Reputation: 31
I am launching seleniumgrid with mobbrowserproxy in a docker bridged network. The remote driver proxy settings are configured correctly but i cannot connect to the proxy server from the chrome driver. I have looked at all the issues and i cannot find a solution.
Below is the error which shows the driver desired capabilities/options.
selenium-hub | 15:40:24.222 INFO [TestSlot.getNewSession] - Trying to create a new session on test slot {server:CONFIG_UUID=ef95a1c8-8c30-472b-9e5e-323b8a8c9045, seleniumProtocol=WebDriver, browserName=chrome, maxInstances=1, platformName=LINUX, version=74.0.3729.169, applicationName=, platform=LINUX}
chrome_1 | 15:40:24.243 INFO [ActiveSessionFactory.apply] - Capabilities are: {
chrome_1 | "browserName": "chrome",
chrome_1 | "goog:chromeOptions": {
chrome_1 | "args": [
chrome_1 | "--disable-gpu",
chrome_1 | "--headless",
chrome_1 | "--no-sandbox",
chrome_1 | "--whitelisted-ips",
chrome_1 | "--disable-dev-shm-usage",
chrome_1 | "--allow-insecure-localhost",
chrome_1 | "--disable-web-security",
chrome_1 | "--ignore-certificate-errors",
chrome_1 | "--allow-running-insecure-content"
chrome_1 | ],
chrome_1 | "extensions": [
chrome_1 | ]
chrome_1 | },
chrome_1 | "proxy": {
chrome_1 | "httpProxy": "",
chrome_1 | "proxyType": "manual",
chrome_1 | "sslProxy": ""
chrome_1 | },
chrome_1 | "version": ""
chrome_1 | }
chrome_1 | 15:40:24.243 INFO [ActiveSessionFactory.lambda$apply$11] - Matched factory org.openqa.selenium.grid.session.remote.ServicedSession$Factory (provider:
chrome_1 | Starting ChromeDriver 74.0.3729.6 (255758eccf3d244491b8a1317aa76e1ce10d57e9-refs/branch-heads/3729@{#29}) on port 28080
chrome_1 | Only local connections are allowed.
chrome_1 | Please protect ports used by ChromeDriver and related test frameworks to prevent access by malicious code.
chrome_1 | [1589038824.252][SEVERE]: bind() failed: Cannot assign requested address (99)
chrome_1 | 15:40:24.418 INFO [ProtocolHandshake.createSession] - Detected dialect: OSS
chrome_1 | 15:40:24.444 INFO [RemoteSession$Factory.lambda$performHandshake$0] - Started new session 4c42082804845cf9571e6a843a63feca (
chrome_1 | 15:40:34.798 INFO [ActiveSessions$1.onStop] - Removing session 4c42082804845cf9571e6a843a63feca (
I believe the key point of this stacktrace is right here
chrome_1 | Only local connections are allowed.
chrome_1 | Please protect ports used by ChromeDriver and related test frameworks to prevent access by malicious code.
chrome_1 | [1589038824.252][SEVERE]: bind() failed: Cannot assign requested address (99)
To reproduce this error. If you simple launch the containers and login to chromenode and use the chromedriver cli, you should see the same error in the terminal. Again the target of this issue is connecting the proxy container via chromedriver proxy settings.
version: "3"
image: selenium/hub:3.141.59-20200409
container_name: selenium-hub
- "4444:4444"
- caowebtests
image: selenium/node-chrome:3.141.59-oxygen
- selenium-hub
- HUB_HOST=selenium-hub
- HUB_PORT=4444
- caowebtests
- 9515
image: selenium/node-firefox:3.141.59-20200409
- selenium-hub
- HUB_HOST=selenium-hub
- HUB_PORT=4444
- caowebtests
image: selenium/node-opera:3.141.59-20200409
- selenium-hub
- HUB_HOST=selenium-hub
- HUB_PORT=4444
- caowebtests
image: spothero/browsermob-proxy:1.0.0
- selenium-hub
- caowebtests
- "9090:9090"
- selenium-hub
- firefox
- chrome
- opera
container_name: robottests
command: /bin/sleep infinity
- selenium-hub
build: .
- ./reports:/cao_ui_tests/reports
- caowebtests
driver: bridge
As you can see in the trace above. the desired capabilities and options are all there. What I am trying to find out is why the chrome driver is getting this error with the proxy settings above.
My test is failing when looking for the first element on the login page. I am not sure if you need the test scripts and the ability to execute the test scripts to try to reproduce this or if this is something that can be pointed out. I can add this repo to github if needed.
