Pann Phyu Phway
Pann Phyu Phway

Reputation: 55

how to add/delete to xml file without replacing original value?

I would like to do add/delete function based on the user's input file.

i have two files. one is user's input file and another one is original xml file. First is checking whether user's request ID is exist in original config or not . if it is exist it will perform delete function , if no ID is exit in original config file, it will perform add function.based on the user's input file request.I start learning perl script.kindly help to suggest how to do add/delete function to the original config file . thanks alot :)

below is my user's input file

add:L83A:55FIP:11:18: #addfunction:DesignID:ProcessID:registerIDs
del:L83A:FRP:149:155:194: #deletefunction:DesignID:ProcessID:registerIDs

here is my original config xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


so the result should comeout by writing xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


but my code only replace for 11 and 18 instead of adding . and also cannot perform delete function :(

here is my code:

use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use feature 'say';
my $filename = 'new.txt';
my $data;
my $run;
open(FILE, '<', $filename) or die $!;
foreach $run(@{XMLin('sigma_loader.xml')->{Run}})  # see how it looks
  $data->{$run->{DESIGN_ID}}->{$run->{PROCESS_ID}} =
  {map { $_ => 1 } @{$run->{RegisterList}->{Register}}};
while (<FILE>)
{   my $line = $_;
   chomp $line ;
my ($action,$design_id, $process_id, @register_ids) = split /:/, $line; #split the line with add:design_ID:process_ID:register_ID

if(exists $data->{$design_id})
 if (exists $data->{$design_id}->{$process_id})
   my $register_id;
foreach $register_id (@register_ids) {
   if (exists $data->{$design_id}->{$process_id}->{$register_id}) {
    say " $design_id: $register_id - existing register ID";
  else {
   say "  $design_id : $register_id - no existing register ID";
   if($action eq 'add')
    $data->{$design_id}->{$process_id}= {$register_id , '1'};
     print Dumper($data);

   if($action eq 'del')
    my $xml = XMLin('sigma_loader.xml', ForceArray => 1, KeepRoot => 1);
    delete $xml->{DESIGN_ID}[0]{PROCESS_ID}[0]{RegisterList}[0]{Register}{$register_id};
    print XMLout($xml, KeepRoot => 1)
   say "$design_id: doesn't have $process_id";
   say "$design_id does't exist in data";

Upvotes: 1

Views: 69

Answers (1)


Reputation: 3013

Don't use XML::Simple, use a proper XML module like XML::LibXML. This produces your expected output (with likely-insignificant whitespace differences):

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use XML::LibXML;

my $xmlfile = 'sigma_loader.xml';
my $commandfile = 'commands.txt';
my $DEBUG = 1;

my $doc = XML::LibXML->load_xml(location => $xmlfile);

open my $fh, '<', $commandfile or die "$commandfile: $!";
while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
    my ($action,$design_id,$proc_id,@register_ids) = split /:/, $line;
    my @runs = $doc->findnodes("/Sigma/Run[DESIGN_ID='$design_id'"
        ." and PROCESS_ID='$proc_id']");
    print STDERR "Found ".@runs." Run nodes matching DESIGN_ID="
        ."$design_id PROCESS_ID=$proc_id\n" if $DEBUG;
    for my $run (@runs) {
        my ($reglist) = $run->findnodes('./RegisterList')
            or die "Failed to find RegisterList";
        my @regs = $reglist->findnodes('./Register['
            .join(' or ', map {"text()='$_'"} @register_ids).']');
        print STDERR "Found ".@regs." Register nodes for IDs "
            .join(',',@register_ids)."\n" if $DEBUG;
        if ($action eq 'add') {
            my %regs = map { $_->textContent => $_ } @regs;
            for my $regid (@register_ids) {
                next if exists $regs{$regid};
                my $reg = $doc->createElement('Register');
                print STDERR "Added Register $regid\n" if $DEBUG;
        elsif ($action eq 'del') {
            for my $reg (@regs) {
                print STDERR "Removing Register "
                    .$reg->textContent."\n" if $DEBUG;
        else { die "Unknown action '$action'" }

print $doc->toString(1);

Note this makes a few assumptions, like not validating your commands file, assuming that values like $design_id and $proc_id won't break the XPath quoting, assuming there's only one RegisterList per Run, or assuming that within each RegisterList, the Registers are unique. You may have to adjust some of this depending on the specifications of your input files.

Upvotes: 1

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