Reputation: 137900
For the purpose of introspection, sometimes I've wanted to automatically assign serial numbers to types, or something similar.
Unfortunately, template metaprogramming is essentially a functional language, and as such lacks global variables or modifiable state which would implement such a counter.
Or does it?
Example code by request:
#include <iostream>
int const a = counter_read;
int const b = counter_read;
int main() {
std::cout << a << ' ' << b << '\n'; // print "0 5"
std::cout << counter_read << '\n'; // print "8"
struct {
counter_inc_t d1;
char x[ counter_read ];
counter_inc_t d2;
char y[ counter_read ];
} ls;
std::cout << sizeof ls.x << ' ' << sizeof ls.y << '\n'; // print "9 10"
Upvotes: 80
Views: 38321
Reputation: 4732
With C++20, it's possible to use lambdas in unevaluated contexts, which allows for a rather elegant solution while taking advantage of the infamous friend-injection technique. The live example can be found here, tested with Clang 17.0.1, GCC 13.2, and MSVC 19.38.
template<auto Id>
struct counter {
using tag = counter;
struct generator {
friend consteval auto is_defined(tag)
{ return true; }
friend consteval auto is_defined(tag);
template<typename Tag = tag, auto = is_defined(Tag{})>
static consteval auto exists(auto)
{ return true; }
static consteval auto exists(...)
{ return generator(), false; }
template<auto Id = int{}, typename = decltype([]{})>
consteval auto unique_id() {
if constexpr (not counter<Id>::exists(Id)) return Id;
else return unique_id<Id + 1>();
static_assert(unique_id() == 0);
static_assert(unique_id() == 1);
static_assert(unique_id() == 2);
static_assert(unique_id() == 3);
The lambda of the defaulted template argument is necessary to ensure the compiler will re-evaluate the compile time conditional statement for each implicit instantiation of the templated function. Even when using a non-type template argument defaulted with the result of the conditional statement, the compiler doesn't seem to re-evaluate it fully but rather caches the result.
Upvotes: 20
Reputation: 31
From C++ 17, this simple solution worked pretty fine for me. And the overhead is minimum. Looks almost like compile-time counter.
struct counter
static inline uint32 count = 0;
static inline auto next() { return ++count; }
Upvotes: -2
Reputation: 542
With C++20 onward.
You have source_location which can generate indices from C++ function with no macros at all.
Sample code
#include <source_location> // merged in C++20
constexpr auto Generate(const std::source_location& location =
std::source_location::current()) {
return location.line();
now you can use it as a counter through one source file or add compile time hash function for source location with file name to get unique index.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 2734
I've gone through this whole thing myself and eventually have come up with a solution that seems to be standard-compliant (at the time I'm writing this) and works with gcc, clang, msvc and icc, in all their recent versions and in most of the old ones.
I've talked about the whole process into another post on here: C++ compile time counters, revisited.
I've then packaged the solution into a fameta::counter
class that solves a few remaining quirks.
You can find it on github.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 335
Since sharing is caring and I spent a few hours fiddling around with the base example this side provides I'm going to post my solution as well.
The version linked to in the article has two major downsides. The max number it can count too is very low, due to max recursion depth (usually something around 256). And the time it takes to compile as soon as a count of more than a few hundred has been reached is huge.
By implementing binary search to detect if a flag for a counter has already been set or not, it's possible to massively increase the max count (controllable through MAX_DEPTH) and also improve compile time at the same time. =)
Usage example:
static constexpr int a = counter_id();
static constexpr int b = counter_id();
static constexpr int c = counter_id();
#include <iostream>
int main () {
std::cout << "Value a: " << a << std::endl;
std::cout << "Value b: " << b << std::endl;
std::cout << "Value c: " << c << std::endl;
Fully working code with example at the end: (Except for clang. See comments.)
// Number of Bits our counter is using. Lower number faster compile time,
// but less distinct values. With 16 we have 2^16 distinct values.
#define MAX_DEPTH 16
// Used for counting.
template<int N>
struct flag {
friend constexpr int adl_flag(flag<N>);
// Used for noting how far down in the binary tree we are.
