Reputation: 65
1.Open the MS Chromium edge and type the command "edge://settings/help
" to check the version
2. Download the MS Chromium edge webdriver and placed it into project directory
3. Set the desired capabilities in conf.js file
4. Start the server using command "webdriver-manager start --edge msedgedriver.exe"
5. Run the test using the "protractor conf.js
Chromium Edge Version = 83.0.478.37
Chromium web driver = 83.0.478.37
Selenium server version = 3.141.59
JDK =1.8.191
exports.config = {
// The address of a running selenium server.
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
capabilities: {
'browserName': 'chrome',
'goog:chromeOptions': {
// Faked out chrome binary
'binary':'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge Beta\\Application\\msedge.exe'
//Path of Chromium edge driver
specs: ['spec.js'],
Also tried with using desired capabilities in spec.js file as well but still blank page is opened
describe('slow calculator', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
let options = new edge.Options();
//options.setBinaryPath("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge Beta\\Application\\msedge.exe");
let browser = edge.Driver.createSession(options);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 614
Reputation: 46
While starting webdriver-manager, ensure the path to msedgedriver is specified.
webdriver-manager start --edge "pathToEdgeDriver/msedgedriver.exe"
The capabilities object should have MicrosoftEdge as browserName.
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
capabilities: {
'browserName': 'MicrosoftEdge'
Upvotes: 1