Reputation: 2967
We have an audit requirement to provide insight into who executed what query at what moment in Azure Databricks. The Azure Databricks / Spark UI / Jobs tab already lists the Spark jobs executed including the query done and the time it was submitted. But it does not include who executed the query.
Thanks, Gero
Upvotes: 2
Views: 907
Reputation: 441
Following the answer from Douglas I came up with this function to use inside Databricks Notebooks and get some information about the cached RDDs:
I hope it helps. I was looking information about 2h on this topic.
def get_databricks_rdd_info():
import requests, json
# Get Spark Context
sc = spark.sparkContext
# Get App Id (Notebook is attached to it)
app_id =
# Where is my driver
driver_ip = spark.conf.get('')
port = spark.conf.get("spark.ui.port")
# Compose the query to the Spark UI API
url = f"http://{driver_ip}:{port}/api/v1/applications/{app_id}/storage/rdd"
# Make request
r = requests.get(url, timeout=3.0)
if r.status_code == 200:
# Compose results
df = spark.createDataFrame([json.dumps(r) for r in r.json()], T.StringType())
json_schema = row: row.value)).schema
df = df.withColumn('value', F.from_json(F.col('value'), json_schema))
df = df.selectExpr('value.*')
# Generate summary
df_summary = (df
.withColumn('Name', F.element_at(F.split(F.col('name'), ' '), -1))
.withColumn('Cached', F.round(F.lit(100) * F.col('numCachedPartitions')/F.col('numPartitions'), 2))
.withColumn('Memory GB', F.round(F.col('memoryUsed')*1e-9, 2))
.withColumn('Disk GB', F.round(F.col('diskUsed')*1e-9, 2))
.withColumnRenamed('numPartitions', '# Partitions')
'Memory GB',
'Disk GB',
'# Partitions',
print('Some error happened, code:', r.status_code)
df = None
df_summary = None
return df, df_summary
You can use it inside Databricks Notebooks as:
df_rdd_info, df_summary = get_databricks_rdd_info()
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1126
a. Driver node (internal) access the Azure Databricks Spark api:
import requests
driverIp = spark.conf.get('')
port = spark.conf.get("spark.ui.port")
url = F"http://{driverIp}:{port}/api/v1/applications"
r = requests.get(url, timeout=3.0)
r.status_code, r.text
If for example you received this error message from public API:
PERMISSION_DENIED: Traffic on this port is not permitted
b. External Access to the Azure Databricks Spark API:
import requests
import json
Program access to Databricks Spark UI.
Works external to Databricks environment or running within.
Requires a Personal Access Token. Treat this like a password, do not store in a notebook. Please refer to the Secrets API.
This Python code requires F string support.
# https://<databricks-host>/driver-proxy-api/o/0/<cluster_id>/<port>/api/v1/applications/<application-id-from-master-spark-ui>/stages/<stage-id>
port = spark.conf.get("spark.ui.port")
clusterId = spark.conf.get("spark.databricks.clusterUsageTags.clusterId")
host = ""
workspaceId = "999999999999111" # follows the 'o=' in the databricks URLs or zero
token = "dapideedeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef68ee3" # Personal Access token
url = F"https://{host}/driver-proxy-api/o/{workspaceId}/{clusterId}/{port}/api/v1/applications/?status=running"
r = requests.get(url, auth=("token", token))
# print Application list response
print(r.status_code, r.text)
applicationId = r.json()[0]['id'] # assumes only one response
url = F"https://{host}/driver-proxy-api/o/{workspaceId}/{clusterId}/{port}/api/v1/applications/{applicationId}/jobs"
r = requests.get(url, auth=("token", token))
print(r.status_code, r.json())
The cluster logs would be where you'd look, but the user identity is not there.
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Upvotes: 2