Reputation: 2101
My dataframe looks like:
df <- tibble::tribble(
~order_id, ~user_id, ~comp_order, ~comp_rec,
1164320, 32924, "4-6-22-11-37-5", "4-5-6-11-22-36-37",
1169182, 33128, "9-4-15-28-8-7", "4-7-8-9-28-37-38",
1166014, 33003, "27-22-4-6-5", "4-5-6-22-27-36-37",
1166019, 32996, "27-22-4-6-8", "4-6-8-22-27-36-38"
I want to know what digit is present in the comp_order column and not in the comp_rec.
The final output should look like:
order_id user_id comp_rec comp_order is_equal elements_removed_from_rec elements_added_to_order
<dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 1164320 32924 4-5-6-11-22-36-37 4-6-22-11-37-5 no 36 none
2 1169182 33128 4-7-8-9-28-37-38 9-4-15-28-8-7 no 37 none
3 1166014 33003 4-5-6-22-27-36-37 27-22-4-6-5 no 36-37 none
4 1166019 32996 4-6-8-22-27-36-38 27-22-4-6-8 no 36-38 none
5 1166012 32922 27-22-4-6-8 27-22-4-6-8 yes none none
6 1166033 32911 27-22-4-6-8 27-22-4-6-8-33 no none 33
df_output <- tibble::tribble(
~order_id, ~user_id, ~comp_rec, ~comp_order, ~is_equal, ~elements_removed_from_rec, ~elements_added_to_order,
1164320, 32924, "4-5-6-11-22-36-37", "4-6-22-11-37-5", "no", "36", "none",
1169182, 33128, "4-7-8-9-28-37-38", "9-4-15-28-8-7", "no", "37", "none",
1166014, 33003, "4-5-6-22-27-36-37", "27-22-4-6-5", "no", "36-37", "none",
1166019, 32996, "4-6-8-22-27-36-38", "27-22-4-6-8", "no", "36-38", "none",
1166012, 32922, "27-22-4-6-8", "27-22-4-6-8", "yes", "none", "none",
1166033, 32911, "27-22-4-6-8", "27-22-4-6-8-33", "no", "none", "33"
I would need to know:
In terms of digits in the string.
The issues that the order of the digits in the string is not necessarily the same...
How can I make a comparison between these 2 strings?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1112
Reputation: 24790
Here's an approach with purrr
First, we use purrr:map
to split the elements on -
into a list of elements. Then, we use purrr:map2
to perform setdiff
on the lists to identify the different elements.
If both evaluate to ""
, then we know they are the same, and so we can use case_when
to determine the is_equal
Then we can clean up by removing the list columns.
df %>%
mutate(comp_order_list = map(comp_order, ~str_split(.,"-", simplify = TRUE)),
comp_rec_list = map(comp_rec, ~str_split(.,"-", simplify = TRUE)),
elements_removed = map2_chr(comp_rec_list,comp_order_list,
~ paste(setdiff(.x,.y),collapse = "-")),
elements_added = map2_chr(comp_order_list,comp_rec_list,
~ paste(setdiff(.x,.y),collapse = "-")),
is_equal = case_when(elements_removed == "" & elements_added == "" ~ "yes",
TRUE ~ "no")) %>%
# A tibble: 6 x 7
order_id user_id comp_rec comp_order is_equal elements_removed elements_added
<dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 1164320 32924 4-5-6-11-22-36-37 4-6-22-11-37-5 no "36" ""
2 1169182 33128 4-7-8-9-28-37-38 9-4-15-28-8-7 no "37-38" "15"
3 1166014 33003 4-5-6-22-27-36-37 27-22-4-6-5 no "36-37" ""
4 1166019 32996 4-6-8-22-27-36-38 27-22-4-6-8 no "36-38" ""
5 1166012 32922 27-22-4-6-8 27-22-4-6-8 yes "" ""
6 1166033 32911 27-22-4-6-8 27-22-4-6-8-33 no "" "33"
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 11514
Here one way of doing it that utilises setdiff
at its core:
# These two lines split the strings and store them in one cell in the dataframe
df$digits_order <- str_split(df$comp_order, "-")
df$digits_rec <- str_split(df$comp_rec, "-")
# The following apply function iterates over rows and applies setdiff.
# paste is used to stitch them together if apply returns multiple digits.
df$in_rec_but_not_order <- apply(df, 1, function(row) paste(setdiff(row$digits_rec, row$digits_order), collapse = "-"))
df$in_order_but_not_rec <- apply(df, 1, function(row) paste(setdiff(row$digits_order, row$digits_rec), collapse = "-"))
# A tibble: 4 x 8
order_id user_id comp_order comp_rec digits_order digits_rec in_order_but_not_rec in_rec_but_not_order
<dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <list> <list> <chr> <chr>
1 1164320 32924 4-6-22-11-37-5 4-5-6-11-22-36-37 <chr [6]> <chr [7]> "" 36
2 1169182 33128 9-4-15-28-8-7 4-7-8-9-28-37-38 <chr [6]> <chr [7]> 15 37-38
3 1166014 33003 27-22-4-6-5 4-5-6-22-27-36-37 <chr [5]> <chr [7]> "" 36-37
4 1166019 32996 27-22-4-6-8 4-6-8-22-27-36-38 <chr [5]> <chr [7]> "" 36-38
Here, the last column contains the digits missing from the record.
Upvotes: 2