Mathias Halén
Mathias Halén

Reputation: 145

Keeping one value even if same condition is meet again

So I think I need to explain how I'm trying to get this strategy to work before getting in to what the problem is.

So I'm looking at creating a Strategy that if xx candles is clearly under/over a ema(9) make a Triggerline from the first candle that was over/under that ema and do a buy/sell if the ema(1) crclearly osses that line.

enter image description here

So my first problem is this that i'm getting multiple triggers where I only want one trigger

enter image description here

And when I get multiple triggers my triggerLine move which i don't want it to so I need to get ride of the multiple triggers enter image description here

Here is the code I have so far:

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © mattehalen

strategy("Mathias & Christer EMA", shorttitle="M&C_EMA",overlay=true, process_orders_on_close = true, default_qty_type =  strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100)
len = input(9, title="Length", type=input.integer)
src = input(close, title="Source", type=input.source)
//show4h = input(true, title="show 4h", type=input.bool)
maxLoss = input(3000)

//ema4h = security(syminfo.ticker, "240", rsi(src, len))
ema4h                   = ema(src, len)
emaCurrent              = ema(src, 1)
difference              = (emaCurrent - ema4h)/ema4h
myATR                   = atr(1)

BuyFirstTrigger         = (difference>myATR) and (emaCurrent>ema4h)
BuyTriggerLineBarssince = barssince(BuyFirstTrigger)
BuyTriggerLine          = close[BuyTriggerLineBarssince] 
BuySignalTest           = crossover(close[1],BuyTriggerLine) and (BuyTriggerLineBarssince > 6)
BuySignalTestBarssince  = barssince(BuySignalTest)
bgcolor(BuySignalTest? : na, transp=20)
bgcolor(BuyFirstTrigger and not BuyFirstTrigger[1]? : na, transp=80)

SellFirstTrigger         = ((difference*-1)>myATR) and (emaCurrent<ema4h)
SellTriggerLineBarssince = barssince(SellFirstTrigger)
SellTriggerLine          = close[SellTriggerLineBarssince]
SellSignalTest           = crossunder(close[1],SellTriggerLine) and (SellTriggerLineBarssince > 6)
SellSignalTestBarssince  = barssince(SellSignalTest)
//bgcolor(SellSignalTest and SellSignalTestBarssince[1]>SellTriggerLineBarssince? : na, transp=20)
//bgcolor(SellFirstTrigger and not SellFirstTrigger[1] and SellTriggerLineBarssince[1]>SellTriggerLineBarssince? : na, transp=80)

plot(ema4h,title="ema4h", color=color.purple, linewidth=5)

//bgcolor(BuyTriggerLineBarssince[1]<emaCurrent? : na, transp=20)



BuySignal       = BuySignalTest and BuySignalTestBarssince[1]>BuyTriggerLineBarssince
BuySignalBarssince = barssince(BuySignal)
BuySignalOutBarssince = barssince(crossunder(close[1],ema4h[1]))
BuySignalOut   = crossunder(close[1],ema4h[1]) and BuySignalOutBarssince[1]>BuySignalTestBarssince[1]

SellSignal      = SellSignalTest and SellSignalTestBarssince[1]>SellTriggerLineBarssince
SellSignalBarssince = barssince(ema4h[1]>ema4h[0] and ema4h[1]>80)
SellSignalOutBarssince = barssince(crossover(close[1],ema4h[1]))
SellSignalOut   = crossover(close[1],ema4h[1]) and SellSignalOutBarssince[1]>SellSignalTestBarssince[1]

if BuySignal
    strategy.close("short", comment = "Exit short")
    strategy.entry("long", true)
    strategy.exit("Max Loss", "long", loss = maxLoss)

if BuySignalOut
    strategy.close("long", comment = "Exit Long")
if SellSignal
    // Enter trade and issue exit order on max loss.
    strategy.close("long", comment = "Exit Long")
    strategy.entry("short", false)
    strategy.exit("Max Loss", "short", loss = maxLoss)
if SellSignalOut
    // Force trade exit.
    strategy.close("short", comment = "Exit short")

plotchar(BuySignal, "BuySignal", "⬆", location.belowbar, color.lime,size =size.huge )
plotchar(BuySignalOut, "BuySignalOut", "█", location.belowbar, color.lime,size =size.small)
plotchar(SellSignal, "SellSignal", "⬇", location.abovebar ,,size =size.huge)
plotchar(SellSignalOut, "SellSignalOut", "█", location.abovebar,,size =size.small)

Upvotes: 1

Views: 492

Answers (1)


Reputation: 1043

In order to return a value only the first time a condition is met you can use the following code form:

a = 0
a := condition ? 1 : reset ? 0 : a[1]

and use change(a) ? in order to verify if either condition or reset are met for the first time. Lets take this code as example:

a = 0,b = 0
a := rising(close,14) ? 1 : falling(close,14) ? 0 : a[1]
b := change(a) ? 1 : 0

Here we want b to return 1 the first time close is greater or smaller than any of the previous 14 past close, otherwise 0, both rising and falling can return true consecutively, however b give 1 only for the first time either functions return true.

enter image description here

The plot in green is the one using the previous code, while the one in red always return 1 when both rising or falling are true else 0.

In case you don't want to reset a use:

a = 0
a := condition ? 1 : a[1]

Upvotes: 1

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