 1.0000000 0.7777778 Fold01
3 0.8045455 0.8181818 0.5000000 Fold03
4 1.0000000 1.0000000 0.8000000 Fold06
5 0.9595960 0.9090909 0.6666667 Fold05
6 0.9909091 0.9090909 0.9000000 Fold04
[1] 0.9540909
In this case, it's 10 fold cross-validation, you train 90% of the data and test on 10%, hence it's a slightly different model with every fold, and therefore different AUC.
If you take the prediction of the final model trained, you get the AUC of 1, and this is not included in the caret output.
So, it depends on what your AUC should reflect. If it is average AUC during CV train, then use the ROC value from caret. If you just need 1 value to reflect the accuracy of the final model, then your second method is ok.
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