// depth<0> equales leaf nodes. depth<MAX_DEPTH> equals root node.
template<int N> struct depth {};
// Creating an instance of this struct marks the flag<N> as used.
template<int N>
struct mark {
friend constexpr int adl_flag (flag<N>) {
return N;
static constexpr int value = N;
// Heart of the expression. The first two functions are for inner nodes and
// the next two for termination at leaf nodes.
// char[noexcept( adl_flag(flag<N>()) ) ? +1 : -1] is valid if flag<N> exists.
template <int D, int N, class = char[noexcept( adl_flag(flag<N>()) ) ? +1 : -1]>
int constexpr binary_search_flag(int, depth<D>, flag<N>,
int next_flag = binary_search_flag(0, depth<D-1>(), flag<N + (1 << (D - 1))>())) {
return next_flag;
template <int D, int N>
int constexpr binary_search_flag(float, depth<D>, flag<N>,
int next_flag = binary_search_flag(0, depth<D-1>(), flag<N - (1 << (D - 1))>())) {
return next_flag;
template <int N, class = char[noexcept( adl_flag(flag<N>()) ) ? +1 : -1]>
int constexpr binary_search_flag(int, depth<0>, flag<N>) {
return N + 1;
template <int N>
int constexpr binary_search_flag(float, depth<0>, flag<N>) {
return N;
// The actual expression to call for increasing the count.
template<int next_flag = binary_search_flag(0, depth<MAX_DEPTH-1>(),
flag<(1 << (MAX_DEPTH-1))>())>
int constexpr counter_id(int value = mark<next_flag>::value) {
return value;
static constexpr int a = counter_id();
static constexpr int b = counter_id();
static constexpr int c = counter_id();
#include <iostream>
int main () {
std::cout << "Value a: " << a << std::endl;
std::cout << "Value b: " << b << std::endl;
std::cout << "Value c: " << c << std::endl;
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 137900
Well… yes, template metaprogramming lacks side effects as it is intended. I was misled by a bug in older versions of GCC and a little unclear wording in the Standard to believe that all those features were possible.
However, at least the namespace-scope functionality can be achieved with little use of templates at all. Function lookup can extract numeric state from the set of declared functions, as demonstrated below.
Library code:
template< size_t n > // This type returns a number through function lookup.
struct cn // The function returns cn<n>.
{ char data[ n + 1 ]; }; // The caller uses (sizeof fn() - 1).
template< typename id, size_t n, size_t acc >
cn< acc > seen( id, cn< n >, cn< acc > ); // Default fallback case.
/* Evaluate the counter by finding the last defined overload.
Each function, when defined, alters the lookup sequence for lower-order
functions. */
#define counter_read( id ) \
( sizeof seen( id(), cn< 1 >(), cn< \
( sizeof seen( id(), cn< 2 >(), cn< \
( sizeof seen( id(), cn< 4 >(), cn< \
( sizeof seen( id(), cn< 8 >(), cn< \
( sizeof seen( id(), cn< 16 >(), cn< \
( sizeof seen( id(), cn< 32 >(), cn< 0 \
/* Add more as desired; trimmed for Stack Overflow code block. */ \
>() ).data - 1 ) \
>() ).data - 1 ) \
>() ).data - 1 ) \
>() ).data - 1 ) \
>() ).data - 1 ) \
>() ).data - 1 )
/* Define a single new function with place-value equal to the bit flipped to 1
by the increment operation.
