I'm taking a complicated legacy schema and mapping it with Fluent NHibernate. The schema is wacky enough that I've given up on automapping; the relationships between tables are weird and complicated, and it would involve a ton of exceptions.
The thing is, the simple properties are totally normal; a table's Title
column maps to that entity's Title
property, and so on. But because I've opted out of global automapping, there doesn't seem to be a way to avoid mapping each of my string and integer properties on every class. I find myself wanting something like
class SomeMapping : ClassMap<SomeEntity>
public SomeMapping()
Before I build something complicated that reflectively emits lambda expressions (or somesuch), am I just missing an obvious feature?
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Views: 414
This is not what I ended up doing, but for posterity, here's how you can map properties automatically without using an automapper:
public class PropMap<V> : ClassMap<V>
public PropMap()
foreach (var propInfo in typeof(V).GetProperties()
.Where(p => simpleTypes.Contains(p.PropertyType)))
ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(V), "x");
Map(Expression.Lambda<Func<V, object>>(
Expression.Convert(Expression.MakeMemberAccess(param, propInfo), typeof(object)), param));
private static readonly Type[] simpleTypes = new[]
typeof (DateTime),
typeof (String),
typeof (int),
typeof (long),
typeof (Enum)
And then just have the map classes inherit from that. Obviously, it has some serious flaws, and I didn't go with it.
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Use the trial version of Visual NHibernate to quickly generate your entity classes and Fluent mappings, then take it from there. Disclaimer: I work for Slyce Software.
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Or you can try NHibernate Mapping Generator to generate NHibernate mapping files and corresponding domain classes from existing DB tables:
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Reputation: 346
How about using automapping and then overrides where things don't fit conventions? I don't think it's too much of a burden. You'll need to specify the complex relationships that don't fit a convention somewhere anyhow.
Upvotes: 1