
Reputation: 4405

Python variable appears to be json but with quotes throughout

I'm new to Python; using Jupyter nb here.

When setting a variable to the results of an az cli command, I get a json array but one riddled with single quotes.

When I run the command alone, without setting it to a variable, the response is clean json.

How do I get the variable result as clean json?

Example1: (This was fixed by using .join as explained in the comments)

new_mi = !az identity create --name $mi_name --resource-group $rg_name --location $rc_location
 '  "clientId": "redacto",',
 '  "clientSecretUrl": "",',
 '  "id": "/subscriptions/redacto/resourcegroups/rg_azureFunction/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/mi_azureFunction",',
 '  "location": "westus2",',
 '  "name": "mi_azureFunction",',
 '  "principalId": "redacto",',
 '  "resourceGroup": "rg_azureFunction",',
 '  "tags": {',
 '    "lang": "python",',
 '    "owner": "redacto",',
 '    "project": "test"',
 '  },',
 '  "tenantId": "redacto",',
 '  "type": "Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities"',

Example2: Different az cli command, but .join does not work here

sa_new = !az storage account create --name $sa_name --resource-group $rg_name --access-tier Cool --default-action Deny --kind StorageV2 --sku Standard_LRS --subscription $sub_id --tags $sa_tags


["WARNING: The default kind for created storage account will change to 'StorageV2' from 'Storage' in the future",
 '  "accessTier": "Cool",',
 '  "azureFilesIdentityBasedAuthentication": null,',
 '  "creationTime": "2020-05-21T05:28:13.115847+00:00",',
 '  "customDomain": null,',
 '  "enableHttpsTrafficOnly": true,',
 '  "encryption": {',
 '    "keySource": "Microsoft.Storage",',
 '    "keyVaultProperties": null,',
 '    "services": {',
 '      "blob": {',
 '        "enabled": true,',
 '        "lastEnabledTime": "2020-05-21T05:28:13.193965+00:00"',
 '      },',
 '      "file": {',
 '        "enabled": true,',
 '        "lastEnabledTime": "2020-05-21T05:28:13.193965+00:00"',
 '      },',
 '      "queue": null,',
 '      "table": null',
 '    }',
 '  },',
 '  "failoverInProgress": null,',
 '  "geoReplicationStats": null,',
 '  "id": "/subscriptions/redacto/resourceGroups/redacto/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/redacto",',
 '  "identity": null,',
 '  "isHnsEnabled": null,',
 '  "kind": "StorageV2",',
 '  "largeFileSharesState": null,',
 '  "lastGeoFailoverTime": null,',
 '  "location": "westus2",',
 '  "name": "redacto",',
 '  "networkRuleSet": {',
 '    "bypass": "AzureServices",',
 '    "defaultAction": "Deny",',
 '    "ipRules": [],',
 '    "virtualNetworkRules": []',
 '  },',
 '  "primaryEndpoints": {',
 '    "blob": "",',
 '    "dfs": "",',
 '    "file": "",',
 '    "queue": "",',
 '    "table": "",',
 '    "web": ""',
 '  },',
 '  "primaryLocation": "westus2",',
 '  "provisioningState": "Succeeded",',
 '  "resourceGroup": "redacto",',
 '  "secondaryEndpoints": null,',
 '  "secondaryLocation": null,',
 '  "sku": {',
 '    "capabilities": null,',
 '    "kind": null,',
 '    "locations": null,',
 '    "name": "Standard_LRS",',
 '    "resourceType": null,',
 '    "restrictions": null,',
 '    "tier": "Standard"',
 '  },',
 '  "statusOfPrimary": "available",',
 '  "statusOfSecondary": null,',
 '  "tags": {',
 '    "owner": "redacto",',
 '    "project": "test"',
 '  },',
 '  "type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts"',

sa_new = json.loads("\n".join(sa_new))

JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Example3: This command has the same issue, a "WARNING" message at the top makes the response invalid JSON

az_new = !az functionapp create --consumption-plan-location westus --name $af_name --os-type Linux --resource-group $rg_name --runtime python --storage-account $sa_name --disable-app-insights true


["WARNING: Your Linux function app 'redacto', that uses a consumption plan has been successfullycreated but is not active until content is published usingAzure Portal or the Functions Core Tools.",
 '  "availabilityState": "Normal",',
 '  "clientAffinityEnabled": false,',...

Upvotes: 1

Views: 147

Answers (1)


Reputation: 2360

When you use ! to run command in Jupyter, it returns the output as a list of rows. A more convenient way might be to use os.popen or or similar command, and then parse the json.

import os
import json

json.loads(os.popen("az identity create --name $mi_name --resource-group $rg_name --location $rc_location

Upvotes: 1

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