*** Settings ***
Library BrowserMobProxy
Library SeleniumLibrary
Library RequestsLibrary
Library Collections
Resource resources${/}base.robot
Resource resources${/}common.robot
Resource resources${/}auth.robot
Suite Setup Setup Test Suite
Test Teardown Close All Browsers
Suite Teardown Test Suite Teardown
*** Variables ***
${BMP_PORT} 9090
*** Test Cases ***
Login User
Wait Until Page Loads
Wait Until Page Contains Element ${UI['login']} timeout=10
Submit Credentials %{TEST_USER} %{TEST_PASS}
*** Keywords ***
Setup Test Suite
Load UI Repository ${REPO_PATH}
Connect To Remote Server ${BMP_HOST} ${BMP_PORT}
Set Selenium Implicit Wait 0.2 seconds
Set Selenium Timeout 30 seconds
${prefs}= Evaluate sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions() sys, selenium.webdriver
&{caps}= Set Capabilities
Call Method ${prefs} add_argument --disable-gpu
Call Method ${prefs} add_argument --headless
Call Method ${prefs} add_argument --no-sandbox
Call Method ${prefs} add_argument --whitelisted-ips
Call Method ${prefs} add_argument --disable-dev-shm-usage
Call Method ${prefs} add_argument --allow-insecure-localhost
Call Method ${prefs} add_argument --disable-web-security
Call Method ${prefs} add_argument --ignore-certificate-errors
Call Method ${prefs} add_argument --allow-running-insecure-content
Create Webdriver Remote command_executor=${SELENIUM} desired_capabilities=${caps}
New Har LoginPage
Go To
Test Suite Teardown
Get Har file.har
Close Proxy
Set Capabilities
[Documentation] Set the options for the selenium Driver
${port}= Create Proxy
&{proxy}= Create Dictionary
... proxyType MANUAL
... sslProxy ${BMP_HOST}:${port}
... httpProxy ${BMP_HOST}:${port}
&{caps}= Create Dictionary browserName=chrome platform=ANY proxy=&{proxy}
Log Selenium capabilities: ${caps}
[return] ${caps}
Create Proxy
[Documentation] Get a BMP port for our test
Create Session bmp http://${BMP_HOST}:${BMP_PORT}
${resp}= Get Request bmp /proxy
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Log BMP Sessions: ${resp.text} [${resp.status_code}]
&{headers}= Create Dictionary Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded
&{data}= Create Dictionary trustAllServers=True
${resp}= Post Request bmp /proxy data=${data} headers=${headers}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Log ${resp.text} [${resp.status_code}]
${port}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.json()} port
Log New BMP port: ${port} [${resp.status_code}]
Set Global Variable ${port}
[return] ${port}
Close Proxy
${resp}= Delete Request bmp /proxy/${port}
Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 200
Log Closed proxy at ${port} [${resp.status_code}]
New Har
[Documentation] Name and initialize a Har
[arguments] ${pagename}
&{data}= Create Dictionary initialPageRef=${pagename}
${resp}= Put Request bmp /proxy/${port}/har params=${data}
#Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.status_code} 204
Log New Har (${pagename}) [${resp.status_code}]
This is on a MacOs Mojave.
I think the most important part of this script is the variables connecting to the hub and the mob browser proxy containers
${BMP_PORT} 9090
This script just shows you how I am setting the preferences that you already see here in the stacktrace on the chrome node.
chrome_1 | Only local connections are allowed.
chrome_1 | Please protect ports used by ChromeDriver and related test frameworks to prevent access by malicious code.
chrome_1 | [1589038824.252][SEVERE]: bind() failed: Cannot assign requested address (99)
These are the issues i have already found online One Two - at the bottom of this issue it was resolved with adding, and as you can see above. I have already tried this.
Three this guy solved this problem by adding ipv6 to his docker config. But i am using a bridged network in docker compose so i dont see why this option would matter....
I am not sure if this is an issue with chromedriver or docker. To go through a couple of things i have already tried... 1. I tried logging in to the chrome container and using the chromedriver cli...I also get the same error comment on issue 2 I did try to use the image that included chromedriver 74 as the next comment suggested next comment on issue 2
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1410
Reputation: 5905
To eliminate
chrome_1 | Only local connections are allowed.
chrome_1 | [1589038824.252][SEVERE]: bind() failed: Cannot assign requested address (99)
You need to by set env JAVA_OPTS
for docker chrome-node image:
image: selenium/node-chrome:3.141.59-oxygen
- selenium-hub
- HUB_HOST=selenium-hub
- HUB_PORT=4444
- caowebtests
- 9515
Upvotes: 1