This is the lowest-magnitude function yet undefined in the current context
of defined higher-magnitude functions. */
#define counter_inc( id ) \
cn< counter_read( id ) + 1 > \
seen( id, cn< ( counter_read( id ) + 1 ) & ~ counter_read( id ) >, \
cn< ( counter_read( id ) + 1 ) & counter_read( id ) > )
Quick demo (see it run):
struct my_cnt {};
int const a = counter_read( my_cnt );
counter_inc( my_cnt );
counter_inc( my_cnt );
counter_inc( my_cnt );
counter_inc( my_cnt );
counter_inc( my_cnt );
int const b = counter_read( my_cnt );
counter_inc( my_cnt );
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::cout << a << ' ' << b << '\n';
std::cout << counter_read( my_cnt ) << '\n';
Here is an updated version using C++11 constexpr
in place of sizeof
#define COUNTER_READ_CRUMB( TAG, RANK, ACC ) counter_crumb( TAG(), constant_index< RANK >(), constant_index< ACC >() )
#define COUNTER_INC( TAG ) \
constexpr \
constant_index< COUNTER_READ( TAG ) + 1 > \
counter_crumb( TAG, constant_index< ( COUNTER_READ( TAG ) + 1 ) & ~ COUNTER_READ( TAG ) >, \
constant_index< ( COUNTER_READ( TAG ) + 1 ) & COUNTER_READ( TAG ) > ) { return {}; }
#define COUNTER_LINK_NAMESPACE( NS ) using NS::counter_crumb;
template< std::size_t n >
struct constant_index : std::integral_constant< std::size_t, n > {};
template< typename id, std::size_t rank, std::size_t acc >
constexpr constant_index< acc > counter_crumb( id, constant_index< rank >, constant_index< acc > ) { return {}; } // found by ADL via constant_index
The declarations should be put inside a namespace, and all names used in the macros except counter_crumb
should be fully qualified. The counter_crumb
template is found via ADL association with the constant_index
macro can be used to increment one counter in the scope of multiple namespaces.
Upvotes: 52
Reputation: 761
Unfortunately, template metaprogramming is essentially a functional language, and as such lacks global variables or modifiable state which would implement such a counter.
Or is it?
C++ allows compile time counters (i.e. without __COUNTER__
, __LINE__
or other approaches proposed here earlier) as well as allocating and defining inner int unique ID for each template instance. See v1 solution for the counter implemented with template metaprograming using chaining allocated IDs and v2 for the second use case. Both solutions are answers for "How can I generate dense unique type IDs at compile time?". But the task has an important requirement about the only ID allocator.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 133
Here's another alternative implementation. is probably better, but even after manually working through a couple increments on paper I still don't quite understand the math/filtering.
This uses constexpr function recursion to count the number of non-template declared Highest
functions. __COUNTER__
is used as a generational mechanism to prevent new declarations of Highest
from doing self recursion.
This only compiles on clang for me (3.3). I'm not sure it's compliant, but I'm hopeful. g++ 4.8 fails due to some unimplemented feature (according to the error). Intel compiler 13 also fails, due to a constexpr bug.
The maximum count per counter is 250 (CounterLimit). CounterLimit can be increased to 256 unless you implement the LCount stuff below.
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
constexpr unsigned int CounterLimit = 250;
template <unsigned int ValueArg> struct TemplateInt { constexpr static unsigned int Value = ValueArg; };
template <unsigned int GetID, typename, typename TagID>
constexpr unsigned int Highest(TagID, TemplateInt<0>)
return 0;
template <unsigned int GetID, typename, typename TagID, unsigned int Index>
constexpr unsigned int Highest(TagID, TemplateInt<Index>)
return Highest<GetID, void>(TagID(), TemplateInt<Index - 1>());
#define GetCount(...) \
Highest<__COUNTER__, void>(__VA_ARGS__(), TemplateInt<CounterLimit>())
#define IncrementCount(TagID) \
template <unsigned int GetID, typename = typename std::enable_if<(GetID > __COUNTER__ + 1)>::type> \
constexpr unsigned int Highest( \
TagID, \
TemplateInt<GetCount(TagID) + 1> Value) \
{ \
return decltype(Value)::Value; \
struct Counter1 {};
struct Counter2 {};
