Reputation: 145
So I think I need to explain how I'm trying to get this strategy to work before getting in to what the problem is.
So I'm looking at creating a Strategy that if xx candles is clearly under/over a ema(9) make a Triggerline from the first candle that was over/under that ema and do a buy/sell if the ema(1) crclearly osses that line.
So my first problem is this that i'm getting multiple triggers where I only want one trigger
And when I get multiple triggers my triggerLine move which i don't want it to so I need to get ride of the multiple triggers
Here is the code I have so far:
// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © mattehalen
strategy("Mathias & Christer EMA", shorttitle="M&C_EMA",overlay=true, process_orders_on_close = true, default_qty_type = strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value = 100)
len = input(9, title="Length", type=input.integer)
src = input(close, title="Source", type=input.source)
//show4h = input(true, title="show 4h", type=input.bool)
maxLoss = input(3000)
//ema4h = security(syminfo.ticker, "240", rsi(src, len))
ema4h = ema(src, len)
emaCurrent = ema(src, 1)
difference = (emaCurrent - ema4h)/ema4h
myATR = atr(1)
BuyFirstTrigger = (difference>myATR) and (emaCurrent>ema4h)
BuyTriggerLineBarssince = barssince(BuyFirstTrigger)
BuyTriggerLine = close[BuyTriggerLineBarssince]
BuySignalTest = crossover(close[1],BuyTriggerLine) and (BuyTriggerLineBarssince > 6)
BuySignalTestBarssince = barssince(BuySignalTest)
bgcolor(BuySignalTest? : na, transp=20)
bgcolor(BuyFirstTrigger and not BuyFirstTrigger[1]? : na, transp=80)
SellFirstTrigger = ((difference*-1)>myATR) and (emaCurrent<ema4h)
SellTriggerLineBarssince = barssince(SellFirstTrigger)
SellTriggerLine = close[SellTriggerLineBarssince]
SellSignalTest = crossunder(close[1],SellTriggerLine) and (SellTriggerLineBarssince > 6)
SellSignalTestBarssince = barssince(SellSignalTest)
//bgcolor(SellSignalTest and SellSignalTestBarssince[1]>SellTriggerLineBarssince? : na, transp=20)
//bgcolor(SellFirstTrigger and not SellFirstTrigger[1] and SellTriggerLineBarssince[1]>SellTriggerLineBarssince? : na, transp=80)
plot(ema4h,title="ema4h", color=color.purple, linewidth=5)
//bgcolor(BuyTriggerLineBarssince[1]<emaCurrent? : na, transp=20)
BuySignal = BuySignalTest and BuySignalTestBarssince[1]>BuyTriggerLineBarssince
BuySignalBarssince = barssince(BuySignal)
BuySignalOutBarssince = barssince(crossunder(close[1],ema4h[1]))
BuySignalOut = crossunder(close[1],ema4h[1]) and BuySignalOutBarssince[1]>BuySignalTestBarssince[1]
SellSignal = SellSignalTest and SellSignalTestBarssince[1]>SellTriggerLineBarssince
SellSignalBarssince = barssince(ema4h[1]>ema4h[0] and ema4h[1]>80)
SellSignalOutBarssince = barssince(crossover(close[1],ema4h[1]))
SellSignalOut = crossover(close[1],ema4h[1]) and SellSignalOutBarssince[1]>SellSignalTestBarssince[1]
if BuySignal
strategy.close("short", comment = "Exit short")
strategy.entry("long", true)
strategy.exit("Max Loss", "long", loss = maxLoss)
if BuySignalOut
strategy.close("long", comment = "Exit Long")
if SellSignal
// Enter trade and issue exit order on max loss.
strategy.close("long", comment = "Exit Long")
strategy.entry("short", false)
strategy.exit("Max Loss", "short", loss = maxLoss)
if SellSignalOut
// Force trade exit.
strategy.close("short", comment = "Exit short")
plotchar(BuySignal, "BuySignal", "⬆", location.belowbar, color.lime,size =size.huge )
plotchar(BuySignalOut, "BuySignalOut", "█", location.belowbar, color.lime,size =size.small)
plotchar(SellSignal, "SellSignal", "⬇", location.abovebar ,,size =size.huge)
plotchar(SellSignalOut, "SellSignalOut", "█", location.abovebar,,size =size.small)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 492
Reputation: 1043
In order to return a value only the first time a condition is met you can use the following code form:
a = 0
a := condition ? 1 : reset ? 0 : a[1]
and use change(a) ?
in order to verify if either condition
or reset
are met for the first time. Lets take this code as example:
a = 0,b = 0
a := rising(close,14) ? 1 : falling(close,14) ? 0 : a[1]
b := change(a) ? 1 : 0
Here we want b
to return 1 the first time close
is greater or smaller than any of the previous 14 past close
, otherwise 0, both rising
and falling
can return true
consecutively, however b
give 1 only for the first time either functions return true
The plot in green is the one using the previous code, while the one in red always return 1 when both rising
or falling
are true else 0.
In case you don't want to reset a
a = 0
a := condition ? 1 : a[1]
Upvotes: 1