Reputation: 115
I'm actually using a lot of if statements in robot framework that could easily be a switch statement. I can't find any example of a switch statement in robot Framework (does it even exist ?). here is a part of my code : (i have more than 50 possibilities in if statements like this in my code, it's very huge and logs are too big to find pieces of informations (all the ifs are written in the log file, even those false). thanks for your help
# 1st posibility
\ ${varA} Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Run Keyword If '${Type}' == 'Deal' keyword1 ${Name}
# 2d posibility
\ ${varB} Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Run Keyword If '${Type}' == 'Scenario' and '${varA}' != 'None' keyword2 ${Name}
# 3rd posibility
\ ${varC} Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Run Keyword If '${Type}' == 'Site' and '${varA}' != 'None' keyword3 ${Name}
# 4th posibility
\ Run Keyword And Continue On Failure Run Keyword If '${Type}' == 'SiteFile' and '${varA}' != 'None' keyword4 ${varA}
Upvotes: 1
Views: 10925
Reputation: 115
Here is what I've done.
My log are lisible
*** Settings ***
*** Test Case ***
Switch Keyword ${Type}
def Calculate_funct(var1):
BuiltIn().run_keyword('CalculateKeyword', '${el1}', '${el2}','${el3}')
def ValidateSite_funct(var1):
if Id != "" :
BuiltIn().run_keyword('ValidateKeyword', '${el1}', '${el2}')
else :
return "error"
def switch_keyword(keyword, **kwargs):
"""select the correct function to apply in function of the given keyword.\n
keyword: keyword in the first column of the file.\n
arguments: columns content.\n
does the call to the correct api.\n
| Switch Keyword | ${Type} |
switcher = {
"Calculate": Calculate_funct,
"Validate" : Validate_funct,
func = switcher.get(keyword, lambda: "invalid keywork")
returned_thing = func(**kwargs)
return returned_thing
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1569
If in all cases you decide what keyword to execute based on single value i.e ${Type}
than you could try to create dictionary with mapping like type=keyword
and dynamically find out which keyword to execute. Below is simple example:
*** Settings ***
Library Collections
*** Variables ***
&{TYPE_MAPPING} deal=keyword1 scenario=keyword2 site=keyword3 sitefile=keyword4
*** Test Cases ***
Take Action Based On Type deal
Take Action Based On Type scenario
Take Action Based On Type site
Take Action Based On Type sitefile
Take Action Based On Type xyz
*** Keywords ***
Take Action Based On Type
[Arguments] ${type}
${kw_name} Map Type To Keyword Name ${type}
Run Keyword And Continue On Failure ${kw_name}
Map Type To Keyword Name
[Arguments] ${type}
${result} ${value} Run Keyword And Ignore Error Get From Dictionary ${TYPE_MAPPING} ${type.lower()}
Run Keyword If '${result}' == 'FAIL' Fail msg=Was not able to map type "${type}" to keyword name
Return From Keyword ${value}
Log Deal
Log Scenario
Log Site
Log SiteFile
Upvotes: 3