Reputation: 86
I'm tasked with opening, writing, reading the response and then closing the com port. So in order
Open Com Port 1 baud rate 9600 8,N,1 or 8 none and 1
Write out a string to an instrument "#AddressReading" + return character
Wait for and gradually read the response
Close the com port to use it again in a couple of mintues
I'm using a 32-bit win OS and I've tried a couple of different methods-
which involves integrating the win32.dll and I wasn't able to figure out how to call win32 in VBA excel
What is the best way to access a serial port from VBA?
this just caused excel to crash every time I tried to modify and run the code...not sure again if this is related to the sleep function or not.
The other thing I found was a bunch of SDK's the cost way out of my budget libraries for VBA serial communication.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 19671
Reputation: 9
A query. In the above solution the string “COM1:9600,N,8,1,X” opens a serial line with XON/XOFF flow control.
What is the replacement for X that gives No flow control?
Many thanks
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 86
Similar to Read from Serial port to Excel I modified it to answer this.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Open "COM1:9600,N,8,1,X" For Binary Access Read Write As #1 'Opens Com Port with Baud rate and bit settings
Cmnd = "#AddressReading" + Chr(13) 'Message assembled to be sent to device on serial port
Put #1, , Cmnd 'Sends assembled message
answer = "" 'clear response string
char = Input(1, #1) 'get first character
While (char <> Chr(13)) 'loop until [CR]
If (char > Chr(31)) Then
answer = answer + char 'add, if printable char
' Do what ever you like
End If
char = Input(1, #1) 'get the next character
Close #1
Range("C2").Value = answer 'places response in desired cell
End Sub
Upvotes: 4