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In our task participants provide subjective fear ratings for stimuli (Trajectories) differing in likelihood of being paired with an aversive stimulus (thus the DV is fear ratings). There are two groups, three blocks, and three trajectories resulting in a 2 (Group: Experimental/Yoked control) x 3 (Block: GEN1-3) x 3 (Trajectory: G1/G2/G3) RM ANOVA. For this I use the following code:
a_Fear_ratings <- aov_ez("PP", "Fear", HM2_fear_gen_K, between="Group", within=c("Block", "Trajectory"), anova_table = list(es = "pes"))
And get these results:
Response: Fear
Effect df MSE F pes p.value
1 Group 1, 62 3552.21 0.03 <.001 .861
2 Block 1.41, 87.43 293.76 37.96 *** .380 <.001
3 Group:Block 1.41, 87.43 293.76 0.68 .011 .462
4 Trajectory 1.43, 88.52 737.20 3.36 + .051 .055
5 Group:Trajectory 1.43, 88.52 737.20 5.18 * .077 .015
6 Block:Trajectory 3.30, 204.62 89.27 2.02 .031 .107
7 Group:Block:Trajectory 3.30, 204.62 89.27 0.67 .011 .584
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘+’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Sphericity correction method: GG
I have a priori hypotheses to test for which I need to compare ratings to the different trajectories within groups so I run planned comparisons using the code
a_Fear_ratings1 <- emmeans(a_Fear_ratings, ~Trajectory|Group + Block)
pairs(a_Fear_ratings1, adjust="holm")
and get the following results:
Group = Experimental, Block = GEN1:
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
G1 - G2 2.38 3.75 195 0.634 0.5268
G1 - G3 8.92 3.75 195 2.380 0.0548
G2 - G3 6.54 3.75 195 1.746 0.1647
Group = Yoked, Block = GEN1:
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
G1 - G2 -2.99 3.75 195 -0.798 1.0000
G1 - G3 -3.48 3.75 195 -0.929 1.0000
G2 - G3 -0.49 3.75 195 -0.131 1.0000
P value adjustment: holm method for 3 tests
I'm showing only first block (GEN1) for both groups here, but the DFs are exactly the same in the other blocks.
Could someone explain to me how these degrees of freedom are calculated and if they are correct? I can't seem to find an answer that directly applies to my problem. Also, I ran a similar analysis about a year ago and did not get such large DFs?
Thank you in advance!
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Views: 190
Reputation: 6810
This looks right to me. You say there are 32 subjects per group (in a nested arrangement), so in a case where there are no missing observations, you would have 32*2*3*3=576 observations total. There are 31 df for subjects in each group for a total of 62. So the df count in the model is:
Groups: 1 d.f.
Subj: 62
Blocks: 2
Traj: 2
G*B: 2
G*T: 2
S*B: 124
S*T: 124
B*T: 4
G*B*T: 4
S*B*T: 248 (residual d.f)
total: 575 = 576 - 1
So in a straight ANOVA approach, which is pretty much what is used by aov_ez
by default, you should have 248 df for those within-subjects comparisons. The output shows only 195, so I guess a few observations are missing?
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