Reputation: 2207
I am trying to update an attribute in my Core Data through an NSManagedObject. As soon as I update it, I save the context and it gets saved successfully.
After the context saves it, the UI (SwiftUI) won't update it with the new value. If I add a completely new Children into Core Data (insert) the UI gets updated.
What I tried:
Is this a SwiftUI bug? As-is State
//only updating the data
let context = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).persistentContainer.viewContext
let fetchReq = NSFetchRequest<Card>(entityName: "Card") //filter distributorID; should return only one Card
fetchReq.resultType = .managedObjectResultType
fetchReq.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "id == %@", params["id"]!) //I get an array with cards
var cards :[Card] = []
cards = try context.fetch(fetchReq)
//some other functions
cards[0].counter = "3" //
self.objectWillChange.send() //doesn't do anything?
//sucessfully, no error. Data is there if I restart the app and "force" a reload of the UI
//Core Data "Card"
extension Card :Identifiable{
@nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<Card> {
return NSFetchRequest<Card>(entityName: "Card")
@NSManaged public var id: String
//Main SwiftUI - data is correctly displayed on the card
@FetchRequest(entity: Card.entity(),
sortDescriptors: [],
predicate: nil)
var cards: FetchedResults<Card>
List {
ForEach(cards){ card in
CardView(value: Int(card.counter)!, maximum: Int(card.maxValue)!,
headline: card.desc, mstatement:
Upvotes: 7
Views: 1469
Reputation: 257779
If first code block is a part of ObservableObject, then it does not look that third block, view one, depends on it, and if there is no changes in dependencies, view is not updated.
Try this approach.
But if there are dependencies, which are just not provided then change order of save and publisher as
Upvotes: 1