Reputation: 2961
first scripting goal I haven't been able to uncover my own solution for.
Attempts and research on how to find current font size so far:
checking wmic for a useable value:
wmic path Win32_VideoController get * /format:value
The accepted solution for this similar question:
for /f "tokens=3" %A in ('reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics" /v AppliedDPI') do echo %A
Searching Q&A's here on stackoverflow
Searching on Dostips
Using an external executable to force font size (BG.exe)
Script execution is intended for Windows 10 systems supporting ASCII escape codes
The context for needing current font size:
I've developed a routine for controlling console size and position, which remains accurate accross different resolutions, however it currently depends on values for maximum lines and columns based on an assumed font size of 16x8
With a reliable means to determine font size, I can do away with this assumption and formulate positioning using the relationship between the actual font size, maximum lines / columns and screen resolution. I still need to determine the above relationship - if anyone already knows it, feel free to share.
::: { Subroutine to process output of wmic command into usable variables for screen dimensions (resolution)
::: - Formula based on Consolas 16x8 Font
:ChangeConsole <Lines> <Columns> <Label to Resume From> <If a 4th parameter is Defined, Aligns screen at top left>
::: - Get screen Dimensions
For /f "delims=" %%# in ('"wmic path Win32_VideoController get CurrentHorizontalResolution,CurrentVerticalResolution /format:value"') do (
Set "%%#">nul
::: - Calculation of X axis relative to screen resolution and console size. Resolution scales to Max Columns ~ 165
Set /A XresScale=CurrentHorizontalResolution / 165
Set /A HorzCentre=CurrentHorizontalResolution / 2
Set /A CentreX= ( HorzCentre - ( ( %~2 * XresScale ) / 2 ) ) - 8
::: - Calculation of Y axis relative to screen resolution and console size. Resolution scales to Max Lines ~ 43
Set /A YresScale=CurrentVerticalResolution / 43
Set /A VertCentre=CurrentVerticalResolution / 2
Set /A CentreY=VertCentre - ( ( %~1 * YresScale ) / 2 )
::: - Optional 4th parameter can be used to align console at top left of screen instead of screen centre
If Not "%~4"=="" (Set /A CentreY=0,CentreX=-8)
::: - Creates a batch file to reopen the main script using Call with parameters to define properties for console change and the label to resume from.
Echo.@Mode Con: lines=%~1 cols=%~2
Echo.@Title %ProgName%
Echo.@Call "%AlignFile%" "%~1" "%~2" "%~3" "%AlignFile%"
::: - .Vbs script creation
Echo.Set objWMIService = GetObject^("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2"^)
Echo.Set objConfig = objWMIService.Get^("Win32_ProcessStartup"^)
Echo.objConfig.X = %CentreX%
Echo.objConfig.Y = %CentreY%
Echo.Set objNewProcess = objWMIService.Get^("Win32_Process"^)
Echo.intReturn = objNewProcess.Create^("%temp%\ChangeConsole.bat", Null, objConfig, intProcessID^)
::: - .Vbs Starts the companion batch script to Change Console properties, ends the parent.
Start "" "%temp%\Consolepos.vbs" & Exit
::: }
Upvotes: 1
Views: 683
Reputation: 2961
With the compiled .exe Aacini was kind enough to craft, I've been able to flesh out the remaining issues with console size and position calculations.
The remaining piece of the puzzle was in the scaling factor of the display, something I failed to consider until it came up in this discussion
Capture variable values required for scaling screen size / position
::: { Variable used in calling this script from the Self created resizing Batch.
Set "ThisFile=%~F0"
::: }
::: { Get screen Dimensions
For /f "delims=" %%# in ('"wmic path Win32_VideoController get CurrentHorizontalResolution,CurrentVerticalResolution /format:value"') do (
Set "%%#">nul
::: - Calculate scale Factor in effect. Registry value requires restart to update if scale has changed.