constexpr unsigned int Read0 = GetCount(Counter1);
constexpr unsigned int Read1 = GetCount(Counter1);
constexpr unsigned int Read2 = GetCount(Counter1);
constexpr unsigned int Read3 = GetCount(Counter1);
constexpr unsigned int Read4 = GetCount(Counter1);
constexpr unsigned int Read5 = GetCount(Counter1);
constexpr unsigned int Read6 = GetCount(Counter2);
int main(int, char**)
std::cout << "Ending state 0: " << Highest<__COUNTER__, void>(Counter1(), TemplateInt<0>()) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Ending state 1: " << Highest<__COUNTER__, void>(Counter1(), TemplateInt<1>()) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Ending state 2: " << Highest<__COUNTER__, void>(Counter1(), TemplateInt<2>()) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Ending state 3: " << Highest<__COUNTER__, void>(Counter1(), TemplateInt<3>()) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Ending state 4: " << Highest<__COUNTER__, void>(Counter1(), TemplateInt<4>()) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Ending state 5: " << Highest<__COUNTER__, void>(Counter1(), TemplateInt<5>()) << std::endl;
std::cout << Read0 << std::endl;
std::cout << Read1 << std::endl;
std::cout << Read2 << std::endl;
std::cout << Read3 << std::endl;
std::cout << Read4 << std::endl;
std::cout << Read5 << std::endl;
std::cout << Read6 << std::endl;
return 0;
Ending state 0: 0
Ending state 1: 1
Ending state 2: 2
Ending state 3: 3
Ending state 4: 4
Ending state 5: 4
If you want higher values than 256, I think you can combine counters. I did 250 * 250 (although I didn't really test counting past 2). CounterLimit has to be lowered to around 250 for compiler compile time recursion limits. Just to note, this took significantly more time to compile for me.
template <typename, unsigned int> struct ExtraCounter { };
template <unsigned int GetID, typename, typename TagID>
constexpr unsigned int LHighest(TagID)
return Highest<GetID, void>(ExtraCounter<TagID, CounterLimit>(), TemplateInt<CounterLimit>()) * CounterLimit +
Highest<GetID, void>(
ExtraCounter<TagID, Highest<GetID, void>(ExtraCounter<TagID , CounterLimit>(), TemplateInt<CounterLimit>())>(),
#define GetLCount(TagID) \
LHighest<__COUNTER__, void>(TagID())
#define LIncrementTag_(TagID) \
typename std::conditional< \
GetCount(ExtraCounter<TagID, GetCount(ExtraCounter<TagID, CounterLimit>)>) == CounterLimit - 1, \
ExtraCounter<TagID, CounterLimit>, \
ExtraCounter<TagID, GetCount(ExtraCounter<TagID, CounterLimit>)>>::type
#define IncrementLCount(TagID) \
template <unsigned int GetID, typename = typename std::enable_if<(GetID > __COUNTER__ + 7)>::type> \
constexpr unsigned int Highest( \
LIncrementTag_(TagID), \
TemplateInt<GetCount(LIncrementTag_(TagID)) + 1> Value) \
{ \
return decltype(Value)::Value; \
struct Counter3 {};
constexpr unsigned int Read7 = GetLCount(Counter3);
constexpr unsigned int Read8 = GetLCount(Counter3);
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 70058
I was thinking to solve this problem for quite sometime, and have come up with a very short-clean solution. At least I deserve one upvote to try this out. :))
Following library code achieves namespace level functionality. i.e. I am successful to implement counter_read
and counter_inc
; but not the counter_inc_t
(which is incremented inside function because template
classes are not allowed inside function)
template<unsigned int NUM> struct Counter { enum { value = Counter<NUM-1>::value }; };
template<> struct Counter<0> { enum { value = 0 }; };
#define counter_read Counter<__LINE__>::value
#define counter_inc template<> struct Counter<__LINE__> { enum { value = Counter<__LINE__-1>::value + 1}; }
This technique uses template meta-programming and leverages the __LINE__
See the result for the code from your answer.
Upvotes: 23
Reputation: 300159
You could use BOOST_PP_COUNTER
from Boost.Preprocessor.
Advantage: it works even for macros
Disadvantage: there is only one "counter kind" for the whole program, but the mechanism may be reimplemented for dedicated counters
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 13036
I believe both MSVC and GCC support a __COUNTER__
preprocessor token that has a monotonically increasing value substituted in its place.
Upvotes: 27