Reputation: 136
Hello everyone so i have started learning react native and i was trying to implement DrawerNavigation. While doing so I was trying to invoke my HomeStackScreen from externl js file but it is throwing error "Nothing was returned from render."
my App.js is ---->
const HomeStack = createStackNavigator();
const DetailStack = createStackNavigator();
const Drawer = createDrawerNavigator();
const HomeStackScreen = (navigation) => {
<HomeStack.Navigator screenOptions={{
headerStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#009387'
headerTintColor: '#fff',
headerTitleStyle: {
fontWeight: 'bold'
<HomeStack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} />
const DetailStackScreen = (navigation) => {
<DetailStack.Navigator screenOptions={{
headerStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#009387'
headerTintColor: '#fff',
headerTitleStyle: {
fontWeight: 'bold'
<DetailStack.Screen name="Home" component={DashboardScreen}/>
const App = () => {
return (
<Drawer.Navigator initialRouteName="Home">
<Drawer.Screen name="Home" component={HomeStackScreen} />
<Drawer.Screen name="Details" component={DetailStackScreen} />
{/* */}
export default App;
And this is my HomeScreen in which i was trying to make a login page. and here i have defined two text input and getting username and password from user and then i was trying to validate those credentials and display the alert message .
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import {
} from 'react-native';
import { TextInput } from 'react-native-gesture-handler';
import styles from './styles'
export default class Home extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
state = {
if(this.state.username="admin" && this.state.password=="admin")
Alert.alert("Access","You have login",[{
} else {
Alert.alert("ERROR","Incorrect Username/Password",[{
render() {
const { mainConatiner, heading, input, } = styles
return (
<View style={mainConatiner}>
<Text style={heading}>Login to Application</Text>
<TextInput style={input} placeholder={"User Name"} onChangeText={text=>this.setState({username:text})}/>
<TextInput style={input} secureTextEntry={true} placeholder={"Password"} onChangeText={text=>this.setState({password:text})}/>
<Button title={"Login"} onPress={()=>this.validateUser()} />
Upvotes: 1
Views: 344
Reputation: 16334
You should return the content from the components, same thing should be done for DetailStackScreen as well.
const HomeStackScreen = (navigation) => {
return (
<HomeStack.Navigator screenOptions={{
headerStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#009387'
headerTintColor: '#fff',
headerTitleStyle: {
fontWeight: 'bold'
<HomeStack.Screen name="Home" component={HomeScreen} />
Upvotes: 1