For /F "Tokens=3 Delims= " %%A in ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics" /V AppliedDPI') Do Set /A SF=%%A / 100 + 1
::: - Get Font Size
(For /F "Delims=" %%S in ('dir GetFontSize.exe /B /S') Do (%%S)) 2> Nul
Set /A "Font.H=%errorlevel% >> 16, Font.W=%errorlevel% & 0xFF"
Set /A Max.Width= ( CurrentHorizontalResolution / ( Font.W * SF ) )
rem // account for title and start bar
Set /A Max.Height= ( ( CurrentVerticalResolution / Font.H ) / SF ) - 4
::: }
::: { Call Subroutine to Resize and Position the Console
Call :ChangeConsole %Max.Height% %Max.Width% Matrix TL
::: }
Subroutine to calculate window position, create and launch companion files to reopen script with desired properties
:ChangeConsole <Lines> <Columns> <Label to Resume From> <If a 4th parameter is Defined, Aligns screen at top left>
::: - Calculation of X axis relative to screen resolution and console size. Resolution scales to Max Columns.
Set /A XresScale= CurrentHorizontalResolution / Max.Width
Set /A HorzCentre= CurrentHorizontalResolution / 2
Set /A CentreX= ( HorzCentre - ( ( %~2 * XresScale ) / 2 ) )
::: - Calculation of Y axis relative to screen resolution and console size. Resolution scales to Max Lines.
Set /A YresScale= CurrentVerticalResolution / Max.Height
Set /A VertCentre= CurrentVerticalResolution / 2
Set /A CentreY= VertCentre - ( ( %~1 * YresScale ) / 2 )
::: - Optional 4th parameter can be used to align console at top left of screen instead of screen centre
If Not "%~4"=="" (Set /A CentreY=0,CentreX=-8)
::: - Creates a batch file to reopen the main script using Call with parameters to define properties for console change and the label to resume from.
Echo.@Mode Con: lines=%~1 cols=%~2
Echo.@Title %ProgName%
Echo.@Call "%ThisFile%" "%~1" "%~2" "%~3" "%ThisFile%"
::: - .Vbs script creation
Echo.Set objWMIService = GetObject^("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2"^)
Echo.Set objConfig = objWMIService.Get^("Win32_ProcessStartup"^)
Echo.objConfig.X = %CentreX%
Echo.objConfig.Y = %CentreY%
Echo.Set objNewProcess = objWMIService.Get^("Win32_Process"^)
Echo.intReturn = objNewProcess.Create^("%temp%\ChangeConsole.bat", Null, objConfig, intProcessID^)
::: - .Vbs Starts the companion batch script to Change Console properties, ends the parent.
Start "" "%temp%\Consolepos.vbs" & Exit
::: }
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 67296
I wrote this small MASM32 assembly language program to get the size of the font of the current cmd.exe window:
; FontSize.asm: Returns the current font size of cmd.exe window - Antonio Perez Ayala
include \masm32\include\
nFont DWORD ?
dwFontSize COORD <>
hConsoleOutput DD ?
ConsoleCurrentFont CONSOLE_FONT_INFO <>
invoke GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ;EAX = console output handle
mov hConsoleOutput, eax ;store it
invoke GetCurrentConsoleFont, eax, FALSE, ADDR ConsoleCurrentFont ;get current font info
invoke GetConsoleFontSize, hConsoleOutput, ConsoleCurrentFont.nFont ;EAX = font size
invoke ExitProcess, eax ;return it in ERRORLEVEL
end Main
You may review the documentation of the WIN32 API functions used at this site.
To get the executable program copy this code into fontsize.asm
source program and assembly it via MASM32 SDK package. You may also execute the following .bat Batch file and extract it from the created
@certutil -decode "%~F0" & goto :EOF
program returns the font size via %ERRORLEVEL% value. For example:
C:\Users\Antonio\Documents\ASMB\MASM32 Assembler for Windows
> fontsize.exe
C:\Users\Antonio\Documents\ASMB\MASM32 Assembler for Windows
> set /A "height=%errorlevel% >> 16, width=%errorlevel% & 0xFF"
C:\Users\Antonio\Documents\ASMB\MASM32 Assembler for Windows
> echo The font size is %width% x %height%
The font size is 8 x 16
Upvotes: 1